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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Unit 9

9 I Love My Town(九单元)

1 Words

1 Put the letters in order. Check (✓) the places that you can see in the picture.

2 Listen and write. What is it?

2 building(s)

3 bus stop

4 movie theater

5 hospital

6 café

7 sports center

8 market

2 Grammar

1 Look at the picture on p. 72. Write was, were, wasn’t, or weren’t.

A: In the 1950s, was there a hospital in the town?

B: Yes, there was, but it was smaller than the hospital we have now.

A: And were there any movie theaters?

B: Yes, there were. Watching movies was very popular. But there wasn’t a sports center. There was only a swimming pool.

A:Was there a café?

B: Yes, there was a nice café near the market. There weren’t any big supermarkets in 1950. There were only stores and markets.

2 Look and write about the town in 1990.

3 There wasn’t a movie theater.

4 There was a supermarket.

5 There were cafés.

6 There weren’t any parks.

7 There wasn’t a market.

8 There were parking lots.

3 Ask someone in your family about your town in 1990. Write the answers.


3 Reading

1 Write the words.

2 Read. Write the sentences (A–F)

A megacity is a city with more than ten million people. In 2017, there were sixteen megacities in the world. B In China, a lot of cities are getting bigger and bigger. This is Shenzhen. A But forty years ago, it was very different. In those days, it was a small town with only 30,000 people. But the big companies arrived then. F There were new buildings everywhere! More than eighteen million people live in and around Shenzhen. E What things in your house are from Shenzhen, do you think?

3 Read again. Circle the correct word.

1. Megacities have more than ten thousand / million / billion people.

2. There were six / sixteen / sixty megacities in China in 2017.

3. In China, there are six new buildings / factories / skyscrapers every month.

4. In 1980, Shenzhen was much smaller / the same size / much bigger than today.

5. More than eight / eighteen / eighty million people live in and around Shenzhen.

4 Grammar

1 Write the expressions in the correct column.



these days

In the past

60 years ago

in those days


2 Listen to Olivia and her grandfather. Write.

1 nine

2 computers

3 TVs;house

4 home

5 movie theater

3 Read and write.

Seventy years ago , the US city of New York was the only megacity in the world. In those days, skyscrapers were a new type of building in many cities around the world, and the tallest skyscrapers in the world were in New York. The tallest building then was the Empire State Building, at 381 meters. These days, the tallest buildings in the world are mostly in Asia and the Middle East. The Burj Khalifa in the UAE is almost 830 meters tall! Now, they are building taller buildings in other cities.

5 Phonics and Writing

1 Say the words with er, ir, ur, and or. Circle the one that doesn’t belong. Listen and check.

2 Circle the letters that should be capital letters. Write the words. If the sentence is correct, write C.

3 Write about you. Check your capital letters.


6 Value

1 Which children are loving their town? Look and circle.

2 How do you love your town? Check (✓) the things you do now. Underline the things you can do.


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