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power up4级别Activity book答案(unit4-unit6)

Unit 4

Page 44  

See page TB44

Page 45

1 Key: 2 feed, fetch 3 search, send 4 prefer,prepare 5 tidy, try 6 repair, read

2 Key: 2 looked after 3 repair h preparing 5 tidy 6 make sure

3 meet  tidy  lucky  wheel

Key: tidy  lucky  wheel

4 Key: 1 tree 2 diary 3 noisy

Page 46

1 Key: 2 (He was driving) slowly and carefully.3 (It arrived) when Mr Friendly was repairing the tyre. 4(She was) playing her violin.5 Marc(is going to help him). 6 (They're going to) study for their exam.

2 Key: 2 prepare 3 jungle 4 pleased 5 path 6 driving 7 while 8 was

Page 47

1 Key: 2 h 3 f 4 e 5 a 6 c 7 d 8 b

2 Key: (possible answer) Jim and Tom were in the car with their mum and dad. They were driving along a road in the countryside when the tyre burst.Dad changed the tyre.Jim and Tom and their mum played volleyball in a field.Then they all had a picnic on the grass.

Page 48

1 Key: a 3 b 8 c 4 d 7 (e 1) f 5 g 2 h 6

2 Key: 2 It's quarter to eleven. 3 It's twenty to seven.4 It's ten past twelve.

Page 49

1 Key: 2 since 3 for 4 since 5 since 6 for7 for 8 since 9 since

2 Key: 2 How long have you been married? 3 Have you studied the guitar?4 How long have you played the guitar? 5 How long have you had that guitar?6 Have you played at many festivals? 7 Have you ever been to New York?8 How long have you lived in London?

Page 50

1 Key: 2 the equator 3 the Greenwich Meridian4 a line of latitude

2 Key: 2 b 3 d 4 e 5 a

4 Key: the UK, France, Spain,Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso,Togo, Ghana

Page 51

Note: The answers learners find for size and number of inhabitants may vary, according to source.

Key: Continent: South America Capital city: Bogota

Language: Spanish Time zone: GMT -5Size:

1,141,748 square km Number of inhabitants:

49,587,941 Borders with: (Peru,) Brazil, Venezuela,Panama,Ecuador Oceans/Seas: Pacific Ocean,Caribbean Sea Mountains: Andes, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Page 52

1 Key: 1 a dress made of leaves (learners may add 'aring of wild flowers') 2 that they"re safe with her

3 it touched her and made a soft noise

4 they saw how beautiful the forest and its animals were

2 Key: (possible answer) Mother Mountain said 'You can't throw rubbish into the river. Her eyes turned red and she said 'Go to sleep now.Then wake up and see.'

Page 53


Man: Did you like that story about Mother Mountain?

Girl: Yes, I did.There's a picture here too.Shall I colour it?

Man: That’s a lovely idea.How about colouring a butterfly?

Girl: The smaller one, on the bear's nose?

Man: No.Why don't you colour the larger one yellow?

Can you see the yellow butterfly? This is an example.Now you listen and colour and write.

Girl: OK.I've done that! What shall I do next?

Man:You could colour Mother Mountain, but not her dress.That's too big.

Girl:  I know! I can colour the ring of flowers.

Man: Yes, she was wearing that in the story.You could make yours pink too.

2 Man: There are also places where you can write.How about writing something now?

Girl: OK. I could put a word on one of these boards.

Man:Yes.Look at the board on the tree. What do you think the forest is called?

Girl: Let's call it "Wild Forest".

Man: Great idea! Write the missing word above the word 'Forest".

3 GirlI'd really like to colour an eagle.There's one in the sky, but I think it's better to colour the one on Mother Mountain's arm. What colour should I use for its wing?

Man:Well , their heads are white, but they have black bodies and wings.

Girl: OK.I've found the crayon which I need.

4Man: Now, you're good at writing, so perhaps you could complete the other board on the right of the picture.

Girl: What do you want it to say?Man: How about 'To the stream'?

Girl: Yes, I can write that word in the space.There!

5 Girl: What else shall I do? There are more animals that I haven't coloured yet.

Man:  Yes, there are.The bear's quite big ... but you could colour a tortoise.

Girl:  I love the one which is looking at Mother Mountain. I might make it blue - that's mfavourite colour!

Man:  I know, but that's a strange colour for a tortoise! How about brown?

Girl:  OK.I've finished that now.

Man:  well done! You've coloured that really carefully. It's a wonderful picture.

Key: 1 Mother Mountain's ring of flowers - pink 2 Wild' written above the word 'Forest” 3 eagle on Mother Mountain's arm - black body and wings (learners should leave its head white) 4 ‘stream' written under the words 'To the' on the board 5 tortoise - brown 

Page 54


What was Katy's first job?

