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English in Mind S 练习册答案 Unit 7

7.I sometimes watch TV(七单元)

1.2 on an island 3 at home 4 teaches Calvin 5 Java 6 100 other children 7 doesn't like

8 haven't got

2.a:Weekdays : Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday. Friday

Weekend : Saturday, Sunday

b:2 On Thursday. 3 On Monday . 4 On Sunday. 5 On Tuesday. 6 On Wednesday . 7 On Saturday.

c:Example answers

1 I play tennis with my friend on Monday .

2 I have a guitar lesson on Wednesday .

3 I go shopping with my parents on Saturday.

4 I do my homework on Sunday.

3.a:1 always 2often 3 usually 4 sometimes 5 hardly ever

b:2 Robert often plays football with his friends .

3 Tony and Philip never take the school bus.

4 Beth hardly ever listens to classical music .

5 We always have pizza on Friday.

6 The music is usually fantastic on this programme .

7 My parents sometimes help me with my homework .

c:Example answers

2 I sometimes have a burger at lunchtime.

3 I never go to bed before ten o'clock.

4 I usually listen to the radio in bed.

5 I hardly ever watch TV before school.

d:2 He plays football twice a week / at the weekend .

3 He writes letters once a week / on Sunday.

4 He walks to school five times a week.

e:2 Julie buys a newspaper seven times a week / every day.

3 Danny goes to the supermarket twice a week.

4 Denise goes to the cinema twice a month.

5 Greg goes to Paris / France once a year.

4.a:soap opera , chat show, comedy , cartoon , game show, documentary , sports programme

b:2 sports programme 3 news 4cartoon 5 soap opera 6 comedy 7 game show 8 documentary

5.a b:1 'breakfast 2 'weekday 3 'lunchtime 4 'homework 5 'strawberry 6 'newspaper 7 'dragonfly 8 'girlfriend

6.a:2 It's six fifteen, f 3 It's six fifty, e 4 It's seven ten. c 5 It's seven forty-five, d

6 It's seven thirty-five, a

b:1 What's the time ? Er... it's five to twelve .

2 Oh , look at the time ! It's half past eight!

3 What time does the bus arrive? At ten past five.

4 School finishes at quarter to four .

5 Come on ! The concert begins at nine o'clock.

6 When does the train leave? A t twenty-five to eleven.

2 8.30  3 5.10  4 3.45  5 9.00  6 10.35

7.2 every day 3 always 4 also 6 never 7 hardly ever 5 sometimes

8.Nouns : sandwiches , coffee , clothes

Verbs : buys, has, makes

Adjectives : black, delicious , expensive

Adverbs : never , sometimes , always

c:Example answers

Jill never watches boring programmes.

Jack usually enjoys delicious pizzas .

Rosa always drives new cars.

9.a:1 Television in a British family

b:2 No , he doesn't.

3 Jamie likes cartoons and comedies .

4 Yes, he does .

5 Kim's favourite programmes are soaps .

6 She watches films at the weekend .

7 They watch football matches together .

10.a:Boy : Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions about TV ?

Woman : Er... o h yes, OK.

Boy : How often do you watch TV ?

Woman : Not very often .

Boy : For example - twice a week? Three times a week?

Woman : Erm ... I think four times a week, usually. Yes. I hardly ever watch TV at the


Boy : OK. Thanks . And , what do you watch - what kinds of programmes ?

Woman : Well , I usually watch comedies.And documentaries.I sometimes look at

documentaries about animals and science.

Boy : Fine. OK. And what about soaps ?

Woman : No , never ! They're terrible !

Boy : Uh huh. And the news?

Woman : No , I hardly ever watch the news . I read a newspaper .

Boy : O K - thank you very much .

Woman : You're welcome . She usually watches television four times a week.

b:documentaries : sometimes

soaps : never

the news : hardly ever

Unit check 

1.1 at 2 usually 3 on 4 comes 5 soap 6 days 7 news 8 do 9 every

2.2b 3a 4b 5b 6a 7c 8b 9c

3.2 game show 3 news 4 documentaries 5 twenty-five to ten 6 Saturday 7 Monday 8 comedy 9 cartoons

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