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English in Mind S 练习册答案 Grammar practice

Teaching notes for communication

activities and grammar practice

Unit 1

Grammar practice key 

1.am/'m Is is/'s are/'re is /' s is /'s 8 Are

2.2 You aren't my hero. 3 My brother isn't a footballer. 4 I'm no told. 5 She isn't Spanish. 6 It isn't a cheap computer. 7 I'm not a model . 8 You aren't a good singer . 9 Homework isn't great.

3.2 Is; it isn't. 3 Am ; you are. 4 Is; she isn't. 5 Are ; I am . 6 Am ; you aren't. 7 Is; he is. 8 Are ; I'm not. 9 Is; it is.

4.2 g 3 f 4 a 5 e 6 c 7 b

Unit 2

Grammar practice key 

1.Are is are is are is 8 are 9 am

2.2 Is; he is. 3 Are ; they are. 4 Are ; we aren't. 5 Are ; aren't. 6 Is; it is.

3.2 her ; She 3 They ; them 4 I; me 5 he; He

4.3 X Are we right ?

4 X No , w e aren't Chinese .

5 X Yes , I like Tom Cruise .

6 X He' s a great actor .


8 X I like them a lot.

Unit 3

Grammar practice key

1.2 live 3 watches 4 goes 5 studies 6 play 7 reads

2.2 X I like Green Day a lot.

3 X Do you study Portuguese at school ?

4 √

5 X Karen plays tennis at the weekend.

6 √

7 X We don't really like our house.

8 X Do they live in a big city ?

3.2 Kevin' s 3 Sue's 4 Emily' s 5 Mike' s 6 Sue' s 7 Mike' s

4.2 his 3 her 4 their 5 our 6 my 7 your

Unit 4

Grammar practice key 

1.2 are 3 aren't 4 Are 5 isn't 6 Is 7 are 8 's

2.2 are 3 isn't 4 Is 5 Are 6 is 7 aren't

3.2 X Are there any interesting museums ?

3 X There are lots of cheap computers in this shop .

4 X There isn't a hospital near here .

5 √

6 X There isn't a post office in this street.


4.2 с 3 а 4 b 5 c 6 a

Unit 5

Grammar practice key 

1.2 Why do you like Brad Pitt ?

3 Why is the baby called Hilary ?

4 Why have you got seven pets ?

5 Why is Dan's hair a different colour ?

2.2a 3e 4b5c

3.2 Has ... got; hasn't

3 Has . . . got; has

4 Have ... got; you have

5 Have ... got; we haven't

6 Have ... got; they have

7 Has ... got; he has

8 Have ... got; I haven't

4.2 X Have you got a newspaper ?

3 X Why has your sister got blue hair?

4 X They haven't got their books .

5 X Why are chimpanzees and people similar ?

6 √

7 X I've got long curly hair.

8 √

Unit 6

Grammar practice key

1.2 sandwich (C)

3 homework (U)

4 chips (C)

5 coffee (U)

6 money (U)

7 Biology (U)

8 orange (C)

2.2 b 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 c

3.2 d 3 e 4 c 5 g 6 a 7 f

4.2 X I would love some apples and bananas.

3 X This newspaper is old .

5 She has got some work to do.


7 Give me that salt, please .

8 X Try this tea . It's delicious !

Unit 7

Grammar practice key

1.1.2 go help buys like play watches 8 works

2.Sandra never goes to school .

Sandra helps her mother with the shopping twice a week .

Sandra's mother sometimes buys clothes for Sandra and her brothers .

Her brothers never like their clothes .

She plays volleyball with her friends once a week .

Sandra's father usually watches them .

He sometimes has to work at weekends .

3.2 We often go dancing on Friday evenings .

3 My aunt hardly ever uses her mobile phone .

4 I always watch the news in the evening .

5 Your answers are sometime s wrong .

6 My little brother is usually in bed at eight o'clock .

7 James never orders a starter .

4.2 X She drinks tea three times a day .

3 X Chat shows are always boring .


5 X  My mother sometimes watches football .

6 X I buy a newspaper once a week .

7 X Susan hardly ever wears black .


Unit 8

Grammar practice key 

1.1 Forget 2 Open ... Don' t talk . 3 Look...Don't laugh. 4 Go away!... Don't shout . 5 Hang on ... Don't forget.

2.2d 3f 4a 5g 6b 7c

3.Possible answers : 2 Read a book . 3 Give it some food . 4 Don't go near them . 5 Don't buy them . 6 Don't worry . 7 Don't watch it.