Boy: What did you do before you looked after children, Katy?

Katy: I was very busy.

Boy: You're very good at drawing.Were you an artist?

Katy: Yes, but that wasn't my first job.After I left school, I was a photograp her for a health magazine.

Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.

 What doesn't she like about her job now?

Boy: What's the most difficult thing about your job with us, Katy? Tidying after we've painted?

Katy: well, I think you should help more, but no,that's OK and I enjoy cooking, so when I have to cook your dinner,that isn't a problem.

Boy:  How about helping with our science homework?I don't think you like that very much!

Katy:  Mm, you 're right! Science wasn't my favourite subject at school.That's the worst thing about this job!

2 What's the easiest thing about this job?

Boy: Is it easy to look after us?

Katy: Well, sometimes I have to text your parents - and that's difficult if  they"re at a concert!

Boy: Practising the violin is difficult for me. Do you like listening when we practise?

Katy: Oh, yes, I love it That's the easiest part of mjob. I only have to listen!

Boy:  But you play computer games with us and that's really easy.

Katy:  Not when they"re your games and you've played them a lot before

3 Which game are they going to play?

Boy: Shall we play a game now? 1 don't mean a computer game.

Katy: OK.How about the one about the dinosaurs?I found it when I was tidying a cupboard the other day.

Boy:  Hmmm.I had that when I was younger. I don't play it now, but I’ve got a game about travelling round the world.Or we could play chess if you like?

Katy: I've never learnt to play that, sorry.Let's play the other game you said - the one about going to different countries.

4 What is Katy going to do in August?

Boy: Are you going to travel in the summer when our parents are on holiday?

Katy: Well, my aunt invited me to work in her shop -she sells instruments - but I want to be outside in the summer and I've had another very

interesting invitation. Next week, I'm going to meet a very famous football player ...

Boy: But you hate football!

Katy: But I'm going to ask lots of questions.Then in August I’m going to travel to the countryside and I'm going to write a book about her on my laptop.

5 How is she going to travel there?

Boy: The countryside's a long way from here.Are you going to go on the bus?

Katy: I thought about that, but I want to take mbicycle and it's more difficult on the bus.

Boy: There might be a railway station.

Katy: Yes, there is and I've found out when I can take my bicycle on a train.I knew I couldn't take it in my little car.

Boy: Perhaps you could try to learn chess online and then we can play in September!

Key: 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A

Page 55


See notes for Unit 1 game on page TB129(AB page 17).

Unit 5

Page 56

See page T856

Page 57

Key: Across: 3 ice 4 autumn 6 spring7  fog 8 warm

Down: 2 summer 5 foggy 6 storm

Key: 2 Friday - Monday - Wednesday

fog - ice - storm February - December - March


summer  winter  November  winner  calendar  passenger  doctor

Keywinter November winner calendar passenger doctor

Key: (possible answers) teacher, actor, shoulder, popular, after and months ending in -er

Page 58

Key: 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 yes 6 no

Key: 2 in 3 when 4 couldn't 5 us 6 laugh

Page 59

Key: 2 Dad,will you repair my bike this morning,

please? 3 We'll prepare lunch when we get back from town.4 I'll fetch a blanket for you, Grandma.5 He won't send us a message today because he's lost his phone. 6 They'll meet us in the square behind the museum.7 who'll look after my dog while I go into the shop? 8 I hope we won't be late for the film.

Key: 1 I'll give him some water. 2 I'll make you a snack. 3 I’ll call the doctor. 4 I'm not sure. I'll text him.

Page 60

Key: 2 snowball 3 pocket 4winter 5 snowboard 6 glove 7 autumn 8 summer 9 pond 10 skiing 11 spring 12 sledge

Secret word: snowboarding

Key: 1 summer 2 snowmen 3 gloves 4 pockets 5 a sledge 6 a pond 7 a snowboard 8 foggy

Page 61

Key: because we're all hungry.(black) because it was raining.(brown)so we'll go sledging this afternoon.(pink) so we'll need strong boots and water. (purple) so I'll put my hands in my pockets. (blue)

Key: 2 because 3 because 4 , so 5 , so 6 because

Page 62

Key: 2 North Pole 3 northern

hemisphere 4 equator 5 southern hemisphere 6 South Pole

Key: 2 sun 3 higher 4 winter 5 South 6 lower

Key: 2 Winter 3 Summer

4 Autumn

Page 63

Key: 1 Winter begins in June and summer begins in December in Argentina.2 It is (very) cold all year in the south of Argentina. 3 You can see penguins in Argentina in summer and in winter / all year.

