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Great writing一级别答案(3.4单元)

Unit 3 Writing about the Present


Activity 1, page 60

1. F

2. P

3. F

4. P

5. H

6. F

7. H

8. P

9. H

10. F

Activity 2, page 62

1. has

2. is

3. makes

4. travel

5. give

6. see

7. are

8. makes

Activity 3, page 63

1. is/comes

2. speaks

3. are

4. are/come

5. is/comes

6. practices/speaks

7. has

8. are/come

9. play

10. am/come

11. love

12. are

Activity 4, page 63


Jim and Matt’s Daily Routine

Jim and Matt are very busy students. Every morning, they

wake up at 7:00, get ready, and then hurry off to school. They

study engineering at City College. They attend school for six

hours every day. After school, they go to their job(s) at a clothes

store. After their job(s)they go home, eat a quick dinner, study,

and do their homework. Jim and Matt know that their routine is

stressful. They also know that the routine is temporary because

they will graduate soon.

Activity 5, page 64


The City of Budapest

Budapest, Hungary, is one of the most interesting cities in

Europe. First, it has many interesting tourist destinations. One

example is the Danube River. It flows through the middle of the

city, and it has a long connection with human history. Budapest

also has beautiful architecture. Buda Castle is a World Heritage

Site. In addition, there is a long history of traditional food in

Hungary. There are many national dishes. One of the most

popular is goulash soup. When you travel to Europe, do not

miss a visit to Budapest.

Activity 6, page 65 

Possible answers:

1. cooks (breakfast)

2. eats (the food; it); sits at the table (and eats; to eat)Answer Key 7

3. read the news online; check their email

4. Mr. Lee and the kids leave (the house); say good-bye to

Mrs. Lee

5. Mrs. Lee washes the dishes

6. Mrs. Lee/she gets in her car (to go to work); Mrs. Lee/she

drives to work

Activity 7, page 66

1. There are

2. They are

3. There are

4. There are

5. there are

6. They are

Activity 8, page 67

1. There are

2. They are

3. They are

4. There are

5. There are

6. They are

7. They are

8. There are

9. There are

10. They are

Activity 9, page 68

1. Borscht is not a food from England. It is the national dish of


2. The capital of Japan is not Osaka. Tokyo is the capital of


3. Soccer is not the most popular sport in the United States. It

is the most popular sport in the world. / American football

is the most popular sport in the United States.

4. Water does not freeze at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It freezes

at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Angel Falls is not in Brazil. Angel Falls is in Venezuela.

6. Seattle and Dallas are not cities in France. They are cities in

the United States.

7. Thailand is not a European country. It is an Asian country.

8. Coffee plants do not grow naturally in Norway. They grow

naturally in Ethiopia (and other countries).

9. The Great Pyramids are not in Spain. They are in Egypt.

10. Global warming does not mean the Earth's temperature is

going down. It means the Earth's temperature is going up.

11. Canada is not near the equator. It is near the North Pole.

12. There are not four Latin languages. There are five.

Activity 10, page 70 

Activity 11, page 71

5. The Martellus Map of Europe, Africa, and Asia is over five

hundred years old.

8. January, March, May, July, August, October, and December

have 31 days.

9. The Olympic rings represent the flags of every country, so

they are blue, yellow, red, black, and green.

12. Research requires time, patience, and determination.

Activity 12, page 71

1. Seher lives in Turkey, but/and her sister lives in Canada.

2. Carlos works on Saturday, so he cannot come to the

movies with us.

3. We go to school every day, and/but/so we play tennis on


4. Luis and Kathy are related, but they are not brother and


5. Hurricanes begin in the Atlantic Ocean, and/but typhoons

begin in the Pacific.

6. Some people think tomatoes are fruit, but other people

think they are vegetables.

7. Ali is a medical student, so he takes a lot of science classes.

8. Maja usually goes to bed early, but she is up late tonight.

9. Jiang does not like coffee, but/so he drinks tea.

10. It is quiet at the library, so students like to study there.

11. My parents have a telephone in their home, but I only have

a cell phone.

12. Some fish live in fresh water, but/and some fish live in salt


Activity 13, page 72


Not an Average Teenager

Steven Mills is not your typical teenager. Steven is

a competitive gymnast, and he wants to compete in the

Olympics. He wakes up at 5:00 in the morning every day, and

he practices before school. He jogs to the gym, and he practices

gymnastics for two hours. Then he eats a healthy breakfast, and

he gets ready for school. Steven goes to school from 8:30 in the

morning until 2:00 in the afternoon. After school, he returns to

the gym for individual practice with his coach. When practice Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs

finishes at 6:00 in the evening, Steven returns home. He eats

dinner, does his homework, and talks with his family. Steven is

in bed early to be ready to work hard again the next day.

