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English in Mind 5 课本答案 Unit 2

2.Snap judgements(二单元)

1.a:Students' own answers. The difference between these two men is only their height, but it probably has an influence on who students think is the boss. People tend to think that taller people are better leaders. This belief has no basis in science- there is no link between height and leadership skills .

b:1 the act of making very quick decisions 2 because she was a woman 3 letting what you see affect what you hear

c:Cook County Hospital doctors diagnosing heart attacks and judges choosing Abbie Conant from behind a screen.

2 By focusing on the patient's blood pressure instead of assessing all personal information

3 That prejudice can have a negative effect on decision making.

4 When choosing CEOs, companies think tall people will make good leaders.

5 He liked it. He didn't agree with all of it, but he found it fascinating and felt it would help people make better decisions.

d:2 analyses 3 split-second 4 theories 5 audition 6 revealed 7 withdrew 8 capitalise 9 correlation

2.b:positive- basketball players making quick decisions and having court sense negative -traffic police bias against a man with long hair

3.a:were/was; would

b:2 wasn't going to be 3 would be 4 was going to become 5 would be

4.a:1 Lucy 2 Julia 3 Hannah

b:1 Lucy 2 Hannah 3 Lucy 4 Hannah 5 Lucy 6 Hannah 7 Julia 8 Julia

5.a:2e 3a 4g 5b 6h 7d 8f

b:2 dither 3 making your mind up 4 mull things over 5 weigh up the pros and cons 6 snap 7 jumping to the wrong conclusion

7.a:The photographs all show interviews. They show different types of interview: a TV interview, a job interview/ an interview for university and a street survey.

b:1 B-an interview for university 2 A - a TV interview 3 C - a street survey

d:2Ie 3Ie 4 I 5Ie 6 I 7 I 8Ie 9Ie 10Ie

e:2 neutral 3 informal 4 neutral 5 informal 6 formal 7 formal 8 informal 9 neutral 10 informal

9.b:They help Amy to reach a compromise which allows her to spend less time on the radio show, so that she can also revise with Becky.

c:1 F (The teacher has been at the school for a term.) 2 T 3 T 4 F (He doesn't think Amy will like their plan.)

10.a:1 away 2 start 3 in 4 hear 5 going 6 for

b:a4 b5 c2 d6 e1 f3

c:1 I hear 2 fire away 3 for a start 4 Go for it 5 I think I'm right in saying 6 let's get going

12.a:They were unhelpful and rude.

b:1C 2A 3B

c:The writer clearly describes the events with attention to detail (Virtual Focus digital camera, Jeremy Baldwin, etc.) and the use of quotation marks. She also clearly states the action she will take if she does not receive an apology.

d:She uses adjectives and intensifying adverbs to express her feelings (deeply disappointed, appalled, totally unacceptable). She addresses the reader directly, inviting him to share her feelings (I don't think I need to explain). She also mentions the fact that she was a loyal customer.

e:2 am not prepared to 3 express my annoyance 4 dismayed 5 It is my opinion 6 would like to point out 7 have no objection to 8 discovered

Check your progress 


a:2 must have lost 3 can't have studied 4 must know 5 can't be 6 can't have 7 might have missed 8 I'll have left

b:2b 3a 4b 5c 6c 7a 8b


a:2 cut 3 side 4 making 5 End 6 same

b:2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F

How did you do? 

Students work out their scores. Check how they have done and follow up any problem areas with revision work.

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