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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Welcome section

Welcome section


1.2 Tomoko's from Japan.She's16.She's a student. She's in room 107. 3 Devrim's from Turkey.He's 15.He's a student. He's in room 209. 4 Helena and Samantha are from Britain. They're 18. They aren't students. They're in room 112. 5 Patrick and Alan are from America. They're 1 6. They aren't students. They're in room 205.

2.a:you-your he-his she-her we-our they- their

b:2 My; He; his 3 My;her 4 your 5 We; Our 6 Their; They

3.2. Helen has got a little brother. 3. Helen hasn't got a lot of DVDs. 4. Jordan has got a bicycle. 5. Jordan and Helen have got black hair. 6. Helen has got a big bedroom. 7. Jordan hasn't got a big family. 8. Jordan and Helen haven't got a dog.



b:1 living room 2 kitchen 3 dining room 4 bathroom 5 bedroom 

2.a:1 is 2 are 3 are 4 are 5 is 6 aren't

b:1 There is 2 There is 3 There are 4 There are 5 there is; there are

3.2 behind 3 on 4 between 5 next to 6 under


1.a:2 close 3 run 4 swim 5 listen 6 read 7 jump 8 laugh 9 cry 10 write 11 shout 12 smile

b:2 read 3 listen 4 open 5 swim 6 run 7 laugh 8 close

2.2 Don't run! 3 Don't close the door! 4 Don't open the window! 5 Don't sing! 6 Don't come in!

3.2 Louisa never reads a book. 3 Sue sometimes listens to music. 4 Ben often reads a book. 5 Louisa hardly ever goes to the cinema. 6 Ben sometimes goes to the cinema. 7 Louisa usually gets up early. 8 Sue always gets up early.

4.2 can read 3 can't write 4 can't sing 5 can walk; can't run


1.a:cafe; station; bookshop; disco; cinema;post office; shoe shop; clothes shop 

b:2 cafe 3 shoe shop 4 clothes shop 5 cinema 6 disco 7 bookshop 8 station

2.2 past 3 half 4 to 5 past 6 twenty 7 past 8 quarter

3.1 shoes 2 shirt 3 trainers 4 →jumper 4↓ jacket 5 trousers 6 socks 7 skirt 8 scarf 9 dress 10 T-shirt

4.2 twelve euros 3 twenty-one dollars 4 seven pounds, forty-nine 5 twenty-four euros, ninety-nine 6 one hundred and twenty-five pounds 7 one hundred and twelve dollars fifty 8 one hundred and nineteen euros, ninety-nine

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX