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English in Mind Second edition 3 课本答案

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1.b:1 It is a march to support environmentalprotection. 2'Good for you, Beth.'Brilliant-were really proud of you!' 3 She is a young adult,and responsible adults do something about global warming. 4 Because they don't normally argue,except with her.

2.3 'm looking 4 sell 5 know 6 works 7 's working 8 'm going

3.a:2 does he 3 aren't they 4 doesn't she 5 didn't you 6 will they 7 can't you 8 hasn't she 9 shouldn't we

b:2 won't you 3 isn't it 4 isn't he 5 can I 6 does it

4.1 baby 2 toddler 3 child 4 teenager 5 young adult 6 pensioner

5.a:1 atmosphere 2 forests 3 litter 4 recycle 5 fumes 6 waste 7 rubbish 8 throw 9 clean

The missing word is POLLUTION.


1.b:1 T 2 F(There are three days. 3 T 4 F(He is more interested in getting her to play on Saturday.) 5 T

2.a:1 We're having 2 it's going to rain 3 there won't be 4 I'm not going to 5 I'm seeing 6 I'll give

b:2 'm going to 3 will be 4 will break 5 are visiting 6 is going to 7 won't give 8 'm playing 9 'm going to

3.1 speaking 2 helping 3 to help 4 washing 5 to wait 6 to wash 7 waiting 8 to play

4.1 ambulance 2 hurt 3 temperature 4 pain 5 injection 6 patient 7 sore 8 surgeon


1.b:A2 B3 C1 D5 E4

2.a:2. I was born 3. the first time I saw you 4. as long as I can remember 5. 1998 6.along time

b:1 How long have you known your best friend? 2 How long have you liked your favourite band? 3 How long have you lived in your house?

3.1 more beautiful 2 better 3 greatest 4 as exciting 5 most beautiful 6 best 7 as interesting 8 as attractive 9 as interesting
10 as expensive

4.1 c cookies 2 i apartment 3 h soccer 4 a elevator 5 j truck 6 b sidewalk 7 e garbage 8 d candy 9 f pants 10 g subway

5.a:1 flats 2 floor 3 stairs 4 detached 5 garage 6 garden 7 fence 8 caravan


1.a:Taking photographs of people's houses.

b:1 They used to buy a map. 2 They either go online to find a map or buy a GPS. 3 They are photographing every street and house in the country. 4 To go away. 5 Journalists. 6 Because they photographed his house without asking. 7 Because it is not illegal to photograph houses.

2.1 used to walk,go 2 used to work,works 3 is,used to sell 4 used to,go 5 'm not, used to be 6 used to read, thinks 7 used to smoke, go

3.1 You mustn't eat 2 You don't have to eat 3 You mustn't play 4 You don't have to play 5 We mustn't be 6 We don't have to be

4.2 a CD drive 3 a memory stick
4 to download 5 to log on 6 a password 7 a power lead 8 a network 9 a touch pad 10 a USB slot

5.1 invitation 2 equipment 3 journalist 4 cancellation 5 reservation 6 improvement 7 receptionist 8 management 9 manager 10 entertainment


1.b:body language,telepathy


1 before 2 great 3 laugh out loud/lots of love 4 are you OK? 5 Be seeing you 6 tomorrow 7 please 8 kiss kiss kiss 9 thank you 10 easy

2.b:1 own language,telepathy 2 They have a reaction and know that something has happened to their twin.

c:1 F(Nobody else understood them.)2 T 3 F(It is quite usual.) 4 T 5 T

3.a:present perfect simple; past simple; past simple;present perfect simple

b:Past simple: Line 4:were Line 5:were, had Line 7:knew, understood Line 8:didn't understand Line 12:was, had Line 13:broke, happened,got Line 17: involved Line 19:measured Line 21: put Line 22:went, was Line 23: happened, reacted

Present perfect: Line 4: have had Line 8:'ve got,'ve started Line 12:'ve always known Line 16:has been,has proved Line 24:have been

c:past simple;present perfect simple

d:past simple;present perfect; present perfect;present perfect

e:1 left 2 didn't go 3 did 4 took 5 has travelled 6 has spent 7 hasn't learnt 8 has tried 9 have..wanted 10 have... visited


1 did,leave 2 did,do 3 has,travelled 5 has,spent 6 has, tried

5.b:Body language that helps communication:1,3, 4,6,9,10

Body language that does not help communication:2,5,7,8

c:1b 2c 3b 4a 5b 6c

7.a:2 tells 3 say 4 tell 5 say 6 says

b:1 said goodbye 2 say thank you 3 saying sorry 4 say it out loud 5 say it again

c:1 told me a joke 2 told my parents a lie 3 tell the difference 4 told me off 5 telling the truth 6 tell you a secret

8.1 say 2 said 3 tell 4 say 5 told

1 say 2 said 3 tell 4 telling 5 told

10.a:sounds,body language,singing, giving off smells

b:The text mentions the following methods of animal communication: dancing, barking, infrasonic communication.

c:1b 2c 3b 4a

d:1a 2b 3a 4a 5a 6b 7b 8b

e:1 notice 2 warning 3 range 4 charged off 5 animal kingdom 6 pitch

2.A true friend(二单元)

