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English in Mind S 练习册答案 Unit 13

13.what happened?(十三单元)

1.1 tired 2 little 3 white 4 black 5 white 6 angry

2.a:2 changed 3 haled 4 studied 5 died 6 stopped 7 walked 8 started

b:2 stopped 3 worked 4 studied 5 walked 6 died


b:1 They visited a museum.

2 They landed on the moon.

3 The concert ended at 11 o'clock.

4 We waited at the station.

c:1 We watched a film.

4.a:Across: 3 became 4 ate 5 knew 7 saw 9 ran 11 thought 13 gave 14 took

Down: 2 found 3 began 6 wrote 8 went 10 had 12 got

b:2 took 3 went 4 got 5 chatted 6 had / ate

5.a:2 didn't play tennis. They played cards.

3 worked as a doctor. He didn't work as a waiter.

4 didn't phone my mum. I phoned my dad.

5 didn't dance. We watched TV.

6 parked near the library. She didn't park near the cinema.

b:2 went 3 saw 3 did; begin 4 did; go 5 Did; have 6 Did; sit 7 sat 8 did; have 9 had 10 did; get

6.a:2 go to 3 plays 4 have 5 having 6 going to

b:make: a noise

do: a puzzle, housework

have: an accident, fun

take: a break, a photograph

7.2e 3a 4f 5d 6b



9.Sandro: Hello

Tony: Sandro, hi. It's Tony. I'm ringing from Cambridge.

Sandro: Tony, hi! How are you?

Tony: Fine! We arrived in London on Monday. The plane landed at 5.15 in the morning.

Sandro: Oh dear!

Tony: Yeah, really early. So we were in the city by 7.30. And we stayed in London for two nights.

Sandro: Where? In a hotel?

Tony: Yes, we were in a hotel for the first night. And then on Tuesday we stayed at my uncle's place.

Sandro: So what was London like? What did you do?

Tony: Well, we spent a lot of time at my uncle's house - talking, you know. But we went all round the city in a tourist bus - that was really good . And we wen t for a boat trip on the river. Dad wanted to visit the British Museum too , but we didn't have time for that.

Sandro : So when did you leave for Cambridge ?

Tony: On Wednesday . We got the early evening train and now we're staying with my cousins . They've got a great house here. Anyway , Sandro - how are things? How's Carla? I tried to ring her yesterday but...

2В 3С 4С 5В

10.Students' own answers.

Unit check 

1.1 on 2 in 3 studied 4 nurse 5 hospital 6 stopped 7 didn't 8 were 9 died

2.2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9b

3.2c 3b 4a 5c 6c 7a 8a 9b

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