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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Function2+School Trip2

Function 2: Talking about preferences

1 Read about Juan. What does Juan say to his friend Silvia? Write So do I or Neither do I.

2 So do I.

3 Neither do I.

4 Neither do I.

5 So do I.

6 Neither do I.

2 Listen. Write ✓ or ✗.

1. Do Frida and Abi like chocolate ice cream? ✓

2. Do Will and Vinny walk to school? ×

3. Do Naomi and Frida like baking? √

4. Do Vinny and Abi like roller-skating?×

5. Do Olga and Abi like playing video games? √

3 Write So do I or Neither do I.

1 So do I.

2 Neither do I.

3 So do I.

4 Neither do I.

5 So do I.

6 So do I.

School Trip 2: The Antarctic Food Chain

1 Remember the video. Check (✓) the things that you saw in the video.

2 Do the crossword.

3 Imagine you are in Antarctica. Use the questions to write an e-mail to your friends at home.


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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX