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Great writing二级别答案(3.4单元)

Unit 3 Topic Sentences


Activity 1, pages 46–47

Before Paragraph 3.1

Possible answers:

1. be healthier, reduce stress, look better

2. laziness, too busy, dislike exercise

After Paragraph 3.1

1. Topic Sentence: There are many excellent reasons for

exercising several times each week.

2. the benefits of exercise

3. 1st first 2nd in addition 3rd finally 4th for these


4. Possible answer: The purpose of this sentence is to restate

the main idea (that people should exercise each week

because there are many benefits).

Activity 2, page 47

1. General topic: winter

Best topic sentence: The best season for children is winter.

2. General topic: soccer

Best topic sentence: Soccer is popular for many reasons.

3. General topic: Los Angeles

Best topic sentence: People from many different cultures

live in Los Angeles.

4. General topic: bilingual dictionaries

Best topic sentence: Many language students prefer

bilingual dictionaries to monolingual dictionaries.

Activity 3, pages 48–49

Possible answers: 

Activity 4, pages 49–50

1. Research has shown female students like learning

languages more than males do.

2. Cats are better pets than goldfish for many reasons.

3. Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

4. Paul Cézanne, the father of modern art, made important

contributions to the history of art.

5. The current population of Canada includes immigrants

from all over the world.

Activity 5, page 50

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 50

1. There are many excellent reasons for exercising several

times each week.

2. There are many excellent reasons for exercising several

times each week.

3. Possible answer: The controlling idea states that there are

“excellent reasons for exercising,” and the sentences in the

paragraph provide three reasons: you look better, have

more energy, and feel calmer or less stressed.

Activity 7, pages 51–52

Possible topic sentences:

Paragraph 3.2: There are many reasons why people learn a

musical instrument.

Paragraph 3.3: Modern reptiles have a lot in common with

their prehistoric ancestors, dinosaurs, but there are significant


Paragraph 3.4: A method for learning new words that works for

some students is the Keyword Method.

Activity 8, page 53 

1. complex

2. complex

3. compound

4. simple

5. complex

6. complex

7. compound

8. complex

9. complex

10. compound

Activity 9, page 53

1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


2. If your photocopies cost 21 cents, your change should be

four cents.


3. Gumbo is a thick soup that is made with shrimp and



4. Bush became president after Clinton was president for

eight years.


5. The season that many young children enjoy a lot is summer.


6. Because they do not go to school in summer, children

often like summer more than other seasons.


7. Most people become angry when their computer freezes.


8. In class, we discussed problems that were common in the 1990s.


Activity 10, page 54

1. Brazil is surrounded by Spanish-speaking countries, but

most people in Brazil speak Portuguese.

2 (Compound sentence)

2. The flags of Chile, France, and Norway have blue, white,

and red sections.

1 (List)

3. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident that

happened yesterday.

3 (Introductory word or phrase)

4. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese came from Latin.

1 (List)

5. My friend has an e-reader, and she convinced me to buy one.

2 (Compound sentence)

6. In the summer of 1940, German soldiers entered France.

3 (Introductory word or phrase)

7. Because English came from German, there are many similar

words in the two languages.

4 (Adverb clause)

8. If you want to make cookies, you need flour, sugar, oil, and


1 (List), 4 (Adverb clause)

Activity 11, page 55

Paragraph 3.5

    Because Malaysia and Thailand are next to each other, we

might think that these two countries share many similarities. In

some ways, this is true. For example, both countries are warm all

year long. Both have many miles of beautiful beaches that attract

tourists. In addition, the economy of both countries is growing.

However, there are also several clear differences. For one,

Malaysians and Thais speak completely different languages. The

population of Malaysia is about 31 million while the population

of Thailand is about 69 million. Thailand has a king, but Malaysia

does not. Finally, Malaysia was part of Britain at one time, but

Thailand was never British. Therefore, the fact that two countries 

are near each other does not always mean that they are similar.


Activity 12, page 56

1. climb - go up

2. confuse - make a mistake

3. depend - need

4. economy - money

5. effective - useful

6. imagine - think

7. improve - better

8. in sum - short

9. recognize - know

10. therefore - so

Activity 13, pages 56–57

1. reduce waste

2. a contribution to science

3. climb a treeAnswer Key 7

4. a very effective leader

5. in sum

6. to have an advantage

7. a connection between two things

8. depend on your parents for a place to live

9. imagine being in a car with no driver

10. normal in my culture

Activity 14, page 57

1. connects

2. connected

3. connection

4. culturally

5. cultures

6. depends

7. effect

8. effective

9. imagine

10. imagination(s)

Activity 15, page 58

Answers will vary.


Activity 16, page 58

1. Although some politicians in this country believes that the

new law will make a difference in electricity costs, most

people think there will be no change.

2. In the sum, gasoline prices will continue to rise each

year, because companies want to make more money on

gasoline sales.

3. Although some teachers retire when they are 55 years old,

the normal retirement age for a teacher in the U.K. is 60.