4 You can swim in the sea in summer and in winter.

Page 64

Key: 2 nine 3 he didn't want to make another snowman / he wanted to go snowboarding 4 the snowman/ El viejo wasn't there when he came back 5 another snowman / El Viejo

Key: 1 False: Toms was younger than Valentin.

2 False: It was behind their house.

3 True

4 False: They used a carrot to make the snowman's nose.

5 True

Page 65


1 what was Dad's favourite activity in the snow?

Valentin: Look at the snow,Tomas! Let's go and throw snowballs!

Tomos: Yes,that's a good idea! And we can build a snowman together.That's my favourite thing.

Valentin: or we can go sledging.That's what Dad liked best when he was a boy.

Tomds: Really? I didn't know that.

Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.

2 Which is valentin's favourite season?

Tomos:  Do you like winter, valentin?

Valentin: Yes, 1do, but it isn't the best season of the year. The snow is fun, but it's too cold.

Tomds: Is spring your favourite season, then, when all the flowers are growing?

Valentin: No, I prefer the summer because we can swim in the sea.

Tomis:  I love that too! The water isn't warm here, but it's fun.

3 Which boots are Valentin's?

Valentin: So shall we go outside now? Oh, but I haven't got my boots.

Tomos:  There they are, look - next to the kitchen door.

Valentin: The black ones? They're Dad's! They' re much too big for me! Mine are brown.

Tomos: There are some brown boots at the bottom of the stairs.Are those yours,Valentin?

Valentin: No, I've just found mine. Here, look, under the kitchen table.

4 What have the boys forgotten to pack?

Valentin: OK. Have we got everything we need?

Tomds:  I think so. Did you put a scarf in your rucksack?

Valentin: Yes, I did. I've got that and a carrot for the

Tomds: We need stones, for his eges! We haven't got any.

Valentin: You're right! we forgot about them.It 's OK. We'll find some on the hill.

5 What do the boys take to eat and drink?

Valentin: We should take some food and a drink too.

Tomas:  Oh, yes.Good idea.How about a big bottle of water and strawberry yoghurts? They can keep cool in the snow.

Valentin: I think we need more than yoghurt and water.

I'll prepare some cheese sandwiches.And we could take two small bottles of orange juice.

Tomas: We had that for breakfast.How about apple juice instead?

Valentin: OK.

6 What time did Mum tell the boys to come home?

Tomos: Come on,Valentin! Let's go! We have to be home soon.

Valentin: Oh, yes.Let's see.It's now ...twenty past two. OK.Shall we start to go down the hill at half past four so we can be home on time?

Tomds:  Did Mum say at quarter to five?

Valentin: That's right.

Key: 2 B  C  4A  C  C

Page 66


Woman: Harry and Sarah have both got a new DVD.I don't know angthing about Harry's DVD, but you do.I'm going to ask you some questions about Harry's DVD and you answer them.All right? 

What's the DVD about?

How long's the DVD?

Who's it from?

Has it got any music?

What does Harry like best?

Key: (possible answers)It's about spring animals.It's 70 minutes (long). It's from (his) Grandma.  Yes, it has. He likes the part about butterflies (best)./ He likes the butterflies (best).


Woman: Nowa, you don't know anything about Sarah's DVD, so you ask me some questions.

It's about autumn weather.

It's fifty minutes.

It's from Mum and Dad.

No, it hasn't.

She likes the storms best.

Key: (possible questions) What's the DVD about? How long's the DVD? Who's it / the DVD from? Has it got any music? What does Sarah like best?

Page 67


See notes for Unit 1 game on page TB129(AB page 17). In this game, learners 'collect' four words by landing on the square.The game finishes when one learner has collected all four of their words.

Unit 6

Page 68

See page TB68

Page 69

Key: 2 police officer 3 mechanic 4 businessman 5 engineer 6 photographer 7 pilot 8 firefighter 9 waiter 10 cook

Key: 2 cushion 3 uniform 4 stream 5 corner 6 businesswoman 7 storm 8 airport


film star  bus stop  pop star  post office  train station

Keybus stop  pop star   post office   train station


The pop star's playing rock music at the train station.The police officer and the film star are at the post office.

Page 70

1 Key: 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 yes 6 no 7 no yes

1 Woman: They aren't in Australia, are they?

Man: No.

2 Woman: They invented K-pop music in South Korea, didn't they?

Man: Yes.

3 Woman: Jim and Jenny's dad's got a robot in the kitchen, hasn't he?

Man: Yes.

4 Woman: Robots don't always look like people,do they?

Man: No.

5 Woman:They're designing robot teachers, aren't they?

Man: Yes.