1.a:Pluto,Lassie, Mickey Mouse,Ratatouille, Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians

b:1d 2c 3e 4a 5b

c:d c b a e

2.a:past simple: heard; walked

past continuous: were riding; was waiting


Past continuous: was sleeping

Past simple: watched over,turned,galloped, saw, jumped up,looked at,wasn't,looked, saw, ran, was, didn't think,took, swung,looked, didn't understand, lay down, died

b:past simple,when; past continuous, while

c:2 came, were watching 3 phoned, was doing 4 was playing, hit 5 was surfing, found 6 were walking,started

d:as = at the same time

as soon as= at exactly the same moment then = the next moment

e:2 While I was walking, I heard a strange noise. 3 As I looked up,something hit me on the head. 4 As soon as the thing hit me,everything went black. 5 When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed. 6 As soon as I rang the bell,a nurse came to talk to me. 7 While the nurse was talking to me,I fell in love with her.

f:2 had 3 happened 4 was singing 5 went 6 did you do 7 came 8 wasn't working 9 were fixing 10 started

4.1 He lived in Wales, not Scotland. 2 Gelert was looking after his baby son,not daughter. 3 He heard loud barking,not a huge crashing sound. 4 He killed the dog with his sword, not with a knife. 5 He saw the body of one wolf,not two wolves.

5.a:1 before 2 Gelert saved the baby's life

b:had done, had been, hadn't killed, had hidden, had saved

past simple; past perfect

c:1 arrived, had left 2 had finished, turned 3 got, had eaten 4 had gone,got

d:1 said 2 went 3 didn't return 4 had had 5 took 6 arrived 7 found 8 had escaped 9 had met 10 did

7.1b 2b 3a 4b 5b 6b

10.b:1 Because it's her mum's birthday and they are going out for dinner. 2 Because he knows Nick will be upset if Laura interviews RapMan. 3 No 4 To tell him about the RapMan interview. 5 They think it is very good.

11.a:1 c Laura 2 f Amy 3 e Laura 4 a Laura 5 b Tom 6 d Tom

b:1 then 2 not especially 3 That's news to me 4 As a matter of fact 5 How could you? 6 the sooner, the better

13.b:2a 3f 4b 5c 6e

14.a:They met in London. Jessica was run over by a car.

15.a:1 At a party 2 At a social or sports club 3 Online 4 An introduction by a friend

Check your progress 


a:2 left 3 didn't...tell 4 haven't sent 5 has...had 6 Did...go

b:2 arranged 3 was visiting 4 forgot 5 didn't have 6 decided 7 was...thinking 8 was beginning 9 looked 10 saw 11 was walking

c:2 weren't, had eaten 3 had gone,got 4 arrived, hadn't started 5 took, hadn't finished 6 had...seen, saw


a:2 lean 3 nod 4 look 5 make 6 Give 7 cross

b:2 says 3 tell 4 told 5 say 6 say

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Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work for specific students.

3.A working life(三单元)

1.a:A finance  B entertainment  C IT and media  D public service  E education  F management  G health care  H legal

public service: road sweeper,gardener, bus driver, police officerentertainment:singer,comedian,magician, clown health care: doctor, nurse, surgeon, ambulance driver

IT and media: programmer,technician, reporter, cameraman

legal: lawyer, judge, solicitor

finance: banker, clerk, accountant

management: director, manager, assistant manager, chief executive

2.a:Abi: Management

Connor: IT

Tamanna: Legal

b:1 Abi hates working at Burger Barn.

2 Connor is leaving the shop soon.

3 Tamanna wants to do volunteer legal work.

3.a:simple; continuous

b:present perfect...it's been,...it's given me...; They've asked...; I've got...; the boss has said...; present perfect continuous: I've been volunteering...

c:2 written 3 been writing 4 read 5 been playing 6 been reading

d:1 b-'ve eaten 2 e-'s been arguing 3 g-haven't seen 4 f-Has he been working 5 c-Have you cleaned 6 d-hasn't been learning 7 a-haven't finished

6.b:Barista,probably not

c:Questions1,2,4 and6 are mentioned.

7.You should smile.You should wear smart clothes. You should look interested. You should offer to work hard.You shouldn't ask for more money.

a:1 had- past perfect 2 is - present continuous 3 had-had better 4 has-present perfect continuous 5 would - would like 6 is, has-present simple,present perfect

b:2 ought 3'dbetter or should 4 shouldn't 5 better not(see Language note about had better) 6 ought

9.a:1h 2g 3j 4a 5c 6i 7e 8f 9d 10b


trainee-someone being trained

trainer- someone training

interviewee-someone being interviewed

interviewer -someone interviewing

b:2 unemployed 3 salary 4 apply for 5 resign 6 part-time 7 employees 8 qualifications 9 employer 10 trainee

10.Job wanted- website designer

Experience-Saturday job at TechWorld (a computer shop) for a few months; helped his Dad do a website for his own snack food company

Qualifications-did IT exam early and got an A Current job-Giving advice to customers at TechWorld

11.Interview questions: Why are you applying for this job?What kind of qualifications do you have? What salary are you expecting? What kind of job are you doing at the moment?

12.b:The other workers have bad feelings towards him.

c:1 They are jealous because he has risen quickly in the company and they have been there for years doing the same job. 2 Because he needs to be able to trust their advice. 3 He is in love with her. 4 Because it doesn't look good. 5 In order to clear his thoughts.

d:The book can read the thoughts of other people. Chester might use it to read the thoughts of his colleagues at work.

