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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Unit 6

6.Animal instincts(六单元)

1.2 imminent 3 breeding ground 4 scarpered

5 pre-seismic 6 credited with 7 a case in point 8 tagged 9 behaving erratically

2.2 had been making 3 had been erected 4 had been dug 5 had been following 6 had been alerted 7 had been lobbying

3.a:2 crow 3 bleat 4 growl 5 bark 6 grunt 7 hiss

b:2 crowed 3 barking 4 roared 5 hisses 6 bleating 7 grunt

c:2b 3a 4a 5a 6b

d:2 heroic 3 numerous 4 behaviour 5 unbelievable 6 safety 7 miraculous 8 difficulty

e:2 horse 3 fishy 4 parrot 5 dog's 6 rabbiting 7 sheep 8 chickened

4.a:2F 3F 4F ST 6T 7F 8T

b:2 off she went 3 lying there 4 kind of 5 again and again 6 you believe it 7 That was the amazing thing

Woman: I heard the weirdest story the other day. A friend of a friend of mine was at the beach when suddenly she felt something crawling into her ear. She tried to get it out but she couldn't find anything, so she forgot about it. Anyway a few days later she started getting these really bad earaches. So off she went to see a doctor. He checked her ears, and put this long needle into her ear again and again but he couldn't find anything. So he decided she must have an earwig, a small bug, deep in her inner ear.

Man: Yeah, right.

Woman: Honestly, I swear it 's true. He said it was kind of too deep to remove. And, would you believe it, he said that she'd have to wait for it to come out the other side. Man: You've got to be kidding.

Woman: Well, you can imagine how she felt but what could she do? Anyway, a few weeks later she woke up and lying there on her pillow there was a nasty-looking bug. Man: Do you really expect me to believe that? 

Woman: It's true, I promise. Anyway, she put the bug in a jar and took it to the doctor to check if it was the bug causing her earaches.

Man: What, she just put it in a jar?

Woman: That was the amazing thing, she was so cool about the whole thing.

Man: So what did the doctor say?

Woman: Well, he looked at it and said that it was definitely the bug that had been causing her earaches.

Man: So she was happy, right?

Woman: Well, yeah, for a while, but then a few days later she started getting really bad earaches again. So she phoned the doctor and do you know what he said?

Man: No, what did he say?

Woman: He said I should have told you that the bug that you found in your ear was a female and it's probably laid a load of eggs inside your head.

Man: OK. Now I really don't believe you.


6.a:Speaker1 D Speaker2 A Speaker3 E Speaker4 B Speaker5 C

b:1 She was bitten by a dog when she was a toddler.

2 to intimidate others

passing a dog that has been ill, but is now cured, back to its owner

4 The dog gave him the confidence to go out.

5 He makes a mess around the house.

Speaker 1: I'm not a big fan of dogs to be honest. In fact, I've got a bit of a phobia of them. My mum says I was bitten by one when I was a toddler- I don't remember anything about it but I think it must have had quite an effect on me. These days I get quite nervous when I'm around dogs, even if they're on a lead. I don't see the affectionate 'man's best friend' that most people see. I just see a growling mouth waiting to attack.

Speaker 2: I think the most worrying dog issue these days is the rise in the number of dangerous dogs you see on the streets. A lot of young people, often gang members, will use their dog to intimidate others, a kind of weapon, if you like. Of course, some of these breeds are now illegal but there are plenty of other mean-looking dogs that still do the trick. I get extremely nervous when I have to walk past one of these dogs.

Speaker 3: I spend a lot of my professional life working with dogs, so I suppose I'd have to love them, wouldn't I? There's no doubt that the right dog can be a great companion but some people do get a bit carried away. I think some of my clients love their dogs more than their own children! But there's no greater feeling than passing a dog that has been at death's door but is now all cured and healthy, back into the arms of its tearful owner. It's the best part of my job, without a doubt.

Speaker 4: My dog is quite simply my best friend and I don't know where I'd be without him. I don't only depend on him physically, but emotionally too. When I was given him three years ago by the health authorities, I could never have imagined what a difference he'd make to my life; he's given me the confidence to be able to cope with going out and leading as normal a life as I can.

Speaker 5: Our dog is part of the family. He's like our fourth child. We all love him and he's great at bringing the family together. He's a fantastic excuse for going on long family walks at the weekends. The only thing I'm not so keen on is the mess he

makes around the house. Still, that's my fault for allowing him to sleep indoors. Anyway, I don't suppose he's any more untidy than the kids, ... or my husband, come to think of it.

Unit check

1.2 may 3 buried 4 tribute 5 instincts 6 survival 7 have 8 causing 9 been 10 behaving

2.2a 3a 4c 5c 6a 7c 8b 9b

3.2 snake's 3 dog's 4 lion 5 chickened 6 dog 7 frog 8 rabbiting 9 sheep

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