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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Unit 3

Time travellers(三单元)

1.a:1 18 months ago 2 Time Lord 3 assistant 4 The Eleventh Hour

b:1a 2c 3a 4b 5a 6c 7d 8c

2.a:2 I can’t play the Doctor any more. 3 It is a fancy way of saying it’s bigger on the

outside than the inside. 4 We will never change anything in the universe.

c:pronouns (e.g. I, you, mine, ours); possessive adjectives (e.g. my, your); some time expressions (e.g. now, tomorrow, this afternoon).

d:2 The Doctor said (that) they had to get to the Tardis before it was too late.

3 The Doctor said (that) they would only know what year it was outside when they arrived.

4 The Doctor said (that) he had a plan and he knew how they could kill the Ice-men.

5 Romana told the Doctor (that) he was getting the time wrong.

6 Chronotis told the Doctor (that) he had heard so much about him.

7 The Doctor said (that) they didn’t know what was going on.

8 The Doctor announced that there wouldn’t be enough time.

6.b:1A 2E 3B 4C 5D


b:1 warned, persuaded 2is refusing / refuses 3 denied 4suggested 5told, persuaded,


c:2b 3a 4c 5e 6g 7h 8f

d:2 He promised not to be late. / He promised that he wouldn’t be late. 3 He claimed that his father had won over fifty golf competitions. 4 The doctor warned him/her that he/she was going to get really ill if he/she didn’t eat more healthily. 5 She denied working too hard. / She denied that she worked too hard. 6 They recommended trying the new café. / They recommended that I/we try the new café. 7 The doctor advised me to take a break sometimes. 8 She encouraged Steve to jump.

8.b:Sentence order: 2, 5, 1, 3, 7, 6, 4

c:1 It has two levers. 2 It takes five and a half hours. 3 It is hazy and dark. 4 He finds it incredibly unpleasant. 5 He loses sight of the laboratory, ‘The dim outline of the laboratory seemed to fall away from me.’ 6 The snail speeds past too fast to be seen.

7 He is very interested (see final sentence).

9.a:1 Because she’s been very busy with exams. 2 The summer holidays. 3 The week of the 10th–15th of August. 4 Reply to her request as soon as possible.

b:2 … it’s OK with you … 3 … the last time I was there. 4 … can you let me know … 5 … write soon.

c:1b 2a 3a 4b 5a

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