4. Brazil ranks fifth in population, and it is the fifth most big

biggest country in the world.

5. According to the article, people thought their dinner

tasted better, when they did not use social media.

6. When an airplane takes off, the pilot and other crew are

very busy.

Activity 17, page 59

Answers will vary.

Activity 18, page 59–60

Possible answers:

1. A serious medical condition requires immediate attention.

2. Canada is a large country, but the population is very small.

3. The last assignment for our British History class is to write a

paper that explains how the War of 1812 started.


Activities 19–21, pages 60–61

Answers will vary.

Unit 4 Supporting and Concluding



Activity 1, page 64

Activity 2, pages 65–66

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, page 67

Possible answers:

1. The goals of the supporting sentences are to explain why

Washington, D.C., is one of the best cities to visit in the

eastern United States.

2. The goals of the supporting sentences are to present

qualities of the Grand Palace that make it one of the most

popular tourist destinations in Thailand.

3. The goals of the supporting sentences are to provide

reasons why the narrator admires his or her great


Activities 4–5, page 67–68

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, pages 69–70

Paragraph 4.4

    The menu at Fresh Market in downtown Springfield has

five main dishes, which are simple but very delicious. My

number one dish there is pasta with fresh vegetables. The pasta

is cooked perfectly, and the vegetables include broccoli, onions,

tomatoes, and corn. My second favorite main dish is the spicy

chicken and brown rice soup. The chicken is a little hot for some

people’s tastes, but many people really like the fact that you

get brown rice instead of the more boring white rice. The other

main dishes are fried chicken with curry potatoes, Greek salad

with grilled shrimp, and fried fish with vinegar chips. All three of

these use the freshest ingredients and taste great. The food at

Paul’s Bistro is also very good. If you eat a meal at Fresh Market, I

am sure you will enjoy it tremendously.

Paragraph 4.5

    It seems like the number of continents would be a simple

fact, but actually, the number depends on where you live.

In the United States, for example, students learn that there

are seven continents. These seven are North America, South

America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. In

Europe, however, many students learn that there are six

continents. They learn that North America and South America

are one continent, which they call the AmericasPanama is

the southern end of North America, but it used to be part of

Colombia, which is in South America. In some countries, Europe

and Asia are combined into one continent called Eurasia. In

others, Antarctica is not considered a continent. It is interesting

that different regions disagree on the definition of continent.

Perhaps in the future, all countries will agree on what a

continent is and how many there are on Earth.

Paragraph 4.6

    There are three good options for traveling between Rome

and Paris. The fastest way is by plane. However, flying between

these two cities can be a little expensive unless you can find a

cheap airline ticket. The second way is by train, which is very

popular with many tourists. In fact, Rome and Paris are visited

each year by millions of students from all over. The train is not

expensive and the service is very good, but the overnight trip

takes about 14 hours. Finally, many people take a bus. The bus

is the cheapest of the three options, but it takes up to 22 hours,

which means it takes the most time. If tourists research each of

these three travel options, they will certainly find an option that

works well for them.

Activity 7, page 71

1. related

It is an example of why the writer felt he or she was in prison.

2. related

It is a list of the chores the writer had to do around the house.

3. unrelated

The writer’s parents’ occupations are not related to how the

writer was treated. There is no relationship between being

an architect and being a strict parent.

Activity 8, page 72

1. Tennis rackets have changed tremendously in the last

10 years. They used to be small and heavy, but that is no

longer true.

2. Soccer is by far the most widely played sport in the world.

It is played professionally on nearly every continent.

3. I will never forget my childhood friends Carlos and Juan

and what they taught me.

4. Not only is text messaging fast, but it is also an interesting

way to practice English.

5. A bad thing happened to my classmates and me at school

yesterday. We were late coming to class and missed a quiz.

6. If you travel to Budapest, Hungary, you will fall in love with

the Danube River. It separates the city into two parts—

Buda and Pest.

7. Here is a photo of me and my family last year. We were on

vacation in Paris.

8. The Grand Canyon is over a mile (6,093 feet/1,857 meters)

deep. It was formed over millions of years by the Colorado

River and other smaller rivers.

Activity 9, page 73

Possible answers:

1. One of the most common reasons that people decide to

become a vegetarian is to improve their health.

2. Because the wind and rain were so strong when the

airplane tried to take off, the flight was delayed.

3. Although the price of gasoline is extremely high at the

current time, it is expected to decrease.

4. In order to fly to an international destination, you need

a passport.

5. For some teachers, a fragment is a very serious type of

mistake because it shows a lack of understanding of the

structure of a sentence.

Activity 10, page 74

Possible answers:

1. CS

A whale is one of the largest animals on the planet. Few

people have seen one.


Although the whale is one of the largest animals on Earth,

few people have seen one.

2. CS

Language-learning software helps students learn

languages. Many students buy this software in addition to

their class books.

3. CS

It is a difficult time for many people. However, people are

strong and they will survive.

4. RO 

Dancing with the Stars is a well-known television show. The

dancing is very exciting.

5. RO

This magazine has great articles on international events. It

won awards last year.

