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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Unit 14

A stroke oluck(第十四单元)

1.Read and listen


B:1. Many years ago. 2. He landed in a haystack. 3. He had no major injuries. .Because a lorry was coming straight at him. 5. Lucky. 6. He was afraid he would have an accident.

1. F (French)2. F(river)3. T 4.T 5. F(He bought his first one for 50years when he was 71)


A:3 A TV company 4 Chevalier

B:1. The doctors told him he had been lucky. 2. Chevalier said he was going to enjoy his life from then on. 3. A TV company in America said they wanted him to make an advert. 4. Chevalier said he wouldn't fly to Los Angeles.

C:Present simple-Past simple

Past simple-Past perfect simple

Present perfect-Past perfect simple

am/is/are going to-was/was/were going to

can/can't- could/couldn't


D:2. 'I've had a lot of luck in my life.' 3. 'I'm going to marry my girlfriend.' 4.'I want to enjoy the rest of my life.' 5.'You'll be really good in an advert.' 6. 'You can earn a lot of money.'

E:2. was going 3. had worked 4. would do his homework 5. could phone 6. had never had

1 Maria said she was going to the cinema. 2 They said they were studying for their exam. 3 Laura said her dad went to the gym every day. 4 The teacher said I had to work harder. 5 The boy said that he felt sick and wanted to go home.


A:2 invitation 3 improvement 4 equipment 5 calculation 6 management 7 information 8 entertainment

B:2 entertainment 3 equipment 4 treatment 5 information 6 reservation 7 payment 8 cancellation

1 enjoyment 2 advertisement 3 presentation 4 motivation 5 exploration 6 agreement


A:1 On a bike trip. 2 At half past nine.


C:1 hadn't 2 have fallen 3 hadn't put 4 have broken 5 wouldn't have


A:past perfect/have

B:If the sun had blinded me, I would have fallen off earlier maybe.

If I hadn't broken my ankle,you wouldn't have stopped to talk to me.

C:1b 2d 3e 4a 5c

D:2. had studied;would have passed 3. wouldn't have won; hadn't played 4. would have bought; had had 5. would have gone; had asked


A:1 pillow 2 morning 3 crystals 4 dawn 5 forever 6 complications

B:1a 2b 3d 4c

Nervous about the exams

9.Read and Listen

A:She feels stressed.Pete is not interested and is rude at first,then he feels sorry and admits he was nervous.Debbie is surprised and feels better.

B:1...she is stressed and can't sleep. 2...you don't know exactly what is going to happen. 3...exams are stressful. 4... nervous.
5...being rude to Debbie. 6...surprised.

10.Everyday English

A:1Jess 2 Pete 3 Joel 4 Debbie 5 Pete 6 Pete

B:2. It's just that 3. was like 4. It's a bit like 5. Surely 6. What's going on


A:His watch broke and he didn't know what time it was.He had to walk because he'd missed the bus. He fell over a cat and got his trousers dirty. The second bus was late.

B:1. apologise; really sorry; sorry again 2. Can we go out?; Would you like to come with me...?

14.Last but not Least: more speaking

A:1 Some people are always lucky. 2 Stupid people are always unlucky or not clever enough to realise when they are lucky. 3 People waste so much time looking for luck that they miss out on a lot of good things. 4 Luck is temporary. 5 You make your own luck.

Check your progress Grammar

A:2. felt; hadn't slept 3. had; hadn't been 4. was; had forgotten 5. Had...lived;moved 6. Had...known; got married 

B:2 My little brother said he wanted to go home. 3 He told the teacher he hadn't done his homework. 4 Luis said he would pay for the meal. 5 My aunt told me my brother couldn't come. 6 He said he had never been to the USA. 

C:2. wouldn't have bought; had known 3. had known; would have told 4. would've phoned; hadn't forgotten 5. would you have done; had found


A:2 collector 3 artist 4 journalist 5 plumber 6 receptionist 7 archaeologist

B:2 reservation 3 invitation 4 improvement 5 equipment 6 information 7 calculation

How did you do?

Check that students are marking their scores. Collect these in and check them as necessary and discuss any further work needed with specific students.

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