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Great writing五级别答案(5.6单元)

Unit 5

Activity 1, page 100

1. The steps in collecting data for a research study

2. ✓ Rio de Janeiro versus Tokyo as a site for the Summer Olympic Games

3. ✓ Reproductive processes of mammals and reptiles

4. ✓ Societies with small families and societies with large families

5. An analysis of voting trends and results in recent elections

in Ecuador

6. ✓ The career choice of becoming a teacher or a lawyer

7. Daily life for a student at a university

8. Information about llamas in the Andes Mountains in Peru

9. Answers will vary.  10. Answers will vary.

Activity 2, page 102

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, pages 102–105

Pre-reading questions:

Answers will vary.

Post-reading questions:

1. The purpose of this essay is to compare two different kinds

of classroom: online versus face-to-face.

2. Thesis statement: Students should not assume that either

online or face-to-face classes are superior; instead, they

should focus on what they need to learn from a particular

course and which learning paradigm will best facilitate

their education.

3. point-by-point method

4. Advantages of face-to-face classes

a. Development of communication skills

b. More opportunities for social interaction

Advantages of online classes

a. Greater convenience

b. Increased student participation

5. Answers will vary.

6. Possible answer: The writer could have discussed the

costs associated with these two kinds of courses: books,

transportation, etc.

Activity 4, page 106

Possible answers:

Title: Online and Face-to-Face Learning in the Digital Age

I. Introduction

A. Describe increasing importance of computers in education.

B. Briefly contrast online education with traditional face-to

face classes.

C. Thesis statement: Students should not assume that

either online or face-to-face classes are superior; instead,

they should focus on what they need to learn from a

particular course and which learning paradigm will

best facilitate their education.

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Discuss convenience of online courses versus face-to-face courses.

B. Provide example of how scheduling time for online

courses is more convenient than for face-to-face courses.

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Discuss the different rates of student participation in

online versus face-to-face courses.

B. Provide scholarly evidence that supports argument that

online courses increase student participation.

IV. Body Paragraph 3

A. Discuss the differences in face-to-face communication

in these two kinds of classes.

B. Provide example of specific classroom settings that benefit

from face-to-face interaction.

V. Body Paragraph 4

A. Discuss the need for adequate computer access and

skills to take online courses.

B. Suggest that some students spend too much time

learning how to use the computer technology rather than

concentrating on the subject matter.

VI. Body Paragraph 5

A. Discuss differences in personal relationships between

traditional and online classes.

B. Provide an example of how teachers cannot write effective

recommendation letters for students they do not know personally.

VII. Conclusion

A. Suggest that students and teachers assess their learning

and instructional styles in order to create learning

environments where everyone is likely to prosper.

B. Predict that this issue will be resolved in the future.

Activity 5, page 107

Possible answers:

1. Although Walt Disney’s theme parks in Orlando and

Tokyo share many of the same attractions, there are key

differences between them as well.

2. While soccer and rugby originated from the same sport,

they are now significantly different in many ways.

3. Despite their shared reputations as political reformers,

England’s Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II saw their position

in quite different terms.

Activity 6, page 108

1. Paragraph 2: Although face-to-face . . . Shows difference

2. Paragraph 3: As opposed to some lecture classes . . .

Shows difference

3. Paragraph 4: Another difference between these two types

. . . Shows difference

4. Paragraph 5: While face-to-face classes . . . Shows difference

5. Paragraph 6: Finally, one other way traditional classrooms

are different from online classes . . . Shows difference

6. Paragraph 7: Both face-to-face and online courses. . .

Shows similarity

Activity 7, pages 109–111

Pre-reading questions:

Answers will vary.

While-reading questions:

1. too  2. Unlike  3. whereas  4. but  5. For example

6. While  7. on the other hand  8. Thus  9. As a result

10. While  11. Consequently  12. both

Activity 8, page 111

Possible answers:

1. Egypt is not as large as Saudi Arabia.

2. The population of San Francisco is not as large as the

population of Los Angeles.

3. The heart is not as complex an organ as the brain.

4. The weather in Tokyo is not as humid as in Bangkok.

5. The economy is growing as rapidly this year as last year.

6. WW1 was as not nearly as costly in terms of lives as WW2.

7. Community colleges are not as expensive as universities.

8. Introversion does not seem to be as common as extroversion.

Activity 9, page 112

1. According to the most recent data, the population of Spain

is larger than the population/that of Greece.

2. The company’s annual report indicates excellent sales in

January, March, and July.

3. With only five days until the deadline, our team’s project is

not as good as the other team’s.

4. Many children like watching TV shows and playing video games.

5. To apply for a loan, select from our different loan packages,

fill out an application, and submit it to a loan officer at the bank.

6. According to the report, schools in California spend more

money per student than schools/those in New York.

7. For better heart health, three great forms of exercise involve

our legs: jogging, distance running, and brisk/fast walking.

8. To relax, many people like surfing the Internet, working in

the garden, and doing crossword puzzles.

Activity 10, page 113

1. vital - necessary  2. indigenous - native  3. encounter - find

4. merge - combine  5. simulate - similar  6. duplicate - copy

7. reluctance - hesitation  8. navigate - understand

9. prosper - succeed  10. isolate - alone

Activity 11, page 113–114

1. facilitate student learning  2. navigate the web site easily

3. the mass extinction of dinosaurs  4. effective planning is vital

5. an animal’s natural habitat  6. duplicate the results of an experiment

7. address a problem  8. a hospitable environment

9. a reluctance to participate  10. allocate enough time for a meeting

Activity 12, page 114

1. extinction  2. extinct  3. isolated  4. isolating  5. navigable

6. navigate  7. prosperity  8. prosperous  9. simulation  10. simulate

Activity 13, page 115

Answers will vary.

Activity 14, page 115

1. Before you start to write a paragraph or an essay, you

should make a simple outline.

2. Giraffes eat only leaves, so they usually live in areas with a

lot of green vegetation.

3. Miami may have more people than any another other city

in Florida, but the capital city has been is Tallahassee.

4. Three great gift ideas for a recent college graduate

includes the cash, clothing, and travel.

5. The article indicates how many adults have to wear glasses

or contacts for to read well.

Activity 15, page 116

Possible answers:

1. To have some quiet time before the rest of their family

wakes up and to get to their office on time, some people

wake up very early every day.


Some people wake up early every day in order to have

some quiet time before the rest of their family wakes up

and to get to work on time.

2. A Boeing 737, which is one of the most common

commercial planes, seats approximately 140 passengers.


One of the most common commercial planes, the Boeing

737, seats approximately 140 passengers.

3. According to a credible website, the top three names

for baby girls in England are Sophia, Olivia, and Emma

followed by Isabella and Ava.


Sophia, Olivia, and Emma, followed by Isabella and Ava, are

the top three names for baby girls in England, according to

a credible website.

Activity 16, page 116–117

1. c  2. a

3. Possible answer:

People should let animals stay in their natural homes so

that these animals can survive and avoid extinction.

4. Possible answer:

One last distinction between face-to-face and online courses

is that there are more chances for students to interact and

develop relationships in face-to-face situations.

Activities 17, pages 117–118

Answers will vary.

Unit 6

Activity 1, pages 122–123

Answers will vary.

Activity 2, page 125

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, pages 126–128

Pre-reading questions:

Answers will vary.

Post-reading questions:

1. The purpose of this essay is to describe a reaction to an  infographic.

2. The National Geographic graphic “Lost and Tossed” (2016)

depicts in a clear and comprehensible way the staggering

amount of edible food that is wasted each year.

3. Reaction to the quality of the graphic: clear, comprehensible

4. Reaction to the topic of the graphic: alarming

5. Thesis statement: Given that, globally, so many people

suffer from serious hunger, the information presented in

this visual is especially alarming.

6. Answers will vary.

7. Possible answer: The writer could have included

information about how much food is wasted at restaurants

and supermarkets.

Activity 4, page 128

Title: The Shocking Truth about Food Waste

I. Introduction

A. Briefly mention how precious food is for humanity.

B. Cite National Geographic’s visual of food loss.

C. Thesis statement: Given that, globally, so many people

suffer from serious hunger, the information presented

in this visual is especially alarming.

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Most distressing revelation in the graphic: more fruits and

vegetables are lost or wasted than actually eaten

B. State that this graphic shows that all of us need to reduce

food waste.

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Another disturbing statistic about food loss: 20 percent of

food loss happens during picking and sorting.

B. Rhetorical question: With modern agricultural

equipment and technology readily available, how is it

possible to waste that much food?

IV. Body Paragraph 3

A. Discuss how consumers contribute to food loss—20%.

B. This waste is unacceptable: it is insulting to the millions of

people who are suffering from hunger around the globe.

V. Conclusion

A. Prediction: We will be more motivated to do our part

toward reducing food waste.

