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Great writing一级别答案(7.8单元 )

Unit 7 Reader Response


Activity 1, page 150

1, 2, 4, 7, 8

Activity 2, page 151

1. First

2. A second

3. another

4. In addition

5. Finally

Activity 3, page 152

a. 1

b. 6

c. 3

d. 7

e. 4

f. 8

g. 2

h. 5

Activity 4, pages 153-154

1. schools should focus on education, not exercise

2. a. Schools need to give students more opportunities to

get academic information.

b. Students need more time to prepare for national tests,

such as college entrance exams.

c. Students need to be able to compete academically in


3. a summary

Activity 5, page 155


Keep Physical Education

There are several reasons why I do not think that schools

should reduce the time for physical education. First, I think that it

is unfair to make students sit in class all day. They need a chance

to take a break and move around. Second, exercise brings oxygen

to our brains. This can help students focus better on their lessons

and learn more. Last, I believe that physical education classes

teach students healthy habits. This is important because students

will miss fewer classes if they are healthy. I truly feel that reducing

the time for physical education in schools is not a good idea.

1. schools should not reduce the time for physical education

2. a. It is unfair to make students sit in class all day.

b. Exercise brings oxygen to our brains.

c. Physical education classes teach students healthy


3. a summary

Activity 7, page 157

Answers will vary.


Activity 8, page 158

1. disagree

2. possibility 

3. go

4. attention

5. topic

6. required

7. make

8. give

9. smaller

10. unequal

Activity 9, pages 158-159

1. habit

2. compromise

3. access

4. lack

5. development

6. opportunity

7. trend

8. necessary

9. focus

10. natural

Activity 10, page 159

1. access

2. accessible

3. developed

4. development

5. productive

6. product

7. provides

8. provision

9. reduction

10. reduce

Activity 11, page 160

Answers will vary.


Activity 12, page 160

1. I think that children should have more free time.

2. In addition, they should watch less TV.

3. And finally, children need to play outside.

4. Better health is another reason to join a gym.

5. An example of a famous painting is the Mona Lisa.

6. More people are going to live longer because of their 

healthier habits.

7. He disagrees that parents should_help children with homework.

8. They believe that everyone has a talent or can do

something special.

9. The last example of a coffee producer is Brazil.

10. We feel that planning for the future is important.

Activity 13, page 161

Answers will vary.

Activity 14, pages 161-162

Possible answers:

1. I believe that electric cars are better for the environment.

2. There are many beaches near my house that are popular

places to go in the summer.

3. Jenna likes to travel alone because she meets people and

can do what she wants.


Activity 15, page 162

Answers will vary.

Activity 16, page 163

Answers will vary.

Unit 8 Putting It Together


Activity 1, page 166

1. a. S; b. T

2. a. S; b. T

3. a. T; b. S 

4. a. S; b. T

5. a. S; b. T

Activity 2, page 167

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. You should definitely visit the Kennedy Space Center if you

have the chance.

2. Remember these examples of patience the next time you

start to get frustrated.

3. As soon as you see this bridge, you immediately know it is

the Golden Gate Bridge.

Activity 3, page 167

a. 6

b. 3

c. 1

d. 5

e. 4

f. 2

g. 7

Possible title: Breakfast Foods Around the World

Activity 4, page 168

1. used

2. lets

3. helps

4. ended

5. enjoy

6. watch

7. listen

Post-reading questions


An Important Invention

The light bulb is one of the most important inventions of

all time. In the past, people used candles to see at night. This

light was very weak and difficult to see with. However, now the

light bulb lets us see things easily in the dark. This invention

also helps us to do more work in one day. Before the light

bulb, most work ended at sunset. Now people can continue to

work outdoors or in their offices after the sun goes down. In

addition, people can enjoy live entertainment when it is dark.

For example, sports fans watch games at night on lighted fields,

and music lovers listen to concerts in lighted stadiums. Without

the invention of the light bulb, our lives would be very different.

2. a. The light bulb lets us see things easily in the dark.

b. It also helps us to do more work in one day.

c. People can enjoy live entertainment when it is dark.

3. the light bulb; one of the most important inventions

Activity 5, page 168

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 169

1. the

2. the

3. a

4. the

5. the

6. Ø

7. a

8. the

9. The

10. the

11. the

Activity 7, page 170

1. They wanted to drive it, but I told them they could not.

2. My friends did not want to walk, so they were always


3. Every weekend, I drove to the movie theater, and my

friends rode with me.

Activity 8, page 170 

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 171

Activity 9, page 171


Earthquakes Caused by Humans

Several types of human activity can set off earthquakes.

First, mining can cause earthquakes. When we remove dirt

from the ground to build mines, the earth can become weak.

If it collapses, an earthquake can happenNext, humans can

cause earthquakes by building dams. The weight of so much

water in one place can set off an earthquake. In addition,

earthquakes can happen because fracking is used to get oil or

gas from the groundWhen the water that comes up with the

oil or natural gas is put back into the ground, it can cause an

earthquakeIf we continue to dig mines, build dams, and use

fracking, we will have more and more earthquakes.

1. 3, 8

2. 4, 9

3. 7

Activity 10, page 172

Answers will vary.

Activity 11, page 172


Activity 12, page 172

Answers will vary.

Activity 13, page 172

Answers will vary.


Activity 14, page 173

1. really

2. control

3. want

4. allow

5. rider

6. walking

7. take away

8. start

9. down

10. unable

Activity 15, pages 173-174 

1. live

2. passengers

3. pedestrians

4. equipment

5. adventure

6. weight

7. festival

8. experience

9. sunset

10. powerful

Activity 16, page 174

1. adventurous

2. adventure

3. entertainment

4. entertaining

5. experience

6. experience

7. Jealousy

8. jealous

9. powerful

10. power

Activity 17, pages 174-175

Answers will vary.


Activity 18, page 175


The Island of the Colorblind

There is something unusual about Pingelap Atoll, a small

island in the South Pacific. About 10 percent of its population

is colorblind. This means they cannot see most or all colors.

When a terrible storm hit the island in 1775, it killed most of the

islanders. Because the population was so small, the gene for

colorblindness passed to a lot of people over the next several

hundred years. Their condition is known as achromatopsia.

Some of the people on Pingelap who have achromatopsia are

able to see colors like red and blue, but others only see black

and white. People’s understanding of color is certainly different

on Pingelap Atoll.

Activity 19, page 175

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Our trip to the Grand Canyon was an unforgettable experience.

2. Winning the prize was an extraordinary achievement.

3. Subject-verb agreement is a typical mistake that people

learning English make.

4. An airplane is a modern machine.

5. The festival celebrates spring.

Activity 20, page 176

Possible answers:

1. China has a festival in April every year to celebrate a

building project that changed the flow of the Min River.

2. There are underground tunnels in parts of Argentina and

Brazil that were made by now-extinct animals.

3. Tasmania is a dangerous place to surf because there are

great white sharks and waves up to 20 feet high.


Activity 21, page 176

Answers will vary.

Activity 22, page 177

Answers will vary.

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