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Unit 5

page 103

1The photo shows a Formula One/motor sport race.2-3 Answers will vary.

Exercise1 page104

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 104

1and 2 are true

Exercise 3 page 104

1F; Humans began playing chess nearly 1,500 years ago

2F Garry Kasparov played a famous chess match against a computer.3T 4T 5F;A genius like Kasparov can think about three moves in a second.

Exercise 4 page 105

a first game b second game c second game d first game e first game f second game

Exercise 5 page 105

1a 2b 3b 4b 5b

Exercises 6-7 page 105

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 106

1Rosson 2golf 36.00 4Gymnastics 5Colombia

Exercise 2 page106

1The correct and incorrect words. 2 down

Exercise 3 page 106

1,2,5 Answers will vary

3 Formula One drivers don't race on motorbikes, they

race in cars.

4 We don't use a football to play golf.We use a golf ball.

Exercises 4-5 page 107

1strong 2intelligent 3compete 4champion 5kick 6hit

Exercise 6 page 107 

a 2 b3 c4 d1

Exercise 7 page 108

1intelligent 2hit 3chess 4boxing 5(soft)tennis 6street 7money 8break 9six 10hardest 11feet 12head 13Malaysia 14schools

Exercise 8 page 108

1boxing chess 2golf ball tennis ball 3a week 6 days 4Indonesia Malaysia

Exercise 9 page 109

1sorry,I mean 2well,actually 3or rather 4no,not

Exercises 10-11page 109

Answers will vary

Exercises 1-2 pages 110-111

1they get to keep the match ball 2 you have to leave the pitch 3 they often get injured4 you win the game 5you get three points

6they will be the champions 7you will need to buy golf clubs 8you will have more strength 9she might/will be successful 10they might/will cancel it

Exercises 3-4 page 111

Answers will vary.

Exercises 5-6 page112

2pretty/really/very/extremely/too(S) 3really/ very/extremely(S) 4pretty/really/very/extremely(S5 fairly/quite(W)6fairly/quite(W)7too(S)

Exercise 1page 113

prize b charge c score d cost e salary f fan g support h competition

Exercise 2 page 114

1Andre 2lan

Exercise 3 page 114

Ian is against corporate sponsors because he just enjoys watching sport.

2Andre is for corporate sponsors because he used to be a sportsperson.

Exercise 4 page 114

1sport 2 make money 3 Five 4training 5participate 6companies 7amounts 8employees9 sign 10 countries 11adverts

Exercise 5 page 115

123S 4S

Exercise 6 page 115

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page116 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2page 117

1E 2NE 3NE 4E 5E 6E

Exercises 3-6 page117-118

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 119

1definitely 2actually 3of course


Answers will vary.

Exercise 5page121


11:Did you enjoy the game?

2 C: Yes,I thought we played well.We made a few silly mistakes, though.

3I: Which mistakes did you make? Can you give some more detail?

4C: Yes, sure.I thought that the ball went outside the court too much.

Also, our Tekong jumped off the ground once or twice.51:What do you mean by Tekong?

6 C: That's the player who serves the ball during the match...

Part 2

11: I hear that people are trying to get sepak takraw included in the Olympics. Do you agree?

2 C: Definitely!agree that it should be included.It's already in the Asian Games.

3 1: But even though it is in the Asian Games,can you explain more about why you support it?

4 C: Well, obviously,as a player support it. But actually. even people who are not players want to see it in the Olympics.

51:Can you give some examples of why people want to see this sport in the Olympics?

6 C: Sure. One example is the excitement in the game from the players amazing kicks ...

Exercise 6 page 121 Possible answers:

What do you mean?: Sorry,I don't understand.Can you explain what you mean?

Can you give some more detail? Can you give an example?/Can you explain what you mean?

Exercise 7 page 121

Asking a person to explain more: Can you give some examples?/Can you explain more?


Exercise 9 page 121



Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1is 2 might 3will have 4 will love 5won't be able to 6might 7might need 8 will

Exercise 4

1 Marilyn is an extremely clever footballer.2 Ian is quite strong.

3 Archie can play chess fairly well.4 Sandra is quite good at tennis.5 Karl is really good at karate.6Laura is fairly well-known as an athlete.7 Rachel is not very good at sport.

8 Lydia is a pretty awful basketball player.

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6A

1 I mean it's in the city not in the countryside.

2 Obviously, it's good for your health.

It actually makes the game more fun!

