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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Unit 10

10 Yesterday and Long Ago(十单元)

1 Words

1 Write the words.

2 laugh 3 need water 4 sail 5 wait for the bus 6 stay home

2 Listen and write.

2. James wants to bike to school today.

3. Matt says you can climb trees at camp.

4. Orla walks to school in fifteen minutes.

3 Write about you.


2 Grammar

1 Write.

1 climbed;didn’t wait

2 didn’t walk;biked

3 needed;didn’t cry

4 watched;didn’t laugh

2 Write the verbs in the past.

New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean. Before people from Europe sailed to New Zealand, many people already lived there. They were the Maori people. The Maori used amazing boats to go from place to place in New Zealand. Some Maori people didn’t stay in New Zealand. They traveled from New Zealand to live in the Chatham Islands—800 kilometers away! The Maori people speak their own language, but before the Europeans came, they didn’t write stories in books. They were very good storytellers. They played music with instruments made from sea shells and danced special dances called the haka, the poi, and the whakawatea. They painted

their faces with shapes called moko.

3 Write the last time you did these things. Use ago, last, or yesterday.


3 Reading

1 Write.

Archaeologists study old buildings and things they find under the ground. They learn about people in the past. In 1902, near an island called Antikythera, they discovered the remains of an old ship at the bottom of the ocean. In the ship, there was a metal machine . They didn’t know what it was for. At first, they believed that it was to help sailors find their way in the ocean. But they changed their ideas, and they now believe it was for understanding the sun and the moon. They think it was the world’s first computer.

2 Read. Write A–E.

The ancient Maya people lived in the south of Mexico and Guatemala 1,200 years ago. B . Archaeologists are looking for the roads and buildings of the ancient Maya people. A new machine—lidar—is helping them find the remains of old Maya towns and villages. Marcello Canuto is a National Geographic Explorer. , but with lidar, they can now see the shapes of buildings and roads under the trees. Did the archaeologists learn anything new from the lidar machine? E . They believed that the ancient Maya people lived in small houses in small villages, but the lidar pictures changed their ideas. D . Marcello thinks that between five and ten million people lived in the area. The ancient Maya people didn’t have electricity or horses to help them to carry things, but they built a lot of villages and cities. A , so there were a lot of farms to grow food and roads to transport it to the cities. They were some of the largest cities in the world at the time!

3 Write.

2 1,200 years

3 towns;villages

4 electricity;horses

5 largest

4 Grammar

1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.

2 Look at the photos. Write questions and answers.

2 Did they bike in the park this morning

No, they didn’t

3 Did she bake with her mom last weekend

No, she didn’t

4 Did they play hide-and-seek at school

Yes, they did

5 Did he fix his bike yesterday

Yes, he did

3 Write three questions to ask a person in your family about what he or she did yesterday. Ask the questions and write ✓ or ✗.


5 Phonics and Writing

1 Listen. Write the words. Then write the words in the correct column

2 chair 3 hair 4 parents 5 pear 6 square 7 stairs 8 wear


chair hair stairs


pear wear


parents square

2 Write “S” for words and expressions at the start of an e-mail. Write “E” for words and expressions at the end of an e-mail.

1E 2S 3S 4E

3 Read and write.

6 Value

1 Match pictures (1–4) to expressions (A–F). You can match more than one expression to each picture.

Possible answers:

2 Write two ways that you show you are interested in other people.


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