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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 5

5.Reality TV(五单元)

1.a:2 The travellers weren't allowed to enter the country. 3 Out parents never let us play outside. 4 The teacher didn't let us leave early. 5 They made us switch off our mobile phones. 6 Do your parents make you go to bed before 10 o'clock?

b:2 You aren't allowed to walk on the grass. 3 You're allowed to cycle/ride your bike here. 4 You aren't allowed to use your mobile phone. 5 You're only allowed to use the computers for 30 minutes. 6 You're not allowed to use cameras with the flash.

c:2 The teacher made us stay in school longer yesterday. 3I don't let my sister borrow my things. 4 My father didn't let me borrow his car. 5 You're not allowed to smoke in here. 6 My mum is making me pay for my own mobile phone.

2.a:b6 c9 d1 e7 f5 g4 h10 i8 j3 

b:1 contestants 2 presenter 3 allowed 4 viewers 5 winner 6 successful

3.a:1 how√ 2 know  3 now√ 4 mouse√ 5 loud√ 6 shout7 slow 8 house9 found10 snow

b:1 How do you know which house it is? 2 I found a mouse in the snow. 3 We heard a loud shout. 4 There was a mouse running loudly round the house.

4.a:2 can stay 3 have to go 4 don't have to/must stay 5 mustn't go 6 can't bring

b:2 mustn't 3 can 4 have to 5 have to/must 6 don't have to

5.a:2 boiling 3 fantastic 4 freezing 5 enormous 6 awful 7 hilarious 8 fascinating 9 starving 10 exhausted

b:2 Yes, I was terrified. 3 Yes, it was deafening. 4 Yes, it's delicious. 5 Yes, I was delighted. 6 Yes, I'm thrilled. 7 Yes, it's terrible.

6.1 bond with 2 join in 3 ft in 4 feel left out

7.a:2√ 3 he 4 the 5 did 67 the 8 can 9 with 1011 not

b:2 N 3T 5T 6N

c:A: Dave?Have you ever seen that Michael Jackson video 'Thiller'?B: Yeah-it's brilliant.Really scary. But I know one that's even better. A: Oh yeah? What? B: Well, there's a song called Somebody's Watching Me,by a guy called Rockwell-Michael Jackson sings on it too.It's kind of old, but really good-and the video is really weird! A: So-what happens? B: Well,it starts off with Rockwell-he's a black guy,right, from the States-and he picks up a newspaper but its all written in oriental writing, Japanese or something. A: Uh-huhB: And then you get a scene of inside his kitchen-its, like, an ordinary kitchen, but there's this big black bird,a raven or something,flying around inside it.A: Ugh.B: Right!I told you it was weird! Anyway, sothe next thing you see is Rockwell in the shower-only he's wearing shorts, so I guess he thinks someone's watching him. A: Like the title of the song? B: Yeah. So-oh, what happens next? Ermoh yeah, then he goes into his living room and he switches on the TV-and he can see himself on the TV! So he thinks that this is much too strange, and he gets scared and runs outside-but his garden has become a graveyard at night,hes looking at all these tombstones and things!A: Then what does he do? B: Well, I can't remember everything, but I do remember he hears a bell ring,and someone shouts 'Mailman' so he goes out to look at his mailbox... And... A: And?B: Nah,id better not tell you-you'll have to find the video and watch it for yourself A: Oh Dave-come on,I'm not a baby.

2 D 3 E 4 A 5 B 6F

b:1E 2 A 3F

8.a:2 a good reason 3 been going 4 very believable 5 no matter

c:The second text is better because it includes all the information asked for,it is within the number of words specified and is well-organised.

Unit check

1.1 contestants 2 made 3 had 4 freezing 5 present 6 enormous 7 allowed 8 winner

9 fun

2.2a 3b 4c 5a 6c 7c 8b 9a

3.2 join 3 frightening 4 exhausted 5 terrible 6 fit in 7 very 8 documentary 9 fantastic

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