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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 6


1.a:2d 3a 4d 5b 6a

b:2 A language called Hindi is spoken in many parts of India. 3 The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing. 4 Boeing 747 planes are called Jumbos. 5 Most American films are made in Hollywood. 6 The 2006 football World Cup was won by Italy. 7 John Lennon was killed in December 1980. 8 The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg. 9 Gorillas are found in forests in Africa. 10 Buildings are designed by architects.

2.a:2 photos developed in 30 minutes. 3 have your ears pierced. 4 can have your computer repaired. 5 can have your eyes tested in 20 minutes. 6 You can have your clothes dry-cleaned in only 12 hours.

b:2 're having their photograph taken. 3 's having his car repaired. 4's having a garage built. 5 're having a computer delivered.


4.a:2c 3b 4h 5f 6g 7e 8a  

b:2 did 3 doesn't make 4 makes 5 did 6 make 7 made 8 make

c:2 an offer 3 room 4 request 5 time 6 living 7 sure 8 way

5.a:2 have been sold 3 have been killed 4 have been made 5 haven't been invited 6 has been made

b:2 have been knocked down 3 haven't been delivered 4 have been caught 5 hasn't been cleaned 6 has been put out

c:2 was scored by Messi. 3 was decorated by a professional. 4 weren't delivered to us on time. 5 are dealt with by Mr Brown. 6 always have Mary cut my hair.

6.a:2 will be protected 3 won't be increased 4 will be given 5 will be put 6 won't be closed 7 will be helped 8 will be reduced

b:2 won't be finished 3 Will, be heated 4 will be supervised 5 won't be allowed 6 Will, be given

7.a:2 earth 3 Any 4 all 5 How 6 more

b:2 How come 3 More or less 4 Any chance 5 I mean 6 After all

8.1 OK everyone-listen please! Listen! Now, from now on you're free to look around the town, do some shopping, have tea-whatever you want.OK? But please be back here-here!-at a quarter past eight, all eight? Eight fifteen.That's because the bus will leave here at exactly half past-we won't wait for anyone who's late.So if you're here at eight fifteen,then you'll be safe because there'll be fifteen minutes before we leave. Got that? OK-off you go, and have fun!

2 Well Sally, lets look at your maths results from this term.Erm...OK,you got 58%.Well, that's not too bad I suppose-and let's remember that last term you only got-what was it?-oh yes, 47%, so you've made some progress. But really this still isn't quite good enough,is it?I mean, 58% is OK,but with a bit more hard work and concentration, you could do better than that, I'm sure.So you need to do something about it,OK?

3 A: Hey Andy-how are you doing? B: OK thanks, Mike. A: Hang on-there's something different about you.What is it? B: Maybe it's this! A: Oh yeah-wow,that's neat! When did you have it done? B: Yesterday.I've always wanted to have an earring-and now I've got one! A: Did it hurt at all? B:Nah-you don't feel anything at all,you know? Piercing's no problem at all...

4 Good evening, and here is tonight's news.The number of casualties in the earthquake that hit southern Russia this morning has grown-it is now believed that approximately four thousand people have been killed, but rescue workers say that this number is likely to increase as the rubble is removed from buildings that have been destroyed.Many of the people killed were office workers...

5 A: Hello? Is that Home Pizza? B: Yes, Madam-can I help you? A: Yes-I'd like to have a pizza delivered,please. Ham and mushroom,family size. B: Certainly, Madam. What's the address, please?A: 18 Hampton Gardens. B: OK. That'll be six pounds 25. A: Do I have to pay for delivery? B: No, Madam.And in fact,if your pizza isn'tdelivered in the next 30 minutes,you won't have to pay anything. A: Great-thanks,goodbye.

1b 2b 3c 4a 5c

Unit check

1.1 taken 2 was 3 developed 4 made 5 made 6 have 7 effort 8 had 9 were

2.2a 3a 4b 5a 6c 7b 8a 9b

3.1 effort 2 mess 3 best 4 fun 5 do 6 make 7 sense 8 start

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