6 woman:The robot which Mrs Friendly's looking at isn't playing the guitar, is it?

Man: No.

7 Woman: Ivan hasn't bought a kitten, has he?

Man: No.

8 woman: Ivan's puppy can walk, can't it?

Man: Yes.


Page 71

Key: 2 e  3 f  4 a  5 h  6 c  7 d  8 b 

Boy:  This is a photo which my dad took of the high Street,Grandma.

Grandma: Oh, it looks very busy, doesn't it?

Boy: Yes. it was very busy on that day because Holly the famous pop star was staying in the hotel.

Grandma: Oh, yes.She's the one coming out of the hotel,isn't she?

Boy: That's right.

Can you see the line? This is an example.Now you listen and draw lines.

Boy: Look at my friend Emma. She was really worried that day.Her cat climbed a tree and it couldn't get down.

Grandma: Oh, yes,she and her mum are looking up at the cat.

Boy: Yes.Her mum called the firefighters.

Grandma: That one's brave, isn't she?

Boy: Yes, she is. She's my friend's mum.

Grandma: Oh, your friend Frank, I remember. Is he the boy who's riding a bicycle?

Boy: He was riding it, but look, he's stopped and he's watching his mum.

Grandma: Now, I know that man - the pilot who's getting out of the taxi.

Boy: Really? Who is he?

Grandma: His name's William.You haven't met him, have you?

Boy: I don't think so.

Grandma: He's just moved into a house near mine.That's his daughter. She's waving to him.

Grandma: I can see some photographers too.But your dad isnt one of them, is he?

Boy: No,that's right.He took this photo! But his friend Sophia's there.

Grandma: Is she?

Boy: Yes, she sometimes works with Dad.She's standing between the other two.

Grandma: And why wasn't that man working, in the building opposite the hotel?

Boy: I don't know.I think he's watching everything.He's my dentist.

Grandma: Really ? What's his name?..

Boy: Mr Park ... Richard Park.I know because I've seen his name on the door.

Grandma: well, he wasn't very busy on that dag, was he?

Key: Emma - girl in green next to tree

Frank - boy standing with bicycle

William - man with black cap next to taxi 

Sophia - woman photographer between the two other photographers Richard - man in window opposite hotel

Betty (no answer, distractor)

Page 72

Key: a where people work: police station, fire station, factory

b Part of a uniform: gloves, boots, pocket

c Jobs: manager, engineer, mechanic

d The office: cupboard, desk, computer

Key: 1 meeting 2 office 3 news4 business 5 police station 6 factory 7 police officer 8 fire engine 9 uniforms

Secret word: newspaper(learners' own sentences)

Page 73

Key: 1 (Does) he? 2 Has she? 3 Didn't they? 4 Won't he?

Key: 2 c 3H 4 E 5 G 6 F

Page 74

Key: b 1 c 4 d 3

Key: (possible answer) We invented a robot to help in the house.It's made of recycled plastic from bottles. The robot helps to load and unload the dishwasher.

Page 75

Key: 1 (clean), floor 2 everything, screen 3 travel, money 4 keep, music

Key: (possible answers) 1 There is only one food in the fridge, kimchi.2 Kimchi is very difficult to keep in good condition.3 Learners' own answers

Page 76

Key: 2 e  3 a  4 c  5 b

Note: After doing the matching activity, learners could connect the two sentences with so orally (and write them out if there is time).

Key: 1 friends 2 Seo-joon 3 Seoul 4 doesn't understand children/humans 5 He helps Seo-joon with maths

Page 77

Key: (possible answer) A In my picture, the poster is (of someone) snowboarding.B: In my picture, the poster is (of someone playing) volleyball. A: In my picture, the dad in the photo is a businessman.B: In my picture, he's a mechanic.A: In mg picture, the pyjamas on the chair are striped / have stripes.B: In my picture, they're spotted / have spots.A- In mpicture, there's a violin on the bed. B: In my picture,it's a drum (on the bed).A: In my picture, Seo-joon has drawn a picture of a race.B: In my picture, it's a dinosaur (in the drawing).A: In my picture, Buddie is wearing gloves.B: In my picture, he isn't wearing(any) gloves.

Page 78

1 Key: 1 hard 2 have 3 like 4 go 5 with 6 don't 7 might 8 good 9 decide 10 an

Page 79


See notes for Unit 1 game on page TB129(AB page 17).In this game, there are bonus squares (yellow) and penalty squares (red).Learners follow the instructions.

Review Units 4-6

Page 80

2 Key: a different

Page 81

3 Key: 2 RichardD 3 Harry 4 RichardD 5 Betty09 6 KatyM 7 Harry

8 KatyM  9 Bettg09 10 Harry

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