4 Right, let me explain more clearly.

5Sure. Look there are three rules. The first one ...

6 Can you give me an example of what I could do please?

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary.

Unit 6

page 125

1She is working in an office, probably doing an administrative job.2-4 Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 126 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3page 127

1b 2b3a 4b5a

Exercise 4 page 127

1Costa Coffee 2a British 3food 4lunch 5headquarters 6quality

Exercise 5 page 127 


Exercises 6-8 page127

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 129

1forty-eight percent 2a half/one half 3a fifth/one fifth 4 thirty-one point five 5a hundred and three/one hundred and three/one oh-three 6one thousand five hundred and forty 7six housand and one 8nought point nought one

Exercise 4 page 130

1half 2emails 331.5 415 5jobs 6earn7cothes 819 9salaries

Exercise 5page 130

1 F:Alika has not finished her research project2T

3 F:she looked at how people spend and waste their time at work and why they don’t work hard at their jobs.4T 5F: she says productivity depends on how hard people work or how fast workers make things or provide services

Exercise 6page 131

Suggested answers:

1 5% of people wasted time at work texting friends and making plans for after work.

2 15% of people wasted time at work taking long coffee and lunch breaks.

3 31.5% of people wasted time at work talking to colleagues.

4 48% of people wasted time at work surfing the internet or writing personal emails.

5 33.5% wasted time because they didn't earn a good enough salary.

6 19% wasted time because they had to work too many hours.

Exercises 7-8 page 131

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 132

1on the phone 2in meetings/on the phone 3working at a desk 4 taking breaks/working at a desk

Exercise 2page 132 

Possible answers:

2 The most amount of time is spent/People spent the most amount of time helping somebody else with their work.

3 More time is spent/People spent more time waiting for someone to finish their part of a project than going to meetings.

4 Less time is spent/People spent less time going to meetings than waiting for someone to finish their part of a project.

5 The least amount of time is spent/People spent the least amount of time filling in papers and forms.

Exercise 3 page 134

1more important than 2goodas 3worse than4 more serious than5the funniest 6the most interesting

Exercise 4 page 134

Answers will vary.

Exercise1page 137

1goal 2 messy 3weaknesses 4 skill 5 customer6 strengths 7careless 8stress

Exercise 2 page 138

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 138

1happy 2 (organize) social events 3paint the walls 4find cheaper 5proft 6online sales 7professional web designer 8pop out(a bit more)9 well organized 10easy

Exercise 4 page 139

abcd6 ef2

Exercise 5page 139

a question b question c question d statement e question f question;statement

Exercise 6 page 139

It sounds like a question because the intonation rises through the sentence.

Exercise 8page 139

Possible answers:

1 They discussed Sam's business goals and his business's

strengths and weaknesses.

2 Sam feels quite positive.The consultant makes a number of suggestions,and Sam says OK,great! I'll do that and bring it in next week.

Exercise page 139

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page140

2a 3b 4d

Exercise 2page 140

2 Save money and make more of a profit.

3 Get more online sales and new customers.

4 Website will be more attractive and easier to use and you'll get more online customers.

Exercises 3-5pages141-142

Answers will vary.


Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 143

I think you should try to improve your shop

If you want bring in more customers you need to have a more interesting front window.

I think you should hire a window designer.

Inferred advice is to clean the shop and make it tidier.

Exercises 4-6 page143

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-4 page144 

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1more than 2the least interesting 3better 4the most 5worse than 6less stressful than 7friendlier than 8the most skilled

Exercise 3

1 Iran out of milk.

2 she wrote it down in her address book.

3 Lee took part in the game.

4 My supervisor looked at my report.

5 There are just enough supplies to get by6 We found out by using the internet.

7 I don't remember his address, so I'll have to look it up.8 We didn't want to run out of coffeso we made a lot

Exercise 4

1messy 2 waste time 3break 4weakness 5earn 6goal 7stress 8spendtime

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6A

1I think you 2Be careful 3why don't you 4If I were 5If you want to 6Be careful 7wouldn't 8|think

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary.

Unit 7

Page 147

Answer will vary.

Exercise 1 page 148

1Africa 2 Indian Ocean 3 Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 148

1rubbish 2picking up rubbish;making things from the rubbish 3 Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 149

1are not 2isolated from 3daily 4art 5make 6most 7world

Exercise 4 page 149

1e 2a 3h 4d 5f 6g 7c 8b

Exercise 5 page 149


Exercises 6-7 page149

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 150

1a 2a 3a 4b 5b 6b 7a 8a

Exercise 2 page 151

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 151

a hand dryer, Sir James Dyson b wheelbarrow Sir James Dyson c iPhone Sir Jonathan Ive Egg chair,Arne Jacobsen

Exercise 4 page 152

1painting 2simple 3modern 4purpose 5Art 6students 7problems 8inventing 9creative 10simple 11awards

Exercise 5 page 153

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 153

1interesting 2relaxing 3frustrated 4interested

Exercise 2 page 154

1 a The news b I

2 a I b She

a He b His idea

a My mumb story

a The walk b I

a idea b My friend

Exercise 3 page 154

1fascinated 2interested 3excited 4 surprising 5tired 6boring

Exercise 5 page 155

1was going 2was working 3wereliving 4weren't studying:were cooking 5were travelling 6was preparing 7was thinking 8wasn't living

Exercise 6page 155

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7page157

2noticed 3was watching 4went 5discovered 6was working 7was doing 8happened 9was waitin10realized 11was 12brought 13was doing 14blew 15invented 16made 17was making 18discovered 19created

Exercise 8 page 157

1When/While 2wasdoing 3saw 4When/While 5read (only if answer to number 4 is When)/was reading 6realized 7was working 8when 9dropped 10was looking 11when 12found

Exercise 1 page 158

a retire b amazing c remarkable d situation e entrepreneur f success

Exercise 2page 158

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 159

Person 1

Name: Sima Najjar

Job: Entrepreneur,former head of a modelling company. Worked with clothing designers

Why remarkable:Famous for website showing people how to do things in Arabic.

Person 2

Name: Yoshiro Nakamatsu Job:Inventor

Why remarkable: Created more than 3.000 inventions like shoes for jumping glasses the shape of eyes and fake hair for safety. Still inventing at the age of 90.

Exercise 4 page 159

1 They have to prepare a presentation on a remarkable person.2 Yasmin

Exercise 5 page 159

1not that 2all of it 3not very good 4a lot about

Exercise 6 page 159

1L 2Y 3Y 4L 5L

Exercise 7 page 160

Possible answers: Sima Najjar

She is from jordan.

She used to be the head of a modelling company She is an entrepreneur and former company leader. She is a mother.

She is famous because she started a website with videos in Arabic showing people how to do things. Her videos get one million views a month.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu He was born in japan.

He is now over 90 years old and he is still an inventor. He has created than 3000inventions. His inventions are unusual.

Some people don't think his inventions are real

He didn't retire even after he reached the age of90

Exercise 8 page 160

a 2and 4('s not great/doesn't sound…extraordinary) b 3(a little more work)

Exercise 9 page 160

1bad 2 hasn't prepared 3 bad 4 doesn't know anything

Exercise 10 page161

Sentences 1,2.and 3 sound enthusiastic.

Exercises 12-13 page 161

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 162

Company leader a, Why is she famous:g.Videos: c,f Personal life e,Fashion: b d

Exercises 2-5 page 163

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 164

1Nowadays 2before 3At that time 4in 5First 6Then 7when 8 After that 9Finally

Exercise 2 page 165

1such as 2Another important example 3Equally important

Exercise 3 page 165

1for example/like 2Anotherexample 3Another(important)example

Exercise 4 page 165

They included mostly information about his inventions. They chose that information because it is the most relevant and interesting

Exercise 5 page 166

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.


1relaxing 2surprising 3interested 4 bored 5frustrating 6exciting 7tired 8 fascinated


1 was studying 2 invented 3 was working 4weren't living:were not living 5called 6finished 7were writing 8was travelling 


1remarkable 2retire 3situation 4simple 5complicated 6purpose 7use 8achievement 

Exercise 6A

1 Richie visited Hawaii when he was 1when he was there,he got the idea for an invention to talk under water After that he improved his invention and began a company at age 13.

2 Felicia studied at university last year At that time she was single. After she graduated she got married

Exercise 6B

1such as 2 Also 3 for example 4 One example5 an important example 6equally important7another example 8such as

Exercise 6C

Answers will vary

Unit 8

page 169

1The photo shows a radio telescope which is a form of radio receiver used in astronomy to detect radio

waves emitted from objects in space(eggalaxies).This is how the telescope sees these objects rather than by detecting visible light like a normal telescope.2-3 Answers will vary.