4.2XDon't walk on the grass.

3 X Please try to be good .


5 X Listen to your teacher .

6 X Turn right, opposite the supermarket .

8 X Please don't use my computer .

Unit 9

Grammar practice key

1.2 Jenny can't juggle

3 Jenny can sing, but she can't play the guitar .

4 Mark can't sing, but he can play the guitar .

5 Mark and Jenny can drive a car .

6 Jenny can drive a car , but she can't ride a bike .

7 Mark can't count in Chinese .

8 Jenny can count in Chinese , but she can't read Chinese .

2.Students ' own answers .

3.2 I love playing rugby .

3 She really likes watching soap operas .

4 My friend and I hate doing homework .

5 You love singing pop songs .

6 Simon likes listening to classical music .

7 We hate going shopping .

8 He loves walking in the park.

4.2 X I can't understand cricket.


4 X She doesn't really like driving .

5 X I love playing football , but I don't like watching it.

6 X Do you hate taking part in games ?


8 X Can you walk on your hands ?

Unit 10

Grammar practice key 

1.2 's not raining

3 'm babysitting

4 aren't having

5 's cleaning

6 's taking

7 's singing

2.2 Is your friend reading a book ?

3 Are you wearing new clothes ?

4 What are you doing ?

5 Are you sitting on a chair ?

6 Are you having a good time ?

7 Is your teacher sleeping ?

3.Students ' own answers .

4.2 X My brother's not going to school today .

4 X Harry and Phil are having a fight

5 X Why are you crying?

7 X I'm hoping you can help me .


Unit 11

Grammar practice key 

1.2b 3a 4c 5a 6c

2.2 can ; you can't 3 Can ; he can 4 Can I; you can't

3.1 ones 2 one ... one ; one 3 ones 4 one ; one 5 ones ; ones 6 one

4.2 X Can I have that blue shirt ?

3 X Is Thanks giving in November ?


5 X I like those white trainers , but I don't like the black ones .


X We love walking in the park in autumn .

8 X Can I use your car , please ?

Unit 12

Grammar practice key

1.2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 b

2.2 We weren't in Rome last April .

3 Marci a wasn't with her friends last night.

4 There wasn't a swimming pool in the hotel .

5 You weren't very funny yesterday .

6 I wasn't at home all day yesterday .

7 They weren't in the park with their children .

8 Those weren't my sandwiches !

3.2 Were ; Yes , they were .

3 Was ; No , it wasn't.

4 Were ; No , I wasn't.

5 Were ; Yes , I was .

6 Was ; Yes , she was .

7 Were ; No , we weren't.

8 Were ; Yes , they were .

4.X Where was she last Sunday morning ?

X The weather was lovely last July.

X The food wasn't very good .

X Were your parents at the cinema last night ?

X There were lots of good restaurants near our hotel .


Unit 13

Grammar practice key

1.2 married

3 organised ... didn't remember

4 opened . . . arrived

5 cried . . . died

6 didn't like ... changed

7 tried ... didn't listen

8 stayed ... played

2.2 The dog didn't destroy my homework .

3 We didn't finish the test before nine o'clock .

4 I didn't hate vegetables when I was small .

5 She didn't cry at the end of the film .

6 They didn't seem like nice people .

3.2 did you stay?

3 did you travel ?

4 did you travel with ?

5 did you return ?

4.2 X I didn't go to the cinema last night.

4 X They didn't play football last week .

5 X Where did you live when you were young ?


7 X When did Florence Nightingale die?

8 X She studied Mathematics when she was at university .

9 X What did you do last summer ?

Unit 14

Grammar practice key 

1.2 more comfortable 3 longer 4 hotter 5 healthier 6 more fashionable 7 better 8 warmer

2.2 more interesting than

3 more popular than

4 curlier than

5 shorter than

6 sunnier than

7 more famous than

8 worse than

3.Students ' own answers

4.2 X Life is better today than it was when I was young .


4 X I am busier today than I was yesterday .

5 X Mike Myers is funnier than Jim Carrey .

7 X Please try to be more careful next time .

8 X The starter was bad , but the main course was worse . 

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