13.b:1 She puts her name at the bottom,under her signature. She puts her address in the top right hand corner. 2 She puts the date under her address, telephone number and email. 3 She starts the letter with Dear Sir.If you know the name of the person you are writing to you, write Dear Mr Clark or Dear Miss/Mrs Jenkins, and end with Yours sincerely.. 4 The first paragraph talks about her reasons for writing. 5 She uses phrases such as First of all, Secondly, Lastly and starts a new paragraph for each main reason. 6 She ends the letter by explaining how she can be contacted, then uses the formal phrase I look forward to hearing from you.

4.Live Forever(四单元)

1.b:Making solar energy much cheaper Getting clean water to everyone Developing virtual reality technology Improving health care and medicine

c:1C 2A 3E 4B not used D

2.a:1 are likely to 2 won't 3 will 4 might

b:1 will 2 will probably,is likely to 3 might 4 might not 5 probably won't, isn't likely to 6 won't

c:1 'll 2 might not 3 might 4 won't

d:2 He isn't likely to win.3 The traffic will probably be bad.4 He's likely to fail. 5 It probably won't rain tomorrow.

3.c:doing exercise sleep having a pet money laughter friendship

4.a:1 'll always be,are 2 'l hopefully live, keep 3 I always have,I'll live 4 look,you'll never be

b:1 in the present or future 2 present simple 3 a future form

c:1 aren't 2 leave,won't get 3 'll email, want 4 won't call,want

d:2 If you don't come and eat your pizza now, there won't be any left.or Unless you come and eat your pizza now, there won't be any left. 3 If you're tired,I'll do the washing up. 4 If you don't slow down,you'll crash the car.or Unless you slow down,you'll crash the car. 5 I'll buy you a new bike if you pass all your exams.

5.1a 2c 3 a 4b 5c

6.a:1 when 2 as soon as 3 until 4 if 5 unless

b:1 unless, until 2 if,unless 3 as soon as,when 4 until, as soon as

c:1 with 2 for 3 about 4 about

d:1 argue with 2 worry about 3 revise for 4 think about

9.b:Line 3:Cos I just want to fly Line 4:feel the pain Line 8:want to die Line 9:want to breathe Line 10:just don't believe Line 15:All the things... Line 16:time to cry Line 17:same as me

c:2b 3a 4e 5f 6c

10.b:1B 2C 3D 4A

Check your progress


a:2 have written 3 have...seen 4 haven't been learning 5 has been snowing 6 haven't rented

b:2 will all,get 3 don't come,'ll miss 4 won't let, aren't

c:2 I might stay in tonight. 3 I probably won't finish this today. 4 He's likely to be hungry when he gets home.


a:1 unemployed 2 media 3 full-time 4 qualification 5 entertainment 6 health care 7 resign 8 employer 9 finance 10 education

b:1 as soon as 2 unless 3 until 4 when 5 If

c:2 about 3 about 4 for 5 for

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5.Reality TV(五单元)

1.d:1b 2e 3c

2.a:1 let people watch 2 are allowed to decide 3 are not allowed to ask for 4 makes us keep

b:permission; prohibition; permission; obligation

c:1 are, allowed to 2 Do, make 3 let 4 make 5 Are,allowed to 6 am allowed to 7 let 8 made

4.1 snow 2 presenter 3 contestant 4 audience 5 viewers 6 series 7 episode 8 Sitcoms 9 viewing figures 10 celebrities

6.b:1 More than 50%. 2 I don't care.I just want to be famous. 3 Because it's not important. Too many people are famous for doing nothing. 4 Yes

c:1 T 2 T 3 F(He thinks they are famous for doing nothing.)4 not enough information 5 F(She thinks it can't be easy.)6 F(Not many people who become famous overnight stay famous for long.)

7.a:1c 2 a 3b 4d

b:a 2-obligation b 1-permission c 3-permission d 6-obligation e 5-prohibition f 4-prohibition

c:2 have to/must 3 can v 4 must 5 mustn't/can't 6 don't have to

8.b:1b 2e 3d 4c 5j 6a 7f 8g 9h 10i


d:1 boiling 2 hungry 3 exhausted/tired 4 small/tiny 5 hot/boiling 6 fantastic 7 funny 8 bad/awful/terrible

10.d:1 So that students can remember who they went to school with. 2 She put the logo of the website on a T-shirt. 3 It's not real, it's virtual. 4 The Cooks studied at university.

11.a:1d 2c 3a 4b

b:1 fit in 2 feel left out 3 join in 4 bond with

12.a:First paragraph-Introduction Second paragraph-Findings Third paragraph-Conclusion

b:Where do you hang out with your friends? What do you do at the weekend? How often do you use a computer? What do you use it for? Do you listen to music? What country/countries does the music you listen to come from? Until what time do your parents let you stay up? Do your parents make you stay at home at the weekend to do homework?


1.a:1 The bees are affected by mobile phones. 2 The disappearance of bees.

c:1E 2B 3D 4A

d:1 The bees' navigation systems are damaged by the radiation from mobile phones. 2 Beekeepers in America. 3 A lot of his bees have died. 4 They are disappearing.

2.Not much is known about how animals communicate. The plans for the new bridge were dropped.

a:present simple passive, past simple passive

b:Present simple passive:Mobiles are frequently blamed...(para1 ); navigation systems are damaged...(para 2);It is believed...(para 2);...are pollinated by bees...(para 3);Past simple passive... was recently asked...(para 3)

Note: There are also other examples of the passive... has been ruined...; needs to be evaluated...

