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English in Mind 5 课本答案 Unit 1

1.Legend or truth?(一单元)

1.a:There is an alligator on a city street and a girl with a sore cheek.

c:A4 B7 Cl D6 E2 F5 Clause 3 is not used.

d:1 Crime and horror, schools and universities, food contamination and the Internet.

2 Most urban legends are untrue.

3 The story of alligators living in the New York sewers. It arose in the 1930s when reportedly people flushed baby alligators (brought back from holidays in Florida) down their toilets when they grew too big.

4 The internet can give you information on how true certain urban legends are. S Mankind's compulsion for storytelling; the cautionary nature of many urban legends;

a comparison between urban legends and traditional fairy tales.

6 The fact that they change our behaviour.

e:2 by word of mouth 3 crop up 4 traced back 5 a wide range of issues 6 climate of fear 7 largely irrelevant 8 not one single case

2.a:John must be your friend.

John may/might have gone to the supermarket.

They might have found a piece of paper in the bread.

The pieces of paper can't have had their addresses on them.

John might have married a, woman who lives near him.

2b 3c 4a 5b 6a

b:2 can't be 3 will know/ must know / might know 4 must have made / might have made 5 must have said 6 must have watched

In sentence a. the speaker is almost certain that it is James at the door. In sentence b, it is possible that James is at the door.

c:2 In sentence a, the speaker is certain that Monica knows where her brother is. In

sentence b, the speaker thinks it is possible that Monica will know where her brother is.

3 In sentence a, the speaker is sure that her sister has reached New York. In sentence b, the speaker thinks it is very probable that her sister has reached New York.

3.b:Story 1: a c b The story is true.

Story 2: f e d The story is false.

4.a:2d 3e 4b 5a 6h 7c 8g

6.a:1C 2A 3B

b:1 bunyip, Kraken 2 Meh-Teh 3 bunyip 4 Kraken 5 Meh-Teh 6 all three

7.a:It is probably from a tabloid newspaper as it is very sensational in tone.

b:1 miraculously 2 tragically 3 overwhelmingly 4 mysteriously 5 Finally 6 Astonishingly

c:2 A detective story 3 A horror story 4 A story of survival

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