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LOOK 4 练习册答案 Unit 4

4 Sports(四单元)

1 Words

1 Look and put the letters in order.

2 golf

3 gymnastics

4 volleyball

5 cycling

6 diving

7 ice skating

8 rowing

9 sailing

10 snowboarding

2 Read and write the words from Activity 1.

1 snowboarding

2 sailing ; rowing

3 track

4 cycling

5 golf ; volleyball

6 diving

7 ice skating

8 gymnastics

3 Listen to a conversation about the Paralympic Games. Circle the correct answer.

2 Grammar

1 Read about a skier. Complete the text with can, can’t, could, or couldn’t.

2 can

3 could

4 could

5 couldn’t

6 could

2 Listen to a conversation about Cristian Ribera.

1 No, he couldn’t.

2 Yes, they can.

3 In Europe.

4 No, he couldn’t.

5 Yes, he could.

6 No, he can’t.

3 Complete these sentences about you. Use can, can’t, could, and couldn’t.

Sample answers:

1. When I was a baby, I could cry , but I couldn’t talk .I could smile,but I couldn’t walk.

2. Before I started school, I could run,but I couldn’t play volleyball. I could draw pictures,but I couldn’t write.

3. Now I can play the piano,but I can’t play the drums. I can ride a bike, but I can’t snowboard.

3 Reading

1 Complete the sentences with these words.

1 surprised

2 brave

3 nervous

4 tired

2 Read and put the text in order.

The Olympic Dream!

4 A. After the race, Eric was a hero. His time was very slow, but it didn’t matter. People thought he was very brave.

2 B. Eric only started swimming in January, 2000. He was 21 years old. He practiced in a small swimming pool in a hotel. When he saw the Olympic pool in Sydney he was surprised. It was huge! It was 50 meters long. He couldn’t see the other end of it! The pool at home was only 12 meters long.

5 C. In 2016, Eric went to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He didn’t swim for Equatorial Guinea. He was the team’s coach!

3 D. In Eric’s race, there were two other swimmers. But they both jumped in the pool too early and the referee stopped the race. When the race started again, Eric was the only swimmer and he was nervous. Everyone watched him. He started to swim very quickly, but soon he felt very tired. The crowd cheered “Eric! Eric!” This helped him to finish.

1 E. Eric Moussambani was a star at the Olympics in Sydney in 2000. The swimmer from Equatorial Guinea didn’t win a medal, but the crowd loved him.

3 Read again. Circle the correct answer.

4 Grammar

1 Complete the table.

Object pronouns

1 me

2 you

3 him

4 her

5 it

6 us

7 you

8 them

2 Read and circle the correct pronouns.

3 Complete the sentences with object pronouns for the underlined words.

2 her

3 him

4 you

5 it

6 us

7 them

5 Writing

1 Read and order the sentences about Wu Minxia, a diver from China

2 Underline the time phrases in Activity 1

3 Complete these sentences about you. Use when.

Sample answers:

1. When I was six, I took my first soccer lesson.

2 When I was four , I learned to ride a bike.

3 When I was eight , I went to a new school.

4 Choose a famous athlete from your country. Find out about him/her and make notes


5 Choose information from Activity 4. Write a fact file about the athlete.

Sample answer:

Name: Simone Biles

Sport : gymnastics

Date of birth : March 14, 1997

Place of birth :Ohio, USA

When he/she was very young , he/she liked running, climbing, and jumping

When he/she was six , she started gymnastics

When she was 15 , she joined the US team

When she was 19 , she won four gold medals at the Olympic Games

6 Value

1 Read and check (✓) the best answers for you.


2 Circle the best answers.

3 Complete this message to a friend.


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