Rule: be/past participle; by

c:1 is appreciated 2 were found 3 are not owned 4 are caused 5 were, interviewed 6 is known 7 was believed 8 are,pollinated

3.a:Grace doesn't like the plan. Mark likes the plan.

b:1 F(She has copies of the plans with her)2T 3 F(She says huge play areas will be lost.)4 F(She says only temporary jobs will be created.)5 T 6 F(He says new lakes will be created for the birds.)7T

4.a:1 making 2 make 3 make 4 make 5 make 6 do 7 make 8 do 9 do 10 makes

b:make-money, fun of (someone), sense,an effort, a mess

do-our best, some good,the right thing

5.a:1 have been sent 2 haven't been given 3 have you been told

Rule: be; past participle

b:1 were criticised 2 were held 3 have been built 4 has been made 5 were asked 6 have...been seen 7 was organised 8 was not visited

c:1 will be destroyed 2 will be lost 3 won't be damaged

d:will or won't, past participle

e:1 will be built 2 will be held 3 won't be announced 4 will be chosen 5 will be made


1 will be built 2 won't be built 3 will be given 4 will be bought 5 won't be put 6 will be opened

7.b:Someone, us

c:1 He always has it washed. 2 He always has it cut. 3 He always has it made.

d:Lots of my friends have had their ears pierced. None of my friends have had their body tattooed. My parents wouldn't allow me to have my hair dyed. I would love to have my ears pierced. I would hate to have my body tattooed. My parents don't want me to have my head shaved.

9.b:1 F(Amy gives him some money, but Nick doesn't.)2T 3 T 4 F(He sometimes sleeps in the street)5T 6 F(He heard the interview and offered Duncan a job.

10.a:1 e Amy 2 c Amy 3 a Duncan 4 f Amy 5 b Amy 6 d Duncan

b:1 How come 2 I mean 3 after all 4 More or less 5 What on earth 6 Any chance

12.b:2 activist 3 confronted 4 cut down 5 removed 6 playground

Check your progress


a:2 mustn't 3 can't 4 Do..have to 5 don't have to

b:1 were used ? were sent 3 have been received 4 haven't been understood

c:1 will be sent 2 will be brought 3 will be examined 4 won't be answered

d:2 Mr Hart has his hair cut every month. 3 I have had my laptop repaired. 4 We're having cable TV installed tomorrow.


a:2 tiny ,3 freezing 4 fascinating 5 hilarious 6 exhausted

b:2 made 3 did 4 feel 5 do 6 makes

How did you do?

Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work for specific students.

7.Good and evil(七单元)

1.a:1d 2b 3a 4c

b:1 a Jack  b Bilbo Baggins  c Bilbo Baggins, Jane Eyre,Jonathan Harker  d Bilbo Baggins

2 Students' own answers

2.a:1 can't stand living 2 avoid seeing 3 enjoys living

b:1 decides to 2 wants to 3 promises to 4 offers to

c:a gerund; to+infinitive

d:2 going 3 seeing 4 crossing 5 shouting 6 hearing 7 having 8 singing

e:2 have decided to lend 3 hope to live 4 offered to help 5 is learning to play 6 didn't expect/hadn't expected to do 7 afford to buy 8 promised to call

4.c:1 Quite old,it came out in 2003. 2 GCSE Ancient History. 3 He has to kill the monsters and get the sand back in the bottle.

d:1 2003 2 film 3 brother 4 characters 5 different 6 name 7 graphics 8 puzzles 9 manoeuvres 10 time


b:1 a'lgreement 2 'preference 3 re'laction 4 enter'tainment 5 prepa'ration 6 popu'larity 7 relax'ation


-ation:'educate/edu'cation, in'form/infor'mation

-ment: im'prove/im'provement,'manage/'management

-ion:e'lect/e'lection, dis'cuss/dis'cussion

-ence: pre'fer/'preference,re'fer'/reference

-ness: 'happy/'happiness,'ill/'illness


c:1 relaxation 2 popularity 3 preparation 4 agreement 5 reaction 6 entertainment

7.a:no difference; different

b:1 meeting 2 to give 3 making 4 to buy

c:1 playing 2 talking 3 to email 4 reading 5 to watch 6 renting 7 doing 8 to get

9.b:1 F(It's harmless on its own.) 2 T 3 NI 4 T 5 T 6 F(He is referring to money.) 7 T 8 T

10.a:1 Second paragraph-It helps people get back to work quickly.People like the look,smell and taste. It is cheap. 2 Third paragraph-It is unhealthy.It is addictive. It makes people fat. 3 The writer is generally positive about fast food in the conclusion.

b:1 To sum up 2 In addition 3 On the other hand 4 Because of

8.Be honest!(八单元)

1.b:Anna regrets telling the lie, Phil doesn't.

3.b:past simple, would; could, might

c:1 found 2 would/could/might send 3 would/could/might go out 4 didn't go 5 would you,do 6 lived 7 would keep 8 went

d:Sentence1-second conditional; sentence2-frst conditional

Situation 2(first conditional is more likely to happen.

e:1 If I get married next year,my parents will be very surprised. If I got married next year, I wouldn't go to university. 2 If I have any money this weekend,I'll...(students' own answers). If I had any money this weekend, I'd... (students' own answers). 3 If I get a good job when I leave school,I'll... (students' own answers). If I got a good job when I left school, I'd... (students' own answers).


1 If I met a famous person, I would take his photograph. 2 If I had an aeroplane,I would fly to Rome. 3 If I lost my mobile phone, I would go to the police station. 4 What would you do if you saw a strange dog in your garden?

4.1 Where would you go? 2 Who would you meet? 3 What would you say? 4 What would you change?

5.b:shoplifting(stealing from a shop)burglary arson


d:1 The market. 2 400 hours community service. 3 Take the clothes back to the shops. 4 She works in a clothes shop. 5 A garden shed. 6 Scared.

6.a:1 get 2 doing 3 committing 4breaks 5gets 6 gets 7 Sending 8 pay 9 put 10 commit 11 do

b:Go to prison; pay a fine;do probation; do community service

c:1 Students' own answers 2 Possible answers: not buying tickets on public transport, downloading music, copying CDs, cycling on the pavement, driving through a red light 3 Students' own answers

7.a:1 No 2 No 3 past simple

b:1 understood/could understand 2 was/could be 3 didn't have 4 knew 5 was/could be 6 played/could play

8.a:I wish I could go home.I wish there were more people here.

10.e:1c 2e 3d 4a 5b

f:1. line1 2. line3 3. lines4-5 4. line 12 5. lines 13-18 6. line 24

g:1 scene 2 hang around 3 turn into 4 breeze 5 freeze

h:2 F(in 1998)3 T 4 T 5 F(they were popular all over the world)6 T 7 F(the critics weren't disappointed) 8 T

11.a:He is writing about teenage crime; he thinks there should be more forteenagers to do.

Check your progress 


a:2 to be 3 to study 4 to give 5 getting 6 to check 7 drinking

b:2 had,wouldn't share 3 would be, did 4 wouldn't be, had 5 didn't talk, would understand 6 would ..buy, won

c:2...I was taller. 3... understood physics. 4... my football team weren't bottom of the league. 5...I didn't have to finish this tonight.


a:2 imagination 3 entertainment 4 popularity 5 kindness 6 reaction

b:2 get away with it-it's the only one where you are not caught3 arson-the others involve taking something from somebody4 do community service-it's the only one that is a punishment

c:2 get away with it 3 doing community service 4 sent to prison 5 shoplifting

How did you do?

Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work for specific students.

9.The truth is out there!(九单元)

1.b:1 It was an airfield. 2 Because it wasn't wreckage from an aeroplane. 3 It was hidden away. 4 Because the base was sending up spy balloons at the time. 5 The bodies of aliens. 6 A ufologist.


1 Although2 Even though 3 However 4 In spite of 5 Even though

b:although,even though,Although/Even though despite, in spite of, In spite of /despite however, However, however

c:2. I'm going for a run,even though it's raining. Even though it's raining, I'm going for a run. 3. Although he didn't have any evidence,we believed his story about the UFO. We believed his story about the UFO, although he didn't have any evidence. 4. Even though this sounds weird, I know I saw the body of an alien. 5. Despite being very rich, they aren't happy. They aren't happy, despite being very rich. 6. I know people who have seen UFOs. However I don't believe UFOs exist. I know people who have seen UFOs.I don't believe UFOs exist, however. 7. In spite of having suspicions, the investigators believed what they heard about the crash. The investigators believed what they heard about the crash, in spite of having suspicions. 8. Even though he had photographs of aliens, they didn't believe his story. They didn't believe his story, even though he had photographs of aliens. 9. Although I didn't like the book,I enjoyed the film. I enjoyed the film, although I didn't like the book. 10. In spite of being cold, she didn't wear a jacket. She didn't wear a jacket,in spite of being cold.

4.c:1 Because of the Loch Ness Monster. 2 The programme suggests that the photos are fake. 3 Students' own answers. 4 Students' own answers.

d:1 sonar image 2 sonar equipment 3 scanner

e:1No 2 Yes 3 No 4 No

f:1 T 2 F(some theories can't be disproved by science)3 F(the monster could have been hiding)4 T 5 T

6.a:1 a,b 2 c,d 3 can't be

b:1 could be 2 can't be 3 must be 4 can't be 5 can't be

7.a:1 sort it out 2 talk it over 3 sleep on it 4 think it over 5 make up my mind 6 ignore it 7 comes up 8 go away 9 come up with 10 come back to

b:1 sort (everything)out 2 comes up 3 making up my mind 4 talk over, comes up with 5 ignore,goes away


c:1 The study of 'hidden' animals. 2 Animals that might or might not exist. 3 An animal studied by cryptozoologists that certainly does exist. 4 Scientists claim Bigfoot is a great ape. 5 They had been thought to be extinct for 500 years. 6 Students' own answers.

d:1e 2c 3f 4d 5b 6a

e:1 extinct 2 refused 3 literally 4 absolutely 5 certainly 6 proof

9.a:The story is about a green-haired creature in a lake. The writer does not believe the story.

b:To be honest,I don't believe a single word of the story; What utter nonsense.;Not surprisingly,...

c:1 the weirdest thing 2 What utter nonsense 3I don't believe a single word of the story 4 Not surprisingly

10.Mysterious places(十单元)

1.b:No one knows why Stonehenge was built or how the Pyramids were built.

c:1 Stonehenge. 2 It may have been a religious place or a place for observing stars and planets. 3 They mark the burial places of pharaohs. 4 They were both very heavy stones which were transported to the sites from far away.