Activity 14, page 73

A: solution, happy memory, daily activity, university

An: umbrella, object, extra pencil, hour

Ø: computers, information, accidents, money

Activity 15, page 74

1. My father has a stressful job.

2. You have an exam today.

3. Our teacher gives us a project every week.

4. There is a large cake for my son’s birthday.

5. His mother is an amazing woman.

6. We take a test in this class every week.

7. Their sister is an excellent cook.

8. You can buy an e-book on that website.

Activity 16, pages 74-75

1. A

2. a

3. The

4. the

5. Ø

6. Ø

7. the

8. a

9. the

10. an

11. a

12. an

13. an

Activity 17, pages 75-76

1. Robert always goes to the beach near his house.

2. Laura’s parents visit their friends in India once a year. (no

article needed)

3. We have a grammar test now.

4. The weather is very nice for a picnic today.

5. Brad often eats apples for a snack.

6. I lend you a pencil all the time.

7. This computer does not work anymore. (no article needed)

8. Ian buys a cup of coffee during his afternoon break.

9. Nicholas and Karla take classes at Seattle Community

College. (no article needed)

10. My dad drives me to the airport when I travel.


Activity 18, page 76

1. like

2. surely

3. exercise

4. now

5. separate

6. country

7. hospital

8. normal

9. famous

10. all of

Activity 19, pages 76-77

1. be in outer space 

2. a well-known author

3. a boring routine 

4. rivers flow 

5. a temporary solution

6. a stressful job

7. miss a meeting

8. a popular destination

9. admire someone

10. can afford to buy something

Activity 20, page 77

1. Many people admire the view from the top of Jebel Hafeet

when they are in the United Arab Emirates.

2. I have a lot of admiration for Olympic athletes.

3. Artists are creative people.

4. The creation of a new app requires a lot of work.

5. Water flows down my street after it rains heavily.

6. It is relaxing to listen to the gentle flow of the river.

7. After work, people are always in a big hurry to get home.

8. I need to hurry to catch the bus.

9. Don’t stress about the homework assignment. It’s easy.

10. Yuka has a lot of stress at her job.

Activity 21, page 78

Answers will vary.


Activity 22, page 78

1. Elephants are native to Africa and Asia.

2. The coffee is hot, so you must be careful.

3. The scientists do not have an assistant. / The scientist does

not have an assistant.

4. Tourists must take a/the boat to visit the Statue of Liberty.

5. My aunt drinks a cup of coffee every morning.

6. Many birds fly thousands of miles in the spring.

7. You do not want to be late for the test, so you must hurry

to class.

8. A/The patient needs to exercise and eat well every day.

9. There are a lot of people leaving the stadium, and they are

happy about the final score.

10. Please give your test to the teacher.

Activity 23, pages 78-79

Answers will vary.

Activity 24, page 79

Possible answers:

1. Cheetahs and leopards have spots, but the spots create

different patterns.

2. You can see a polar bear and a grizzly bear in Alaska, USA,

and you can see a panda bear in south central China. / You

can see a polar bear and a grizzly bear in Alaska, USA, but

you cannot see a panda bear.

3. Miguel wants to be a professional soccer player, so he

practices soccer every day.


Activity 25, page 80

Answers will vary.

Activity 26, page 80

Answers will vary.

Unit 4 Writing about the Past


Activity 1, page 84-85

1. b.

2. b.

Activity 2, page 86


Activity 3, page 87

1. helped

2. asked

3. studied

4. noticed

5. played

6. decided

7. worked

8. named

9. showed

10. kicked

11. used

12. loved

Activity 4, page 88

1. was

2. had

3. made

4. was

5. taught

6. began

7. wrote

8. was

Activity 5, page 89

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 90

1. Carmen did not live in Singapore three years ago.

2. Ling did not study engineering last semester.

3. Humberto’s parents did not visit him last weekend.

4. Jack did not help me with my presentation yesterday.

5. Emma did not send an email to her parents this morning.

6. Khaled did not speak with his academic advisor the other


7. I did not do my homework yesterday.

8. Lan and Mei did not leave the celebration early last night.

9. My brother did not go to the grocery store last Saturday.

10. Karla did not go on vacation two days ago.

11. The salesman did not call his customers the other day.

12. My friends and I did not have lunch in the cafeteria


13. My drive to work did not take a long time this morning.

14. Scientists did not discover a new lake on Saturn a few days


Activity 7, page 91

1. was

2. was not

3. was

4. was

5. were not

6. were

7. were

8. was

9. were

10. was not

11. were not

Activity 8, page 92

1. had

2. was

3. did not work

4. got up

5. was not

6. did not start

7. got

8. yelled

9. crashed

10. lost

11. did not get

12. was

Activity 9, pages 92-93

1. John F. Kennedy was not a leader in Mexico. He was a

leader in the United States.

2. Confucius did not live in Colombia. He lived in China.

3. Ronaldinho did not play professional basketball. He played

professional soccer.

