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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Unit 11

11 On the Move(十一单元)

1 Words

1 Listen and number.

bus2 car6 helicopter5 truck7

motorcycle1 plane3 ship4

2 Write

3 Write about going to school and coming home.

Sample answers:

1 car 2 9 o'clock 3 bus 4 4 o'clock

2 Grammar

1 Listen and write.

How do you get to school?

By bus, or car, or train?

I go to school by bus. Then it brings me home again.

When does your school bus come?

At six, or seven, or eight?

It comes at seven o’clock, but now and then it’s late!

Where does your school bus go after you get to school?

It goes past the library, the stores, the playground, and the pool.

2 Put the words in the correct order. Then match.

3 Write three questions to ask a friend.

Sample answers:

1 do you get to school

2 does the bus go

3 do you come home

3 Reading

1 Find and circle four words from the reading. Underline the word that has days in it.

2 Read and write.

Bananas are a healthy snack. But they grow in hot, sunny countries. I'm from Poland— that’s far! So, how does this banana get into my hand?

1. Bananas start as flowers on a banana plant. After about nine months, the farmer takes the bunch off the plant. They’re still green.

2. Workers look at the bananas. If the bananas are OK, the workers put them into boxes. These boxes of bananas go by truck to a shipyard.

3. Now the bananas are ready for a long trip. They go by ship to Europe. It can take around fourteen days.

4. In Europe, trucks bring the bananas to towns and cities. There, workers in stores put the bananas out. Now I can get some and bring them home. When they’re yellow, they’re ready to eat!

3 How do the bananas get from the farm to people’s homes?

1. The bananas go by motorcycle / truck from the farm to the shipyard.

2. The bananas go by ship / boat to other countries.

3. The bananas go by truck / train to the store.

4 Write.

Sample answers:

1. Choose a fruit:mango Does it grow in your country?Yes, it does.

2. How does it get into your hand? Workers put the mangoes in boxes. The

boxes go by truck to the stores. We buy the mangoes and bring them home.

4 Grammar

1 Listen and write. 

It’s Saturday morning. There are buses and cars on the roads. There are people in the streets. The market is busy. The fruit stall has boxes of fruit. People are buying scarves and hats. People are eating different dishes of food. Children are playing in the park. It’s busy on Saturday

2 Write.

1 teeth 2 women 3 feet 4 mice 5 beaches 6 fish

3 Write about your home and family.

Sample answers:

2 In my family, there are three children.

3 In our kitchen, there aren’t any mangoes.

4 In our refrigerator, there are some tomatoes.

5 In our yard, there aren’t any sheep.

5 Phonics

1 Listen and number. 







2 Help the driver. Make words with o_e to fill the tank. Then say

Sample answers:

6 Value

1 Look and check (✓).

2 Match.

3 Read and draw.


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