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LOOK 3 课本答案

LOOK 3 课本答案

1 Look and Remember

1 Look. What can you see in the photo? Circle the words. Then complete the sentences.

1. There are three boys in the park.

2. A boy is jumping from the yellow climbing structure. He’s wearing a jacket.

3. There’s a black skateboard and a backpack in front of the climbing structure.

4. One boy is wearing a hat on his head and blue jeans.

5. One boy is taking a photo with his camera.

3 Write about you and your friends.

Sample answers:

1 bike

2 a guitar

3 Luis;two rabbits

4 a lot of board games

4 Match. Then do some math.

21J 22D 30I 40E 50B 

60F 70H 80A 90C 100G

1 Look at the photo. How many things can you name?

2 Look and Remember

3 Read and circle.

My house is small, but I (1) like / likes / liking it. It (2) don’t / has / have a living room and twobedrooms. We (3) has / doesn’t have / don’t have a dining room—we eat in the kitchen. In the living room, there (4) are / be / is a sofa, an armchair, and a big bookcase, and we (5) can / have / likes play games on the computer. We have a yard, but I (6) do / doesn’t / don’t like it. It’s very small, so we (7) can’t / doesn’t / haven’t play soccer.

4 Complete with can or can’t.

1 can't 2 can 3 can't 4 can't 5 can 6 can

5 Write about your house.

Example answer: I live with my mother, my father, and my big sister. My house has a living room, a kitchen, and three bedrooms. In my bedroom there’s a bed, a desk, and a closet. I have a piano in my bedroom. I like my bedroom because it has yellow walls.

3 Look and Remember

2 Put the words in order. Find the answers in the cloud. Listen and check.

1 What’s your name? Luis

2 How old are you? 9

3 Where do you live? South Street

4 What’s your favorite color? green

5 What’s your mother’s name? Maria

6 What do you want to be? a doctor

7 What school subjects do you like? English and gym

1 Around the World(一单元)

Look at the photo. Answer the questions.

Sample answers

Where are the boys? They are in a river.

What are they doing? They are playing.

Where do children play in water where you live? In the ocean.

2 Grammar

3 Match.

3 Reading

2 What do you know about giraffes? Listen and read.

Sample answer: Giraffes are very tall. They live in Africa.

3 Read again. Write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T

4 What is good about Molly and Luca’s lives? What isn’t good?

Good things: they see lots of animals, bad things: they don’t see their grandparents or cousins very often.

4 Grammar

2 Circle.

1 his 2 Her 3 Their 4 My 5 Our 6 your

4 Think and write.

Sample answers:

• your mother? Her name is Michiko.

• your three best friends? Their names are…

• your favorite singer? His/Her name is…

• your favorite soccer player? His/Her name is…

• your teddy bear? Its name is…

5 Song

1 Read. Write the words. Listen.

Hello, what are you? Do you want to play? I’m a kind of animal, but I cannot say. What do you look like? My ears are big, and I’m big and gray. Where are you from? I’m from South Africa. Are you an elephant? Yes, I am!

Hello, what are you? Do you want to play? I’m a sport, but I cannot say. What are you like? I’m fun. I’m fast. Where are you from? I’m from the US. Are you baseball? Yes, I am.

6 Phonics

2 Write a_e, ai, or ay. Listen and chant.

It’s Frid ay!

Do you want to pl aya g ame ?

We’re in the big school pl ay ground.

Let’s m akea tr ai n or p ai nt a pl ane, play b ase ball on our sk ate boards!


3 Write a_e, ai, or ay. Say the words. Listen and repeat.

1 ake 2 ay 3 ay 4 ai 5 ake 6 ai

7 Video

1 Watch Mati, Emilia, and Rafi. Who talks about the photo?


2 Watch the video again. Check (✓) the words you hear.

3 Imagine you have a friend in a different country. Tell him or her three things about your country.

Sample answer: I’m from Spain. It’s a big country in Europe. The capital city is Madrid. Our favorite sport is soccer.

2 On My Way!(二单元)

Look at the photo. Answer the questions.

Sample answers:

What can you see? I can see six children. I can see a tree.

Are there any cars? No, there aren’t.

Is your trip to school like this? No, it isn’t.

1 Words

3 Ask and answer.

Sample answers:

A place for cows? farm

A place for boats? lake

A place with a lot of trees? forest

A small place where people live? village

A big place where people live? town

3 Reading

2 Where are the children in the photo? Listen and read.

Rouen, France

3 Match the countries with the kind of transportation.

1 cable cars

2 subway

3 bike buses

4 walking ;cable car

4 Answer the questions.

Sample answers:

1. What trips are fun? Trips in the car with my family

2. What trips are difficult? Long trips

3. What is your favorite trip? Say why. To my grandparents’ house. They live in the mountains.

It is a beautiful trip.

