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power up6级别Activity book答案(unit7-unit9)

Unit 7

Page 81

Key: 2 reporter 3 criminal 4 crime5 article 6 cameraman 7 interview

2 Key: 2 lawyer 3 detective 4 criminal 5 reporter6 cameraman

3 Key: 2 lawyer 3 reporter 4 cameraman 5 crime6 Detective

Page 82

Key: 1C 2D 3A 4A

Page 83

Key: 2 hadn't gone, that 3 had broken 4 could, that5 would go, the following 6 had to, then

2 Key: 2 Renata said she couldn't hang out with her that day. 3 Ben said I was talking to his sister. 4 Mum said

that Aunt Sarah and Uncle James had arrived at our house.

3 Key: 2 They were sitting 3 There were 4 they knew there 5 wanted 6 had 7 could see 8 was 9 should10 would

Page 84

1 Key: interrupt, scream, whisper, complain, joke, demand

2 Key: 2 scream 3 complained 4 joked 5 interrupted 6 demanding

3 Key: 2 suggested 3 whispered 4 complained 5 claimed6 joked 7 demanded 8 screamed 9 interrupted

4 Key: Learners' own answers

Page 85

1 Key: 2 asked me if, was 3 asked me if, would visit4 asked Clara if she could 5 asked me if my, had done6 asked me if, played

2 Key: 1 Lucia asked me if I could help her with her project.2 Yan asked Jing how old she was. 3 Tomas asked Francesca if she was going on the school trip. 4 Beatrice asked Lucas if he had a laptop. 5 Felipe asked Bruno when the bus left.

Key: Tick A,C

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: That would be OK, wouldn't it? I don't think that would be a fun job.

Page 86

Key: 1 He stole people's identities online and used the identities to steal money. 2 She is a detective and the director of the Online Crime Unit. 3 He was hard to catch because he was very careful online. 4 No, she didn't. She worked with her team and a member of the public called Sandra Preston to catch Robert McGinty.


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 87

Key: 1a 2 it 3and 4 the 5 any 6to

Page 88

Key: 1 The lines are already formed before we are born.2 Nobody has the same fingerprints. If the police find a fingerprint, they will be able to find the person who made it by matching the prints. 3 The police first used a fingerprint to solve a crime in 1892. 4 Computer programmes can match fingerprints very quickly. The police also have an international electronic system which keeps a record of millions of criminal fingerprints. 5 You should wear gloves if you do not want to leave fingerprints.

Key: B and E


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 89

Key: 1D 2A 3C4A 5C

Page 90

Key: 1A 2A 3A4C 5B 6B

Page 91

Key: 2 I can't be the culprit because I didn't go into Mrs Stonesfield's classroom today! 3 I saw the mug here two hours ago.4 We're doing our homework now. 5 I haven't my own got a mug and I borrow a different mug every day.

Key: 1 They asked me if I was called Rebecca. 2 She asked Lucy if she had talked to Mrs Green about the problem. 3 We asked him if he would help us with the maths exercise. 4 I didn't ask Tim and Ben if they could turn the music off. 5 You asked me if I had to go home after school.

Key: 2 detective, demanded 3 whispered

4 reporter, suggested 5 interrupting 6 criminal, argued

Key: 2A 3E4F 5C6D

Unit 8

Page 93

1 Key: Pictures: clockwise from 'tuna': rice; cucumber;coconut; pear; cream; curry; spinach; lamb

Key: starter

Key: 1 tuna,A 2 pear, cream,C 3 lamb, B4 curry, coconut,E 5 spinach, mushrooms, D

Key: A main course B main course C dessert D starter E main course

Page 94

Key: 1D 2C 3F 4E

Page 95

Key: 2 herself 3 myself 4 themselves 5 himself 6 themselves

Key: 2 myself 3 You 4 themselves 5 himself 6 We

Key: 2D 3E 4B 5F 6A

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 96

Key: 2 healthy 3 awful 4 fantastic 5 bitter 6 disgusting7 tasty 8 amazing 9 spicy 10 fresh 11 flavour

Key: 1C 2 B 3 D 4A

Key: 1 tasty, bitter flavours, awful 2 sweet, amazing3 spicy, disgusting 4 healthy, fresh, fantastic

Key: 1 peel 2dad's 3 sound 4 can

Page 97

Key: 2 too, for, to 3 too, to 4 enough, for, to5enough, for, to 6 too, for, to

Key: sample answers 1 The pencils are too big (for them) to use. 2 The girl isn't well enough to go out.3 The lemons are too bitter (for the boys) to eat.

Key: 1 how often she eats out with her family; where her grandparents live; what type of fish she eats; what she enjoys cooking

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 Do you like going out for meals? 2 Who do you like going out with? 3 Where do you go? 4 What type of food do you like?