2.a:1 F(it might have been a place for observing the stars and planets)2 F(it can't have been easy)3 F(it must have been enormously difficult)

b:1b 2c 3a

c:past, past participle

d:2 can't/couldn't have brought (no difference in meaning) 3 might have been 4.might/must have left (must indicates the speaker is sure) 5 can't/couldn't have got (no difference in meaning) 6 might/must have taken (must indicates the speaker is sure)

4.b:1 It's in the United States. 2 About 800 years old. 3 The Anasazi tribe lived there. 4 It's a National Park. 5 About 100 people.

c:Location: USA.
Built by: a tribe of people called the Anasazi  Built in: around 1200 AD  Became a national park in:1906


1. The ancient ones. 2. For 100 years. 3. Nobody knows for sure. They could have been afraid of another tribe or they might not have had enough food for a growing population. 4. The Spanish. 5. Green table. 6. 93.

5.a:The questions on the left are indirect. The questions on the right are direct.

b:1 In direct questions, the subject comes after the verb: question word,verb, subject.

2 In indirect questions,the subject (e.g. Stonehenge) comes before the verb:question word, subject, verb.

c:1 why she's angry 2 it was built 3 what the answer is 4 what you are doing

d:2 Do you know where the station is? 3 Could you tell us what the answer is? 4 Would you mind telling me who that man is?

e:A4 B2 C3 D1

g:The auxiliary do/does is not used in the indirect question form. The word order after the question word is the same as a normal sentence.

h:2 where they went 3 if he lives around here 4 what time the plane leaves 5 if he speaks English

7.a:On 4th November,1922.

b:1 talked into 2 call off 3 came across 4 passed away 5 tied in with 6 started out 7 went out 8 paid off

c:passed away came across went out

8.b:1d 2a 3f 4e 5c 6b

9.a:1. d Tom 2. f Tom 3. e Amy 4b Laura 5. a Tom 6. c Nick

b:1 Look out! 2 Just kidding 3 Besides 4 the moment 5 Serves you right 6 it's none of our business

11.b:2e 3b 4c 5a

12.a:1 It was large and empty. There was hardly anything in it. The only piece of furniture was a large mirror. It was broken and there was glass on the floor. There was a window at the end of the room and a curtain in front of it. 2 A body was behind the curtain. 3 It was the noise of police cars.You panicked. 4 There was a knife in your hands.

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a:2 Despite not being very tall,he plays basketball really well./He plays basketball really well, despite not being very tall. 3 I look like my mother. However, my brother look like my father. 4 I continued working even though I was really tired./Even though I was really tired, I continued working. 5 I think I passed, although I think the exam was difficult./ Although I think the exam was difficult, I think I passed.

b:2 can't have gone 3 might be 4 might have gone 5 can't be 3 might have got 2 must have dropped 4 must have been


a:2f 3g 4a 5c

b:2 started paid 4 call came 6 going 

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1.a:Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra,Troy and Gabriella

c:1 They couldn't afford to pay for the lessons any more. 2 Delia:by giving piano lessons. Joe:by selling paintings. 3 To earn some money. 4 He was working in a drug store and someone came in to buy a bandage for a woman who'd burned her hand.

2.a:1b 2c 3a

b:In the first sentence, the verb changes from the future going to to the imperfect was going to. In the second sentence, the verb changes from the present perfect to the past perfect.

c:2 Delia said that when she had earned some money she would start again. 3 Joe told Delia that he had met a man from Vermont. 4 She said that they would still have the money from the paintings. 5 Delia told Joe that she couldn't work any more. 6 He said that they had told each other lies.

d:1'd got 2 had happened

1 We asked how old he was. (word order) 2 She asked where he lives.(no auxiliary did) 3 I asked what her hobbies were. (word order) 4 They asked if I needed help. (no question mark) 5 He asked where I was going (word order) 6 You asked if I would go. (word order)

e:if, whether, ask,tell

f:2 Buzz Aldrin asked Neil to go first. 3 William Shakespeare asked if anyone had seen his pen. 4 Walt Disney asked what name he could give to that mouse. 5 Nessie asked why everyone had run away. 6 Picasso asked where his paints were.

4.a:Delia:blonde hair; long, slender fingers Jim: broad-shouldered, with bushy eyebrows and a wide smile

b:face-a moustache,a double chin, wrinkles, spots,long eyelashes, a beard, freckles, bushy eyebrows;

hair-straight,cropped, a ponytail, highlights, long, a fringe, spiky;

height and build-broad-shouldered, medium height, tall, plump, well-built, short;

special features-a tattoo

d:Delia: kind; generous Joe: honest; hardworking

f:2 insensitive 3 sensitive 4 independent 5 imaginative 6 sensible 7 determined 8 bad-tempered 9bossy 10 considerate

6.a:1d 2a 3c4e 5b

b:1 refuses 2 explains 3 persuades 4 tells 5 agrees

7.a:1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

b:agree; explain; suggest; beg; persuade

c:2 She apologised for breaking a glass. 3 He begged her to write to him. 4 I offered to help him/her with his/here-mails. 5 The student explained that he/she hadn't got his/her homework because the dog had eaten it. 6 She ordered the boys to go out into the garden. 7 He refused to help him/her.

8.b:1e 2a 3c 4d 5b 6f

c:1 Because she hadn't received any letters from him. 2 He thought he was no good. 3 She is sorry for what her father did,that she never wrote to Hugh, sorry for... everything 4 We don't know.Megan probably didn't get married because she says 'I'm still Megan Jenkins'(In England the woman usually changes her name if she gets married).Hugh probably did get married as he has a son.