4 Grammar

2 Match.

AboveH acrossB alongA aroundD 

downpastE throughF underG

3 Circle.

1. We go past / under a forest on our way to school.

2. He can walk along / under the waterfall.

3. She rides around / through the lake every day.

4. I can’t swim above / across the river. It’s dangerous!

5. The train goes up and above / down the mountain.

6. You walk down / through the city on your way home.

6 Phonics

3 Write ee, ea, or y. Listen and chant.

Play on the b each,

climb a tall tr ee,

sail on the s ea,

follow a b ee!

When I go to the countr yside,

it makes me happ yinside!

4 Write ee, ea, or y. Say the words. Listen and repeat.

1 ee 2 ee 3 ea 4 y 5 y 6 ea

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Match.

B 1. Marcel

C 2. AJ

A 3. Yurara

2 Watch the video again. Check (✓) the words you hear.

Function 1: Talking about Dates

1 Listen and read. Complete.

Pablo: What are you doing, Gloria?

Gloria: I’m making party invitations.

Pablo: But today’s March 16t! Your birthday isn’t until November 9th!

Gloria: I know, but they’re not for my party. They’re invitations for Celina’s birthday party.

Pablo: Oh, I see! Well, when’s Celina’s birthday?

Gloria: Her birthday is on March 18th. That’s Wednesday, and the party’s on Sunday, March 22th. Do you want to come?

Pablo: Yes, I do! Thanks! And you can come to my birthday party on April 4th.

3 Listen again. Match.

1 Read about Sápmi. Answer the questions.

1. Where is Sápmi? It’s in the north of Europe.

2. Why is it difficult to live there? There’s snow for a lot of the year. Some weeks you don’t see the sun.

3. Who lives there? the Sami people

2 Watch the video. Circle.

1. The reindeer are important to the Sami for travel / food.

2. The reindeer find food in the water / under the snow.

3. The reindeer walk far because the Sami people move them / they need to find food.

4. The Sami reindeer herders live in one place / different places.

5. The reindeer swim across the river / cross the river in boats.

Review 1: Units 1–2

1 Complete.

1 Italy 2 Brazil 3 Argentina 4 South Africa5 Japan6 Australia

2 Cross out the incorrect word. 

3 Complete.

1. I have a blue bike. I ride my bike to school.

2. Victor often walks to school with his friends.

3. “Are your parents from Argentina?” “No, they’re from Spain.”

4. There’s a new girl in class today. Her name is Mae.

5. We love monkeys. Our favorite monkeys live in Brazil.

6. Gina and Raul walk to school. Their house isn’t far.

4 Listen. Circle the best answer to the question.

1B 2A 3B 4A 5A

3 Helping Out(三单元)

Look at the photo. Answer the questions.

Sample answers:

What can you see? I can see some school girls on a bridge.

Where are the children? They are near the ocean.

What are they doing? They are helping the girl go across the bridge.

How do you help your friends at school? I help my friends if they don’t know an answer.

1 Words

4 Order.

Sample answer: I think my favorite is “go shopping”

2 Grammar

4 Write and say. Compare.

Sample answers:

I always…take out the garbage.

I usually…feed the cat.

I sometimes…fix my bike.

I never…cook.

3 Reading

2 Look at the photo. Where is the girl? What is she doing?

She is on a farm. She is feeding chickens.

4 Read again. Circle country or city.

1 city 2 country 3 country 4 city 5 country 6 city 7 city

5 Choose! Country or city? Why?

Sample answer: Country. I like animals, and I can feed the chickens and collect the eggs. I can pick vegetables.

4 Grammar

1 weekends 2 every 3 week 4 twice 5 How

3 Write and say.

Sample answers:

I clean up my room once a week.

I help my mom every day.

I ride my bike on weekends.

I watch a movie on weekends.

I wash my hair twice a week.

6 Phonics

2 Write igh, y, or i_e. Listen and chant.

I feel all r igh t

when I r ide my b ike.

I sm ile every t ime

I fl my k ite

3 Write igh, y, or i_e. Say the words. Listen and repeat.

1 ile 2 igh 3 ine 4 y 5 ice 6 y

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Who does chores on the farm? Who does chores at home? Who does chores at school?

1 Pablo 2 Kaitlyn 3 Emilia

2 Watch the video again. Complete.

1 always 2 twice a day 3 on Saturdays and Sundays 4 usually 5 every day 6 sometimes

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