1 Mercury,Venus,Mars,Earth Jupiter Saturn,Uranus and Neptune

2 Possible answers:stars moons suns asteroids,comets

3Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 170

Possible answers:

They are doing research. They are analyzing data.

They are talking about a project. They are explaining a project.

Exercise 3 page 170

1 1977 2 years 3 11 4 17 5 space 6 2012

Exercise 4 page 171

1a 2b 3b 4a 5a

Exercise 6 page 171

1to send back information to Earth 2no 3new things

Exercise 7 page171

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page 171

1text,email/mail 2 they call back or reply 3phone yes: mail: saved or thrown out text:yes email:yes 4Answers will vary.


1sun/son 2read/Red 3whether/weather 4ate/eight 5There/their6Our/hour

Exercise 2 page 172

The words have the same pronunciation,but they have different spellings and meanings.

Exercise 3page172

1The weather is really nice today2Iwaited for an hour3 Are you going there later? 4read the book yesterday5 We ate our dinner.6I don't mind.

Exercise 4 page 173

1spacecraft 2planet 3explore 4journey 5surface 6reach 7path 8beyond

Exercise 5 page 174

1whether 2sun 3Red 4sent 5to

Exercise 7 page 174

12025 2the sun 3boulder(from its surface) 4 the moon 5explore 6(help)Test7Adead8heat 9outside 104000 11hot

Exercise 8 page 175

1T 2F;Dwarf stars are not found in our solar system.3 F: Lucy is smaller than Earth4T5 F;It's planned for the 2030s.

 Exercise 9 page 175

Answers will vary. Possible answers.

1 Orion won't be able to land on Mars.Orion will help

give NASA information to safely send people to Mars.

2 A white dwarf star is what is left when a star uses all its

energy. Scientists call Lucy a cold star even though it burns at 2,700 degrees Celsius because it's only half as hot as our sun.

Exercise 10page175

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 176

c solution d impact problem f issue g alternative

Exercise 2 page 176

impact and effect;option and alternative problem and issue although issue focuses more on a topic and can be used to talk about problems as well)

Exercise 3 page 177

1problem/issue 2issue/problem 3option 4impact/effect/issue 5solution 6alternative7effect/impact

Exercise 4 page 178

2 met; wouldn’t know 3could/would become studied 4 were:would/could get 5weren’t would/could go 6could/would think understood 7would be gave 8happened:would be

Exercises 5-6 page 178

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 179

1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b

Exercise 2page 180

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3page 180

1exploration 2 benefitoptions

Exercise 4 page 180


Exercise 5page 180

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6page181


Exercise 7 page 181

1governments 2important 3spaceworks 4private companies 5money 6public/government and private 7the world 8individuals 9theinternet

Exercise 9-10 page 182

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 183

Funding space exploration can be very expensive, but should government or private money pay for it?

Exercise 2page 183

Use money from the government and taxes to pay for it Find money from private companies to pay for it, Use both private and public money to pay for space exploration.

Find money from private wealthy people.

Exercises 3-8pages183--185

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 185

inviting somebody else to speak:a.f.g.i

interrupting: d.e.h

continuing to speak: .b.c.j

Exercise 2 page 186

Suggested answers:

1Why don't you start us off

2Could I just say something

3Let me just finish what I was saying

4Would anybody like to say anything else about 

5you haven't said much What do you think6 What is your opinion

Exercise 4 page 186

15 2F 35 4S 5F6F

Exercise 5 page 187 Possible answers.

1l see your point 2I hear what you're saying 3agree with you completely 4You’re absolutely right 5see your point 6you have a point

Exercises 1-7 page 188

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary

Exercise 2

1 options 2alternative 3effect 4solutions 5impact 6issue 7problems

Exercise 3

1Would 2were 3could 4became 5would 6recycled 7send 8lived

Exercise 4

1evaluate 2options 3journey 4planet 5explored 6public 7surface 8path

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6A

1Showing strong agreement I agree with you 100 percent; That's a good point

Showing weak agreement You have a point; You could be right.

2Showing strong agreement You're absolutely right I feel exactly the same.

Showing weak agreement I suppose so.;I hear what you're saying(but)….

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX