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Great writing F级别答案(1.2.3单元)


Unit 1 Sentences


Activity 1, page 5 

Activity 2, page 6

1. A watermelon is green and red.  2. Oranges are orange.

3. What color is a carrot?  4. An eggplant is purple.

5. What color is cabbage?  6. Bananas are yellow.

7. Apples are red, yellow, or green.  8. Rice is white.

Activity 3, page 7

1. My last name has five letters.  2. My last name is Adams.

3. My first name is Ann.  4. My first name has three letters.

5. I come from Canada.  6. My family and I live in Vancouver.

7. I like watermelons, apples, bananas, and oranges.

8. A watermelon is green and red.  9. An eggplant is purple.

10. Lemons are yellow.  11. An orange is orange.

12. My favorite food is salad.

Activity 4, page 7

Answers will vary.

Activity 5, page 8

1. This animal is a bird.  2. It is a parrot.  3. This parrot has five colors.

4. The head is red and white.  5. This bird is very beautiful.

6. It is very smart.  7. This parrot can talk. 


Activity 6, page 9

Answers will vary.

Activity 7, page 10

1. apple  2. man  3. laugh  4. flag  5. bag  6. black / can

Activity 8, page 10

1. a; map  2. a; languages  3. a; after  4. a; happen  5. a; bad

6. a; have  7. a; and  8. a; that  9. a; animal  10. a; flag

Activity 9, page 11

1. have  2. ask  3. travel  4. hand  5. language  6. at

7. thank  8. happen  9. back  10. black  11. map  12. and

Activity 10, page 11 

1. have  2. thank  3. after  4. hand  5. fast  6. has

7. understand  8. bad  9. animal  10. flag  11. laugh  12. January

Activity 11, page 11

1. B. answer  2. A. black  3. B. class  4. B. family  5. B. fast

6. A. happen  7. B. salad  8. B. travel  9. A. aunt  10. A. last

11. B. apple  12. B. add  13. A. after  14. A. animal  15. B. example

16. A. hand  17. B. have  18. A. thank  19. B. laugh  20. A. ask


Activity 12, page 12

1. My name is Alex.  2. I am a student.  3. I study English.

4. My English is not so good.  5. I like my English class very much.

Activity 13, page 12 

Activity 14, page 13

1. and; My cat is black and white.

2. glass; That glass has a little apple juice in it.

3. have; The students have books.  4. after; My math class is after lunch.

5. map; That is a map of the world.

6. language; What language do you speak?

7. flag; The flag of the United States is red, white, and blue.

8. ask; Can I ask a question?  9. bad; The opposite of good is bad.

10. animal; A lion is a wild animal.


Activity 15, page 14 

My Information

My name is Anna Sanders. I have a big family. I have two

brothers. I also have two sisters. I am the oldest child. I am

twenty-two years old. I love my brothers and sisters a lot. We are

a very happy family.

Activity 16, page 15

My Information

My name is David Sanders. I have a big family. I have one

brother. I also have three sisters. I am the youngest child. I am

fifteen years old. I love my brother and sisters a lot. We are a

very happy family.

Activity 17, page 15

Answers will vary.

Unit 2 The Simple Present of Be


Activity 1, page 18 

Activity 2, page 19

1. Luisa is from Italy.  2. Wei is from China.

3. Marco is from Brazil.  4. Toshio is from Japan.

5. Toshio and Atsuro are from Japan.  

6. Luisa and Valentina are from Italy.

7. Faisal is from Saudi Arabia.  8. Maria is from Guatemala.

Activity 3, page 20

1. a. Tokyo is not in China.  b. Tokyo is in Japan.

2. a. New York is not a small city.  b. New York is a big/large city.

3. a. Sushi and maki are not foods from Greece.

b. Sushi and maki are foods from Japan.

4. a. I am not 5 years old.  b. Answers will vary.

5. a. Today is not January 1.  b. Answers will vary.

6. a. A gold ring is not a cheap gift.

b. A gold ring is an expensive gift.

