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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 14

14.Crazy records(十四单元)

1.a:2 In 2005,637 people dressed in gorilla suits and ran in a race. 3 The Miniature Wunderland train measures 110 metres. 5 Gregory Dunham's motorcycle weighs about a ton.

b:2 measures 3 weighs

2.a:2 worked 3 driven 4 learned/learnt 5 eaten 6 written 7 listened 8 done

b:2 has been 3 have never 4 spoken 5 We have never been 6 Have you travelled

c:2 A: Has a snake ever bitten you? B: No, I've never seen a snake. 3 A: Have you ever flown to the USA? B: No, I've never been in a plane. 4 A: Have your friends swum in this pool?B: No, they've never learned to swim.

d:2 Have you ever met a pop star? 3 Have you ever eaten Mexican food? 4 Have you ever tried windsurfing? 5 Have you ever been in hospital?

e:1 've/have never had 2 Have; had 3 've/have never been 4 have driven 5 've/have never cycled 6 has never killed 7 Have; eaten

3.1 I cut my finger. 2 Have you seen the parrot?3 He's told the teacher. 4 They've won lots of prizes. 5 He's seeing the doctor. 6 She's eaten the chocolate.

4.a:2 took a risk 3 raise money 4 break the record 5 told a joke 6 build a house

b:do your best give a hand/a presentation have an accident/ an argument make a mess/ an effort take a break / an exam tell the time /the truth

c:2 did 3 take 4 had 5 tell 6 giving

d:2 Joe went to sleep at work and his boss wasn't very happy. 3 The baby is asleep so please be quiet- I don't want her to wake up. 4 Maria had a dream about flying. 5 The baby is awake so you don't have to be quiet. 6I went to bed at midnight but I read until two in the morning.

5.2 → what 2↓ wait 3 fun 4 → white 4 ↓ way

6.No change: cut -cut-cut

Same past simple and past participle: make-made- made, meet- met -met

Different past participle: write-wrote-written, fly-flew-flown, drive-drove-driven,go-went -gone

No change: cut-cut -cut

7.1 mushrooms 2 do you want 3 please 4 cut 5 four 6 six 7 can eat six pieces 8 mine 9 decide 10 red 11 blue 12 rains 13 black horse 14 bigger than 15 brown one

Boy: This is one of my favourite jokes. Listen. A man goes into a pizza place and asks for a pizza. The girl asks him what he wants on it. 'Oh, ham and mushrooms and olives, please.''Fine' says the girl. And what size pizza do you want? What sizes have you got?'asks the man. 'Well,you can have small, medium or large.''Oh' says the man.'Um..medium, please?The girl says:'OK.And do you want me to cut it into four pieces or six pieces? The man thinks about it and says, Just four pieces, please. I'm not really very hungry. I don't think I can eat six pieces!' Girl: Yeah,that's a good joke.But I think this one's good too. Two farmers go out one day and they buy two horses,one each.They put the two horses in a field. "Wait a minute,' says one farmer.'How will we know which horse is yours and which horse is mine?'So the two farmers sit down and think about it. They decide to paint the horses' tails-one tail will be red and the other tail will be blue. But that night, it rains,and the paint comes off. So the two farmers think about it again. Then one of them says,'Oh, what stupid farmers we are! Look, it's easy. Your black horse is bigger than my brown one!'

8.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 snake 2 never 3 risk 4 truth 5 spoken 6 was 7 ever 8 been 9 haven't

2.2c 3b 4b 5b 6a 7c 8b 9c

3.1best 2 argument 3 daydreaming 4 asleep 5 awake 6 take 7 mess 8 truth

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