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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 13

13.Travellers' tales(十三单元)

1.a:2. should, picture B 3. shouldn't, picture A 4. should, picture D

b:2. shouldn't eat a lot of sweets. 3. should get a weekend job. 4. should have music lessons. 5. shouldn't go to bed late. 6. should talk to his teacher about it.

c:2. Should students stand up 3. Should you take a present 4. When should you use

5 Should people take off 6 What should a person say and students' own answers d:Students' own answers

2.a:2 cheerful 3 lazy 4 polite 5 miserable 6 hard-working 7 organised 8 rude 9 nervous

b:James: b Sally: a Cathy: a Joanne: b Max: b

James is usually very happy. He smiles a lot and you often hear him laughing. I like Sally because she always tells you what she thinks.Sometimes you don't like what you hear but you know she's telling you the truth. Cathy's great.She doesn't worry a lot about problems. And she never gets angry, even when people are unfriendly or unhelpful. Joanne doesn't usually do her homework and she never makes her bed or tidies her room. She sleeps until ll o'clock at the weekend and she watches TV all the time. Max is a strange guy. He doesn't like talking to people and he doesn't speak when he sees you. He always works alone and he never invites people to go to his place.  

c:2 arrogant 3 thoughtful 4 outgoing 5 modest 6 unsympathetic 7 sympathetic 8 bad-tempered 9 shy 10 thoughtless



4.2 What are your new sunglasses like?3 What's the weather like?4 What were Helen's friends like?5 What was the party like?6 What's your neighbour like?

5.a:2 d 3 a 4 b

b:2 cool 3 ugly 4 interesting

6.1barefoot 2 centre 3 huts 4 village 5 residents 6 poverty 7 water


b:possible-impossible; perfect-imperfect;useful-useless; careful-careless

8.3 F 4 F 5 F 6T 7 T 8F

9.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 cheerful 2 miserable 3 lazy 4 shouldn't 5 dishonest 6 like 7 disorganised 8 kind 9 should

2.2 c 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b 9b

3.2 disorganised 3 dishonest 4 rude 5 hard-working 6 relaxed 7 ugly 8 shy 9 thoughtless

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