Activity 4, page 21

1. My mother is a good cook.; adjective + noun

2. My cousins are from California.; place phrase

3. I am not an excellent swimmer.; adjective + noun

4. Our trip to India is next month.; adjective + noun / time phrase

5. The math books are on the table.; place phrase

6. Michael and Rob are on a boat. / Rob and Michael are on a

boat.; place phrase

7. The math questions are easy.; adjective

8. Football and tennis are sports. / Tennis and football are

sports.; noun


Activity 5, page 22

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 23

1. bread  2. text  3. weather 4. yellow  5. west  6. breakfast

Activity 7, page 23

1. ea; bread  2. ea; dead  3. e; test  4. e; best  5. a; many

6. e; get  7. e; never  8. e; when  9. ay; says  10. ea; ready

Activity 8, page 24

1. well  2. weather  3. next  4. friend  5. yellow  6. help

7. spell  8. tell  9. again  10. men  11. red  12. went

Activity 9, page 24

1. best  2. many  3. said  4. get  5. never  6. seven

7. left  8. bread  9. yellow  10. test  11. again  12. weather

Activity 10, page 24

1. B. weather  2. B. went  3. A. bed  4. A. ready

5. B. says  6. B. hello  7. A. many  8. B. again

9. A. breakfast  10. A. friend  11. A. seven  12. B. already

13. A. any  14. B. bread  15. A. dead  16. B. well

17. B. tell  18. A. test  19. B. spell  20. B. egg

Activity 11, page 25

1. B. language  2. C. never  3. C. happen  4. D. next  5. D. ready

6. C. weather  7. A. heavy  8. C. many  9. B. said  10. D. again

11. A. friend  12. C. breakfast  13. D. travel  14. C. after

15. B. enter  16. D. answer  17. D. laugh  18. B. went



Activity 12, page 26

1. My brother is not a math teacher.

2. Sofia and Emily are not from California. / Emily and Sofia

are not from California.

3. My meeting with James is at nine o’clock.

4. São Paolo is not the capital of Brazil.

5. Vancouver is a very large city in Canada.

6. A tomato is not a vegetable.

7. The colors of the Chinese flag are yellow and red. / The

colors of the Chinese flag are red and yellow. / Yellow and

red are the colors of the Chinese flag. / Red and yellow are

the colors of the Chinese flag.

8. These are not very expensive watches. / These watches are

not very expensive.

Activity 13, page 27 

Activity 14, page 28

1. pet; My pet is a black and white cat.

2. when; When is your birthday?

3. many; Many people live in China and India.

4. best; Anna and Emily are my best friends.

5. bread; You can make a good sandwich with meat and bread. 

6. never; My brother and I never eat meat.

7. well; Susan can speak English very well.

8. says; My best friend always says hello to everyone.

9. ready; Are you ready to eat dinner now?

10. test; We have a big spelling test tomorrow.


Activity 15, page 29 

My Math Class

This is a photo of my math class. Kyoko is from Japan.

Ahmad and Mohamad are from the United Arab Emirates. The

United Arab Emirates is a small country in the Middle East. Mi

Sun is from Seoul. Seoul is the capital of Korea. Carlos is from

Costa Rica. I like the men and women in this class a lot.

Activity 16, page 29

My English Class

This is a photo of my English class. Kyoko is from Japan.

Omar is from Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia is a large country

in the Middle East. Mi Sun is from BusanBusan is not the

capital of Korea. Juan and Pedro are from Costa Rica. I like the

men and women in this class a lot.

Activity 17, page 29

Answers will vary.

Unit 3 The Simple Present


Activity 1, page 33 

Activity 2, page 34

1. eat; Giraffes eat leaves.  2. swim; Fish swim in the ocean.

3. run; Horses run very fast.  4. sit; Monkeys sit in trees.

5. fly; Birds fly in the sky.  6. make; Bees make honey.