Page 98

Key: 1B 2C3D4A

Key: 1 Lisa, a twelve-year-old girl. 2 She was afraid her bad grades would result in her being sent back to Earth.3 Her grandfather said that eating blue fruit, flowers and veggie could help improve her brain power so Lisa tried to resolve the problem by eating blue fruit and vegetables.This resulted in her turning blue. 4 She studied hard and got better grades.

3 Key: One day she asks her grandfather how to improve her brain power because she got bad grades and the school will send her back to Earth. Her grandfather says that when he was a boy they said you should eat lots of blue fruit, flowers and vegetables to impove your brain power. This gives her an idea and she eats lots of blueberries, cornflowers and Blue Moon ice cream.Unfortunately, she turns blue.At the end of the play, she studies hard and isn't sent back to Earth.

Page 99

Key: 1B2D3C4A 5D6A7B

Page 100

1 Key: It is a balanced diet which contains all the nutrients that the body needs. 2 The labels tell us what the food contains and we can see if it is healthy or unhealthy.3 Foods that contain more than 1.5% salt are unhealthy.4 If we eat too much sugar, we put on weight and sugar is bad for our teeth. 5 Additives are used to make the food last longer or to improve the colour or the flavor.

2 Key: The surprise ingredient is nuts.


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 101

Key: 1 watch 2 land 3curry 4 cucumbers 5 disease 6 recycling

Page 102

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 103

Key: 2 myself 3 himself 4 yourselves 5 myself

2 Key: 2E 3A 4F 5D 6C

3 Key: 2 main course 3 dessert 4 coconut 5 fantastic 6 amazing 7 vegetarian 8 spicy 9 spinach

4 Key: Learners own answers

Unit 9

Page 105

Key: 2 temperatures 3 degrees 4 showers 5 weather forecast 6 storm

7 heat 8 snowfall 9 thunder 10 lightning 11 breeze 12 gale


Key: Learners own answers

Page 106

1 Key: 2 four 3 lucky 4 rock 5 thunder 6 water

2 Key: 1C 2A 3C 4C 5A 6A

Page 107

1 Key: 2 take, 1st 3 'll be,1st 4 Will,1st 5 could, 2nd 6 made, 2nd

Key: 2A 3D 4F 5H 6B 7G 8C

Key: 1 If I don't phone Grandma at the weekend, she'll be upset.2 Dad will fly to Berlin if they don't cancel the plane. 3 If your bike was better, you would enter the cycling race. 4 They would eat ice cream if it wasn't snowing.

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 108

1 Key: 2 cool 3 warm 4 humid 5 wet 6 mild 7 freezing 8 snowy 9 icy 10 dry

Key: warm, mild, cool, freezing

Key: 1no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 no

Key: Learners' own answers

Page 109

Key: 2 wish, wasn't 3 wish, let 4 wish, didn't have to go5 wishes, had 6 wishes, could

2 Key: 1 wishes she could ride 2 wish they were 3 wishes he knew

Key: Circle all topics

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 1 There are lots of things to do in capital cities, aren't there? 2 It looks fun, doesn't it? 3 It looks cold, doesn't it?

Page 110

Key: 1E 2F 3D 4A 5C 6B

Key: Learners' own answers

Key: 2 to take pictures of wildlife in the hills. 3 the weather forecast. 4 they should tell Mitzi the weather forecast was bad. 5 grey clouds in the distance.

6 grew dark and started to snow. 7 use the phone.8a helicopter to find them. 9 her friends waving.

Page 111

4 Key: James F- it is outdoors and long walks to keep fit(not A which only includes a walk once a month);Mitzi D- she likes swimming and meeting new people (but not teams, so it isn’t C),Kevin B because if focuses on cycling only and you can learn how to be a better cyclists and he wants to train to be the best.

Page 112

2 Key:  


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 113-114


Key: Learners' own answers

Page 115

1 Key: 2 If she wears flip-flops, her feet will get wet.3 If you pop my balloon, I won't forgive you. 4 If it wasn't so icy, we wouldn't go ice skating. 5 If we eat these strawberries, will we be ill?6 If you were outside during a lightning storm, what would you do?

Key: 2 James wishes he was good at tennis. 3 Lucy wishes she had some headphones. 4 Carolina and Camila wish their little sister didn't take their clothes.5 We wish we lived in a tent.6 I wish I could sing well.

Key: 1 sunshine 2 thunder 3 weather forecast 4 humid 5 typical 6 mild

Key: Learners' own answers

Review 3 Units 7-9

Page 116

1 Key: 2 wasn't 3 herself 4 were 5 enough to 6 were

Key: 2 myself 3 hadn't 4 can 5 too 6 didn't

Key: 2 ... how old I was. 3 ... you wouldn't play tennis today.4 If you speak to the detective,... 5 I asked Hannah if ... 6 I wish my mum didn't work on Christmas day.

Key: 2 whispering 3 Cucumbers 4 snowfall

Page 117

Key: For me, In my opinion, for example,As for, In my view, things like

Key: Learners' own answers

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