Activity 5, page 129

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 130

1. Furthermore, along with another study (Conrad, Niles,

Neher, Roy, Tichenor, & Jahns, 2018) suggesting that

“the average person living in America wastes nearly

one pound of food daily” (14), this graphic shows that all

of us—from farmers to consumers—need to decrease food waste.

2. With regard to other parts of the graphic, another

disturbing statistic is that 20 percent of food loss happens

during picking and sorting.

3. Without a doubt, this is unacceptable.

4. Indeed, just as most people cannot imagine wasting food,

they are shocked to find out how much food is actually

wasted every day.

Activity 7, page 131

1. Long before Colgate started selling its toothpaste in the

1800sthe ancient Egyptians had a recipe for toothpaste.

2. At college, students learn key skills in order that they can

be prepared for a good job after graduation.

3. This website is especially useful for young teens even

though it was originally designed for the people of their

grandparents’ age.

4. Because the senator’s popularity is so low, it is unlikely

that he will win in the next election.

5. Even if the team wins all its remaining gamesit will have a

losing record for the year.

6. Some sociologists note that the rich are getting richer

whereas the poor are getting poorer.

Activity 8, page 129–131

Possible answers:

1. Even though / Although / Though  2. When  3. because / since

4. Additionally / Furthermore / In addition / Also  5. Regarding

6. Even though / Although / Though  7. Indeed / In fact

8. Finally / In addition / Furthermore

9. While / Although / Even though / Though

10. Nonetheless / However

Activity 9, page 133

1. alarming - shocking  2. commodity - product  3. compile - organize

4. depict - show  5. edible - can eat  6. expire - end  7. rank - order

8. reputable - respectable  9. revelation - announcement

10. taken aback - surprised

Activity 10, page 134

1. eagerly await a response  2. ranked as the best in the world

3. deeply disturbing  4. compile a list  5. a recent opinion poll

6. an alarming report  7. be taken aback by surprising news

8. readily available  9. due to expire soon

10. an embarrassing revelation

Activity 11, pages 134–135

1. disturbed  2. disturbing  3. eager  4. eagerly  5. expires

6. expired  7. reputation  8. reputedly  9. reveals/revealed

10. revelation

Activity 12, page 135

Answers will vary.

Activity 13, page 135

1. Although the United Kingdom and New Zealand are similar

for in size, but New Zealand has just under 5 million people

while the United Kingdom has more than 63 million people.


Although The United Kingdom and New Zealand are

similar for in size, but New Zealand has just under 5 million

people while the United Kingdom has more than 63 million people.

2. Because of Vietnam has such an incredible variety of

interesting places to see and experience, more than 10

millions tourists visit this country each year.

3. One thing that makes Arabic as a foreign language difficult

to master is that many different dialects are spoken, which

means that the Arabic in Egypt may not resemble to the

Arabic in Morocco or Oman.

4. Few people outside the city of Pittsburgh knows know

about its riverside trails where people bike or jog and

enjoying enjoy the river scenery.

5. According to a reputable higher education website, at

least 38 schools in the United Kingdom that offer courses

in chemical engineering at the undergraduate level.

Activity 14, page 136

1. It is alarming that 20 percent of fruits and vegetables are

lost during picking and sorting.


The loss of 20 percent of fruits and vegetables during

picking and sorting is alarming.

2. Of the 12 verb tenses in English, one of the most difficult

for English language learners is the present perfect tense.


For English language learners, the present perfect tense is

one of the most difficult of the 12 verb tenses.

3. Many people are surprised to learn (that) the three official

languages in New Zealand are English, Maori, and sign language.


The three official languages in New Zealand are English,

Maori, and sign language, which many people are surprised to learn.

Activity 15, page 137

Possible answers:

Banning Plastic Straws

Should plastic straws be banned? Many environmental activists 

are concerned about the number of plastic products that are

produced and then thrown away after a single use. Plastic

products disintegrate very slowly, so they can contribute to

horrible environmental problems. One example of this kind of

Problem is the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch, which is a

79-thousand-ton floating trash island. Environmentalists will 

hope that if people learn that they do not need plastic straws,

they will reconsider their use of other plastic products. A vast

number of products today are packaged and sold in plastic.

Banning plastic straws will not solve this problem entirelybut 

it would be a good first step.

Activity 16, page 137–138

1. b

2. c

3. Possible answer:

Beginning with the movie The Jazz Singer, actors were able

to speak their lines instead of gesturing their reactions,

which marked the end of silent movies.

4. Possible answer:

Wikipedia reports that curling started in Scotland in the

1500s and was played on frozen lakes.

Activity 17, pages 139–140

Answers will vary. 

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