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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 13

13.Hopes and fears(十三单元)

1.a:2 who is still very popular 3 whose name I've forgotten 4 where her family have a restaurant 5 which was why I couldn't go to school 6 which I have read five times 7 which is not far from San Francisco

b:1 who 2 which 3 whose 4 where 5 who 6 who 7 where 

c:2 I love scuba diving in the Indian Ocean where you can still find a lot of attractive fish. 3 Next month Stephanie will move to London, where her partner has a flat. 4 Alex, whose sister studies with me,is getting married next year. 5 Gemma,who lives next door to me, has won the lottery. 6 My new computer,which I got for a very good price, is fantastic.

2.a:2√ 3 He's the actor that's afraid of clowns. 4√ 5I have to deliver this newspaper to number 13, where that big dog lives. 6 Isn't she the actress who's afraid of butterflies? 7 My dad is allergic to cats,which are my favourite pets. 8√

b:1 Flying,[pause] which so many people are afraid of,[pause] is actually the safest way to travel. 2 She's the girl that I told you about. 3 He's the actor that's afraid of clowns. 4 Where's the huge spider that was in the bathroom earlier? 5 I have to deliver this newspaper to number 13 [pause] where that big dog lives. 6 Isn't she the actress who's afraid of butterflies? 7 My dad is allergic to cats [pause]which are my favourite animals. 8 That's the man whose dog bit my brother.

3.a:2 impolite 3 impatient 4 uncomfortable 5 irresponsible 6 unconcerned 7illegal 8 unhealthy 9 impossible 10 afraid

b:2 insincere 3 unattractive 4 incomplete 5 irrational 6 improbable 7 immature 8 illiterate



5.2 sit through 3 sailed through 4 look through 5 go through

6.a:What's your lucky number? Triskaidekaphobia. That's the name given to the irrational fear of the number thirteen. Many cultures regard it as a 'special' number, though not everyone thinks it is unlucky. Many people believe that thirteen is either their lucky or unlucky number. German footballer Michael Ballack always wears the number thirteen shirt. The writer Stephen King, though, will not stop reading a book at any page whose numbers add up to thirteen. Some people love the number so much that they make Friday (sometimes considered an unlucky day) the thirteenth their wedding day, and try to do all of their most important things on the thirteenth of the month. The British Medical Journal reported, however, that sometimes fifty per cent more people going to hospital because of a traffic accident on a Friday the thirteenth compared to a Friday the sixth.

1 The irrational fear of the number thirteen. 2 The number thirteen shirt. 3 Stop reading. 450%.

b:Christians U;Norse gods U; Chinese N; Sikhs L;Wiccans N

c:2 consequently 3 regarded as 4 related to 5 pointed out

7.Interviewer: Dr. Smith, as a psychologist, why would you say people love frightening stories?Dr. Smith: Well,there are various answers. One is that frightening stories can be entertaining. We love telling stories, and if you have a story to tell that is somehow frightening then other people are usually very interested in it. Now, most of these stories have a happy ending. So the listener feels some of the fear that the story teller felt in the situation but in the end the listener is happy because the story ends positively. Often there is also comic relief-we can laugh about how the story ends. Interviewer: Can frightening stories harm people?Dr. Smith: I don't really think so,as long as the person who reads or listens to the story is a healthy adult person. When you and I watch a horror film, for example, we know it's a film,even when we watch the most horrible scenes. You might be scared during some of the scenes, or even have a bad dream afterwards, but that's it. You know it was a story and you watched it for entertainment, nothing more. Interviewer: How about young children? Could frightening stories have a negative effect on their development? Dr. Smith: Well,many fairy tales are frightening. They are full of evil people, and witches and ghosts. But these fairy tales are important for children. They teach them that the world is about good and evil, and that the evil is part of our lives. A child who listens to such stories also learns how to deal with his own fears. Horror films are a different story. Some of them are certainly dangerous for very young children.We believe that ...

2 happy ending 3 can laugh about how the story ends 4 they know it's entertainment 5 they teach them about good and evil 6 learn how to deal with their own fears 7 dangerous for young children

Unit check

1.1 across 2 who 3 which 4 where 5 ghosts 6 through 7 unconcerned 8 unafraid

2.2b 3c 4c 5 a 6b 7c 8a 9a

3.2 illegal 3 inexpensive 4 informal 5 unhealthy 6 impolite 7 uncomfortable 8 unconcerned 9 unable

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