Activity 3, page 36

1. you teach; she teaches  2. he finishes; we finish

3. I pass; the bus passes  4. she fixes; you fix

5. you miss; she misses  6. he catches; we catch

7. a bee buzzes; it buzzes  8. you push; he pushes

Activity 4, page 36

1. we study; she studies  2. she carries; you carry

3. they buy; the doctor buys  4. we stay; my uncle stays

5. you hurry; she hurries  6. a student tries; students try

7. pilots fly; a pilot flies  8. every child enjoys; children enjoy

Activity 5, page 37

1. has  2. does  3. goes  4. have  5. go  6. do

Activity 6, page 38

Activity 7, page 39

1. People in Brazil do not speak Spanish.

2. The flag of Colombia does not have four colors.

3. Most people in Canada do not work on Sunday.

4. The capital of Japan is not Kyoto.

5. Most people in Saudi Arabia do not work on Friday.


Activity 8, page 40

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 41

1. dinner / chicken  2. swim  3. kitchen  4. women / drink

5. pink  6. ring

Activity 10, page 41

1. i; give  2. u; busy  3. i; will  4. i; list  5. e; pretty

6. i; win  7. i; winter  8. i; spring  9. i; it  10. i; which

Activity 11, page 42

1. busy  2. milk  3. pretty  4. middle  5. give  6. women

7. which  8. winter  9. minute  10. bridge  11. been  12. kitchen

Activity 12, page 42

1. drink  2. thing  3. busy  4. dinner  5. sister  6. think

7. pretty  8. bridge  9. delicious  10. which  11. different  

12. chicken

Activity 13, page 42

1. A. chicken  2. A. did  3. B. pretty  4. B. been  5. B. give

6. A. if  7. A. list  8. A. city  9. A. big  10. B. live  

11. A. sing  12. B. sit  13. B. think  14. B. his  15. B. interesting

16. A. little  17. B. dinner  18. B. swim  19. B. busy  20. A. women

Activity 14, page 43

1. D. dinner  2. C. lemon  3. B. simple  4. D. friend  5. B. been

6. A. everything  7. D. swim  8. C. never  9. C. happen  10. B. busy

11. D. next  12. A. minute  13. B. pick  14. C. again  15. D. ready

16. C. little  17. A. winter  18. B. instead  19. B. January 20. A. laugh



Activity 15, page 44

1. Jason Thompson has a very important job.

2. He is the president of a company.

3. He goes to his company every day.

4. He gets to the company at seven.

5. He leaves at six.  6. He does not go home early.

7. He talks with many people.  8. He does not have a lot of free time.

9. He is very good at his job.

Activity 16, page 45 

day. My family and I do not leave our house on this

important day.

Activity 17, page 46

1. which; Which car do you like?

2. give; Can you give me a different book?

3. win; I hope we win the football game.

4. spring; All the plants are green in spring.

5. winter; The weather can be very cold in winter.

6. list; Here is a list of things we need from the store.

7. busy; The office is so busy today.

8. big; We will take a big exam tomorrow.

9. pretty; Those roses are really pretty.

10. women; My English class has eight men and ten women in it.


Activity 18, page 47 

A Daily Routine

laura and maria are students. they go to Lincoln high

school. they start school at 7:30 a.m. they have math class 

first. they enjoy math very much. at 12:00 p.m., they eat

lunchthey sit with their friends in the cafeteria. 8 after school,

they have soccer practice. they do homework after dinner.

10 they go to sleep early because they are tired.

A Daily Routine

Laura and Maria are students. They go to Lincoln High

School. They start school at 7:30 a.m. They have math class first.

They enjoy math very much. At 12:00 p.m., they eat lunch. They

sit with their friends in the cafeteria. After school, they have

soccer practice. They do homework after dinner. They go to

sleep early because they are tired.

Activity 19, page 47

A Daily Routine

Maria is a studentShe goes to Lincoln High School. She

starts school at 7:30 a.m. She has math class first. She does not

enjoy math very much. At 12:00 p.m., she eats lunch. She sits

with her friends in the cafeteria. After school, she has tennis

practice. She does homework after dinner. She goes to sleep

late because she is not tired.

Activity 20, page 47

Answers will vary.

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