Activity 11, page 75

1. Paragraph 4.1

Concluding Sentence: Washington, D.C., does not have the

large number of visitors that New York or Boston has, but this

important city is one of the best destinations for tourists.

restates the main idea

2. Paragraph 4.3

Concluding Sentence: If you learn more about my great

grandmother Carla, you, too, will be amazed at her life.

gives an opinion/makes a prediction

3. Paragraph 4.4

Concluding Sentence: If you eat a meal at Fresh Market, I am

sure you will enjoy it tremendously.

give an opinion/makes a prediction

4. Paragraph 4.6

Concluding Sentence: If tourists research each of these three

travel options, they will certainly find an option that works well

for them.

makes a prediction

Activity 12, pages 76–77

Paragraph 4.8

    When I started college, I was surprised at the amount of

studying that was necessary. I had to change my study habits. In

high school, I rarely studied, yet my grades were good. In college,

all my professors thought their class was the most important.

My favorite class in college was British history. Each professor

assigned a tremendous amount of homework. As a result, my

free time became very limited. Reading assignments, group

projects, and research replaced my time with friends. My classes

kept me so busy that I only saw my friends on Saturday nights.

This schedule was a big change from high school, where I used to

play sports, have fun, and see my friends several times a week.

    Possible concluding sentence: While college is a lot of hard

work, I am enjoying it and now I value the time with my friends

much more than I did in high school.

Paragraph 4.9

    There are at least four easy ways to cook an egg. The first

and probably the easiest way is to boil it. It is the easiest way

because the egg is not opened. Just drop the egg into a pot

of water and boil it for eight minutes. Another easy way is to

scramble it. All you need is a fork to mix the egg before you put

it into a hot frying pan. A third way is to fry it “over easy.” Just

put the egg into the pan without breaking the yellow center

(the yolk). After a minute or so, turn the egg over to cook it on

the other side. Finally, poaching involves cooking the egg in

boiling water. Break the egg into a small metal cup that is sitting

in a pan of very hot, shallow water. Poaching an egg takes only

five minutes. Some people believe that brown eggs taste better

than white eggs.

Possible concluding sentence: I recommend trying a new

way to cook this convenient and delicious food.

Paragraph 4.10

    When bad weather, thunder, and strong winds mix, the

result is a dangerous storm, but the name for that storm

differs according to where the storm occurs. When a big storm

forms in the Atlantic or eastern Pacific Ocean, it is called a

“hurricane.” This type of storm can be dangerous to people

living in the United States, Mexico, Central America, or the

Caribbean Islands. When a large storm begins in the southern

Pacific Ocean, this same type of storm is called a “cyclone.”

Cyclones are less common than hurricanes due to the colder

temperature of the water in the southern Pacific Ocean. Finally,

if this same storm begins in the northwestern Pacific Ocean,

it is referred to as a “typhoon”. Typhoons hit areas such as

Japan, Guam, or the Philippines.

    Possible concluding sentence: While the names for these

storms may differ, their impact can be harmful wherever they



Activity 13, page 78

1. construction - building

2. continents - Asia and Europe

3. destination - travel

4. due to - reason

5. laundry - clothing

6. opportunities - chances

7. options - choices

8. shallow - not deep

9. surround - on all sides

10. survive - continue living

Activity 14, pages 78–79

1. replace a broken phone

2. complain about a slow computer

3. survive an automobile accident

4. disagree on a solution

5. amazed by a performance

6. unless the problem is solved

7. due to the bad weather

8. a different style of

9. to enjoy something tremendously

10. do something perfectly

Activity 15, page 79

1. assigned

2. assignment

3. construct

4. construction

5. perfectly

6. perfect

7. replacement

8. replace

9. tremendous

10. tremendously

Activity 16, page 80

Answers will vary.


Activity 17, page 80

1. People use cell phones for many purposes. They are very

important in daily life.

2. Wimbledon is the home of a major international tennis

competition international every summer.

3. Some professors require students to submit all drafts of an

essay, so it is important to prepare each draft carefully.

4. An example of an even number is 24. An example of an 

odd number is 27.

5. Although some people in the U.S. are like to drink the tea,

most people prefer coffee.

Activity 18, page 81

Possible answers:

Topic Sentence: People use cell phones for many things other

than calling someone.

Supporting Sentence 1: According to many studies, the

number one use of cell phones is for texting. People find texting

more convenient than calling.

Supporting Sentence 2: Another common use of cell phones

is for taking photos. Research shows that more photos are taken

with phones than with cameras.

Supporting Sentence 3: An unusual, but growing use of cell

phones is to send money to someone. Several banks support

this service.

Concluding Sentence: These are just a few of the many ways

people use cell phones.

Activity 19, page 82

Possible answers:

1. People from all over the world want to visit Paris for similar

reasons: its great food and its beautiful architecture.

2. High-protein diets are preferred by many serious athletes.

3. Each professor assigned a tremendous amount of

homework every night when I was a first-year university



Activities 20–21, pages 82–83

Answers will vary.

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