9.a:A 3 broke up with  B 1 going out  C 5 got divorced  D 6 has fallen in love
E 4 got back together and got married  F 2 got engaged

go out,fall in love,breakup,get back together, fall in love (again),get engaged,get married, get divorced

b:1 going out 2 fell in love 3 got engaged,get married 4 broken up,get back together

10.a:1 third paragraph 2 first paragraph 3 fourth paragraph 4 second paragraph


1.c:First paragraph:4 Second paragraph:1 Third paragraph:3 Fourth paragraph:5 Fifth paragraph:2

d:1 Second paragraph 2 Fourth paragraph 3 First paragraph 4 Fifth paragraph 5 Third paragraph

2.a:1 Yes,yes 2 No,no Rule past perfect, might

b:3 If he hadn't turned on the TV,he wouldn't have found out it wasn't working. 4 If he hadn't found out the TV wasn't working, he wouldn't have climbed on the roof to check the aerial. 5 If he hadn't climbed on the roof to check the aerial, he wouldn't have fallen off. 6 If he hadn't fallen off the roof, his friends wouldn't have taken him to hospital. 7 If his friends hadn't taken him to hospital, he wouldn't have met a nurse called Jane. 8 If he hadn't met a nurse called Jane, he wouldn't have fallen in love with her and got married.

3.a:2 hot-headed 3 tantrum 4 temper 5 head off 6 cool 7 furious 8 calm

4.b:a Mike b Tom c Molly d Erin

c:1 Tom 2 Molly 3 Erin 4 Mike 5 Molly 6 Tom 7 Mike 8 Erin


b:1 Yes,no, no,no 2 Sad

c:past perfect

d:2 I wish I hadn't gone to bed late. 3 I wish I hadn't broken up with her. 4 I wish I had worked harder. 5 If only I hadn't failed the exam. 6 If only I hadn't lost the ticket.

6.a:didn't study; didn't join;was; chose

b:I should go to the shop before it closes. I should have gone to the shop before it closed. I shouldn't go to the shop because I don't have time. I shouldn't have gone to the shop because l spent too much money.

have,past participle

c:2 Well, you should've saved some money. Well, you shouldn't have spent all your money. 3 Well, you should've spent more time on it. Well, you shouldn't have copied mine. 4 Well, you should've set a timer. Well, you shouldn't have gone out. 5 Well, you should've remembered his/her birthday. Well, you shouldn't have told everyone his/her secrets. 6 She should've lent him only 50. She shouldn't have been so generous. 7 Well, you should've looked after your teeth better. Well, you shouldn't have eaten so many sweets.

d:1 shouldn't have done 2 should have done 3 should have done 4 shouldn't have done

8.b:1 lose 2 slip 3 drop 4 doing 5 looked 6 going 7 feel 8 having

c:a2 b8 c1 d3 e7 f5 g4 h6

9.a:Students' own answers.

10.a:His wife told him that he had left the money on the table.

1 F(he and his wife were living in New York a few years ago) 2 F (he took just 10 with him)3 T 4 F(he says he isn't usually a hot-headed person)5 T 6 F (he bought the bread)

b:A1 B4 C3 D2

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a:2 ...they would come to my party. 3 .. here the hotel was. 4...if he could help.

b:2 asked 3 explained 4 suggested

c:2 If I'd had time, I would've watched that DVD. 3 If I hadn't turned off my phone, I wouldn't have missed your call. 4 If I hadn't been late, I wouldn't have missed the bus.

d:2... have shouted at my mum. 3...my country had qualified for the World Cup finals. 4... have eaten so much cake.



b:1 fell 2 going 3 got 4 broken 5 got

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13.Hopes and fears(十三单元)

1.b:1. Between ten and 80 percent of us. 2. Spiders 3. Two (cats, snakes)

c:A 3 B not used C1 D2

2.a:1 who 2 which 3 where 4 whose

b:who which where whose

c:2 J.K. Rowling, whose books have sold millions, is afraid of spiders. 3 Flying,which is the safest way to travel, scares many people. 4 Julius Caesar, who was a great Roman emperor, was afraid of cats. 5 Nicole Kidman walked up to the gate,where a huge butterfly was sitting.

4.a:one, more than one

b:1 that/which 2 who/that 3 whose 4 where

c:1 Defining. No commas needed. 2 Non-defining. A fear of small spaces,which is extremely common,stops many people from flying: 3 Non-defining.Julius Caesar, whose armies conquered Europe, was afraid of cats. 4 Defining. No commas needed.

5.b:stress, homework,exams, teachers,education, bullying, friendships,the future,staying healthy

c:1 surprising 2 stress 3 homework 4helpful 5 university 6 bullied 7 friendships 8 the future 9 health

d:Hopes: having a family, being able to help people,stopping wars, having opportunities to travel,studying abroad,going to university

Fears: getting seriously ill, bullying, exam stress, global warming, concern about your looks,slow economy


6.a:un-uncomfortable,unhelpful, unhealthy, unconcerned, unafraid, unsurprising im-impatient, impossible, impolite in-informal, inexpensive

ir-irresponsible, irregular

il- illogical,illegal

b:2 unhealthy 3 unconcerned 4 impatient 5 uncomfortable

7.a:1g 2f 3a 4b 5e 6d 7h 8i 9c

b:1 an 2 the 3 nothing 4 the 5 a 6 the 7 nothing 8 the

c:3 the (rule h) 4√ 5 the(home)(rule i) 6 the(tickets)(rule h)7√8√ 9 √10√ 11 the (rule )

8.Smoke=1)to emit smoke,e.g.from a fire2)to smoke (a cigarette)

