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English in Mind S 课本答案 Unit 9

9.Yes, I can(九单元)

1.a:The man in the wheelchair is Rick Hoyt. The other man is his father. They are doing a triathlon.

b:1 He uses a computer.

2 They swim four kilometres, cycle 180 kilometres and run 42 kilometres.

3 His father pushes him in his wheelchair in the running, he swims and pulls Rick in a boat in the swimming, and Rick sits in a seat on the front of his father's bike in the cycling.

4 Team Hoyt.

5 They take about 15 or 16 hours.

6 Students' own answers; discuss in LI if necessary.Rick can't run, cycle or swim ...

2.b:Rick can take part...

c:Negative : can't

Question : Can

Short answer negative : can't

d:2 Claire can ride a bike but she can't swim .

3 They can learn to count but they can't learn to speak English.

4 I can use a computer but I can't draw pictures with it

5 She can play the guitar but she can't play the violin .

6 My sister can play the piano but she can't sing.

7 Uncle Jim can fly a plane but he can't ride a bike !

8 My mum can sing but she can't play the guitar.

3.1 F (They can live without water for six months.) 2 T 3 F (They can hop ten metres.) 4 T 5 T

b:1 F (She goes rollerblading every week.)

2 F (He doesn't like playing tennis, but he enjoys watching it on TV.)

3 T

4 T

8.a:like, love, hate

b:2 She doesn't like going to the cinema.

3 Do your parents like going on holiday?

4 His brother really likes watching soccer.

5 I hate swimming in the sea.

c:2 watch 3 get up 4 getting up 5 go 6 going

10.a:2E 3A 4F 5B 6C

b:Craig: cricket, rugby, rowing

Julia: netball, orienteering

c:2 Craig 3 Craig 4 Julia 5 Craig 6 Julia

11.a:Manchester City

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