4. Marie and Pierre Curie did not discover penicillin. They

discovered radium.

5. The Titanic did not sink in the Pacific Ocean. It sank in the

Atlantic Ocean.

6. Leonardo da Vinci did not come from Germany. He came

from Italy.

7. Barack Obama was not the president of Canada. He was

the president of the United States.

8. J.K. Rowling did not write Romeo and Juliet. She wrote the

Harry Potter books.

9. Steve Jobs did not create Microsoft. He created Apple.

10. The 2018 FIFA World Cup did not take place in South

Africa. It took place in Russia.

Activity 10, page 93

Answers will vary.

Activity 11, page 94

Possible answers:

1. hard

2. quickly/fast

3. nervously

4. badly

5. quietly

6. slowly

7. carefully

8. well

Activity 12, page 94

Answers will vary.

Activity 13, page 96

1. S

2. CD; Karl saw a movie this weekend, but he thought it was

really boring.

3. CX; Before Mahmood left class, he spoke to the teacher

about his homework.

4. CD; Amy expected to take a test today, but she was wrong.

5. CX; The students did not have any questions after the

teacher gave the assignment.

6. S

7. CX; We had enough time to get a coffee before class


8. CD; We can study here, or we can go to the library.

9. CD; My brother flew to Amsterdam, and he met our cousins


10. CX; When Karen wanted information for her report, she

went to the library.

11. CX; We cannot take a break before noon.

12. S

13. CX; Sam began to study as soon as he got to the library.

14. CD; Ying decided to ask a friend to edit her paper, and she

liked her friend’s comments.

Activity 14, page 97

1. As soon as I graduated from high school, I got a summer

job. / I got a summer job as soon as I graduated from high


2. Before Juan traveled around the world, he took some

English classes. / Juan took some English classes before he

traveled around the world.

3. When my sister and I finished our homework, we went to a

movie. / My sister and I went to a movie when we finished

our homework.

4. After the house caught on fire, the fire department arrived

very quickly. / The fire department arrived very quickly

after the house caught on fire.

5. Before the young woman crossed the street, she looked

left and right. / The young woman looked left and right

before she crossed the street.

6. When the lights in the classroom went out, the teacher told

the students not to worry. / The teacher told the students

not to worry when the lights in the classroom went out.

7. As soon as Jacob had the freedom to study abroad, he

moved to California to study English. / Jacob moved to

California to study English as soon as he had the freedom

to study abroad.


Activity 15, page 98

1. work hard

2. difficult

3. fail 

4. go away

5. unusual

6. give a job

7. extremely bad

8. your grades

9. see

10. pain

Activity 16, pages 98-99

1. complete a project on time

2. join an organization 

3. win a prize 

4. solve the mystery

5. recharge the battery 

6. design a new building

7. yell at someone

8. hire a new employee

9. a powerful machine 

10. my greatest achievement in life

Activity 17, page 99

1. Her cancer research was her greatest professional


2. I achieved a lot today.

3. Damon quickly improved in his swimming classes when he

was younger.

4. This new computer software has many improvements.

5. The telephone was an important invention.

6. Some believe that Marconi invented the radio, but others

believe that Tesla created it.

7. The patient suffered/suffers from a rare disease.

8. The medication greatly reduced the patient’s suffering.

9. The student noticed the mistake and corrected it.

10. There are noticeable differences among the cultures of the


Activity 18, page 100

Answers will vary.


Activity 19, page 100


Ibn Battuta

Muhammad Ibn Battuta was a famous Moroccan traveler.

He lived in Morocco in the 14th century. When he was a young

man, he made a trip to Mecca. Ibn Battuta loved to see new

places so much that he continued to travel. This was not his

original plan, but he continued on his journey. He had many

adventures during his travels, and he met many interesting

people. After he returned home, he did not forget about his

journey. He wrote a book about his travels, and this book now

gives us a lot of important information about life in the 14th

century. Also, it gives us more information about this interesting

and important man.

Activity 20, page 101

1. We went to the park yesterday.

2. The company president did not write the letter.

3. Before he went home, he finished his homework.

4. The ice cream was delicious, but the chocolate cake was


5. We watched some of the movie, but we left early.

6. Gary did not graduate from college, but his sister finished 

in three years.

7. Lauren wore her new dress, but she didn’t like it.

8. After he was in the same job for five years, his salary went 

up 25 percent.

9. After the child ate his vegetables, he asked for desert.

10. The baseball player caught the ball, but he dropped it.

Activity 21, page 101

Possible answers:

1. Cassius Clay was 22 years old when he changed his name

to Muhammad Ali.

2. Valentina Tereshkova traveled to space before any other

female astronaut on June 16, 1963.

3. Serena Williams was a young woman when she became

famous for her incredible tennis skills.


Activity 22, page 102

Answers will vary.

Activity 23, page 102

Answers will vary.

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