Go out=1l)to cease to burn 2) to depart from the house

Change=1 to change colour(traffic lights)2)to change (clothes)

a:1e 2a 3d 4c 5b

b:1 culture 2 stories 3 details 4 scared 5 scary 6 hurt 7 believe 8 exciting

c:1 a place 2 teaches in a village 3 single woman 4 wants to marry Katrina 5 is feeling scared

9.a:1c 2 d 3b 4a

b:1 sail through 2 look through 3 sat through 4 got through

10.a:Similarities:title, characters' names,year the film and book are set in (1799),Ichabod loves Katrina. Differences: Ichabod Crane is a policeman in the film, not a school teacher. He is killed in the story, but not in the film. In the film there are three murders, in the story there is one.

b:1 The story, Johnny Depp's performance 2 To create suspense and not give away the ending 3 a1 b2 c2


1.b:1 Denmark 2 Denmark has excellent education and health systems; Danes choose jobs they want to do;socialising is more important than shopping;Danes trust each other and the government.

c:1 F(Denmark has one of the finest education systems in the world) 2T 3T 4F(it's an informal gathering for friends and family) 5F(you leave money in a basket) 6 T

2.a:1 seeing 2 looking

b:a gerund

c:1 traffic,driving 2 weather, sunshine 3 working, taking 4 British money,going 5 speaking 6 laughing

d:2 'mused to sleeping 3'snot (isn't)used to speaking 4 didn't use to like 5 'm not used to walking 6 used to live 7 didn't use to wear 8 'm used to speaking

3.a:Happiness for him/her/them is:

a lying in a bath 

b watching her children sleep

c passing an exam

d reading books

e laughing with friends

f baking/cooking

b:1b 2f 3c 4a 5e 6d

c:1 mean the world 2 look, warm 3 worth,beat 4 heaven 5 time goes, flies 6 great

5.b:2 strange 3 sorry for 4 up to 5 confident 6 the need 7 lonely 8 stupid

6.a:1 bumped into 2 broke down 3 sort out

b:Sort out

c:1 separated, together 2 separated, between 3 between

d:2 He takes after his father. (inseparable) 3 They can't put us up tonight.(separable,note that in this case us has to go between the two parts of the verb because it is a pronoun) 4 I picked Italian up on holiday in Italy./I picked up Italian on holiday in Italy.(separable) 5 How do you put up with that noise? (inseparable)

1 You made it up. 2 He takes after him. 4 I picked it up on holiday. 5 How do you put up with it?

e:1 bumped into 2 broke down 3 take after 4 pickup 5 sorting out 6 put up with

8.b:1 He needs to choose a producer for next year. 2 Because he didn't always give credit when he should have. 3 Because she spoke to him the other day. 4 Because it would break Nick's heart. 5 Laura. 6 He says"Oh. Great"in a sarcastic way, because he is not pleased.

9.a:1 d Tom 2 e Tom 3 a Tom 4 f Amy 5 c Tom 6 b Amy

b:1 same here 2 in other words 3 that's all 4 then again 5 in the end 6 between you and me

11.b:1 money 2 investigation 3 happy 4 started 5 answer 6 question

12.a:2 Always 3 Parties 4 Perfect 5 Icy 6 Never 7 Eating 8 Staying 9 Sleeping


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a:2 the 3 an, a 4 -,- 5 -

b:2...works in a cafe that sells Italian food. 3...met some people whose car had broken down. 4 …going back to live in England, where I was born. 5 ...our new teacher, who lives next door to me 6..., which started in the USA, is increasing.

c:2 didn't use to do 3 'm used to driving 4 used to play 5 Did, used to live 6 'm used to getting up


a:2 illegal 3 impolite 4 illogical 5 inexpensive 6 impatient

b:2 better 3 sorry 4 stupid 5 up 2 sail 3 go 4 sat

How did you do?

Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work for specific students.

















1 Do you live near here?(D) 2 She asked me if I lived near here.(D) 3 Are you enjoying the party?(U) 4 She asked me if I was enjoying the party.(D) 5 Do you want a cup of tea?(D)6 She asked if I wanted a cup of tea.(D)


1 Peter Jackson, who was born in New Zealand, directed The Lord of the Rings.2 J.R.R.Tolkien, who was a very shy man,wrote many books. 3 My sister,who lives in Hong Kong, writes stories for children. 4 Manchester,which is in the north of England, gets a lot of rain every year. 5 My best friend, whose father is a doctor, wants to study medicine at university.6 Elijah Wood, whose career began when he was a child,became a big star after The Lord of the Rings.


Get it right! key

Unit 1

2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6b

Unit 2


b:1 cost 2 chosen 3 read 4 heard 5 caught 6 fell; hurt

Unit 3

1 job 2 work 3 work 4 work 5 job 6 work

Unit 4 

1 with 2 about 3 about 4 for 5 for 6 about 7 for

Unit 5

2 met 3 make 4 got to know 5 make 6 me

Unit 6

2 made 3 done 4 do 5 make 6 make 7 make 8 do

Unit 7

1 to see 2 standing 3 waiting 4 going 5 to watch 6 to be

Unit 9

2 through 3 though 4 thought 5 though 6 through

Unit 10

2b 3b 4 a 5b 6a

Unit 11

2 marry 3 get married 4 wedding 5 get married to 6 marriages

Unit 13

2 a market which takes place 3 friends who live abroad 4 Do you know who's organising 5 restaurant where you can get sushi 6 which is a great job

Unit 14

2 fell 3 felt 4 fell 5 felt 6 fell

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