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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 10

10.Mysterious places(十单元)

1.a:2 lost 3 didn't phone 4 haven't got 5 angry 6 don't eat

b:1 could have been 2 might be 3 could have built 4 don't believe 5 can't have built 6 must weigh 7 must have been

c:2 can't have left 3 might/could have run 4 can't have finished 5 must have been 6 might/could have seen

Example answers

d:2 have got that job offer she was hoping for. 3 have been really angry. 4 have practised their songs very much. 5 have been delayed at work. 6 have loved his wife very much. 7 have been very disappointed. 8 have been driving too fast.

2.a:1 They must have been disappointed. 2 She can't have left already. 3 I could have helped you. 4 She might have gone home. 5 We must have forgotten to tell him. 6 She couldn't have seen us.

3.a:2 is he 3 they're 4 are they 5 he's 6 is he 7 we're 8 are we 

b:2 where they are 3 why they're laughing at him 4 why she's so angry 5 how old she is 6 where they're from

c:2? 3? 4? 567 ? 8 ?

d:2 do they live 3 does the film start 4 the film starts 5 did she speak to 6 she spoke to 7 is it to London 8 it is to London

e:2 Do I need a visa? 3 Do you know where they went? 4 Where did they go? 5 Do you know when they will be back? 6 When will they be back?

4.a:2d 3f 4b 5e 6a

b:2 tied in with 3 called off 4 passed away 5 went out

c:2 ran 3 going 4 looked 5 down 6 get 7 turn 8 up 9 into

d:2 into 3 into 4 across 5 off 6 down 7 down 8 up

5.2 moment 3 Just 4 right 5 Besides 6 business

6.2 saw 3 was shivering 4 had been killed 5 screamed 6 was shaking 7 had saved 8 had gone 9 walking

Unit check

1.1 between 2 most 3 might 4 neither 5 must 6 message 7 we are 8 wonder 9 have

2.2a 3a 4c 5c 6c 7a 8b 9b

3.2 went out 3 ran into 4 broke down 5 called off 6 turned up 7 came across 8 turned (him)down 9 broke up

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