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English in Mind 4 练习册答案 Unit 1

1.Sport with a difference(一单元)

1.a:2 where 3 whose 4 which 5 that/ which 6 that/which 7 whose 8 where 9 that/which


c:2 whose 3 where 4 who 5 that 6 which 7 whose 8 what

d:2a 3a 4b

e: 2 Kate won the tennis match, that/which she played against Akeela. 3 I spoke to the man who works at the information desk. 4 Yesterday I met Jenny, whose sister was in

my class in college. 5 They’ve started training for the match that/ which will decide the championship. 6 Suren, who has lived next door for three years, has moved to London.7 I asked him to post the letter that/which I had written to my cousin. 8 My brother booked a holiday to New York, where he lived for six months.

f: 2 his 3 that 4 what 5 ✓ 6 it 7 ✓ 8 it

2. 1d 2b 3c 4a

3. a: Across: 4 court 6 kick 8 goggles 9 racket

Down: 1 puck 2 surfing 3 pitch 5 gloves 7 helmet 9 rink

b: 2 beat 3 scored 4 scored 5 draw 6 sent off 7 scored 8 lost

4. 1 What time does the flight take off? In about half an hour.

2 Are you going away for the weekend?  No, I’m staying at home.

3 Do you want to go for a drive in my new car?  I’d love to.

4 Where do we get off the bus for the museum? It’s the next stop.

5 Will you send me a postcard when you get there?  Of course I will.

6 Are you leaving for Paris tonight?  Yes, at about ten thirty.

5.a:1d 2a 3b 4c

b: 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T

c: 1 Each team has fifteen players and five substitutions are permitted during the game. 2 The field, goals and the number of players are the same as is a lot of the terminology. 3 By hitting the sliotar into the net under the crossbar. 4 They can hit the ball with the hurley, kick it or slap it. 5 Because there are a lot of Irish communities in other countries.

6. a: Students’ own answers.

b:1 Now Martin has the ball. He’s tackled by Jones, but no, Martin dribbles past him, gets the ball past him. Martin still has the ball, and he passes to Fairhouse who heads it forward to MacColl. It’s MacColl against Murphy now. They’re the fastest men on the pitch. Is it going to be a goal? And … oh no, what a foul! The ref’s blown his whistle and it looks as if Murphy’s going to be sent off.

2 And it’s Williams to serve. Yes, it’s just on the line but Smith gets to it and forces Williams to run to the net. Is she going to get it? What a lob! What a hit! But Smith manages to get her racket up and smashes the ball back across the net. But it’s not powerful enough and Williams gets her backhand volley in but just outside the line. Love-fifteen.

3 And the flag is down and they’re off. Collins is off to a good start in the inside lane. But Fletcher is gaining speed, he’s going faster, he’s catching up. It looks like he’s going to try to overtake on the bend. That’s the hardest corner in the race! So many drivers have fallen out of the race here … But Collins is accelerating, he’s getting faster, and oh no, he’s skidding all over the place. Collins’ car is on fire, and he’s out of the race.

4 And now it’s Summers. She takes a deep breath as she focuses her mind. After her

disaster in the last part of the competition, on the beam, she’ll want to do well on the

vault. She’s got a good speed up as she hits the board. She jumps higher than anyone

else. Yes. What great height, although her balance could be better. But what a perfect


5 Next one up is Jenson, the current champion. He makes his way to the top of the ramp. And he’s off. He’s looking cool and confident on the board today. Let’s see what tricks he has planned for us today. What a jump! And now he’s flying through the air. His favourite jump! It’s breathtakingly high – and then he flies back down and up to the other side of the ramp … No protective gear, no helmet, nothing, for Jensen. Is he brave or is he just crazy? Let’s hope he doesn’t fall.

D1 C2 E3 F4 A5

B is the extra picture.

c: A ramp / board / tricks / jump breathtakingly high / flies back down and up / protective gear /helmet / fall

C serve / on the line / net / lob / hit / racket /smashes / backhand / volley / line / love-fifteen

D ball / tackled / dribbles / passes / heads / pitch / goal / foul / ref / whistle / sent off

E they’re off / in side lane / gaining speed / going faster / catching up / overtake on the bend / corner / drivers / accelerating / skidding / car / race

F beam / vault / board / jumps higher / height / balance / landing

Unit check 

1.2 whose 3 when 4 where 5 which 6 who 7 that 8 what 9 it 10 why

2.2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a

3.2 scored 3 helmet 4 drew 5 off 6 beat 7 goggles 8 pitch 9 league

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