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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Unit 9

Your mind(第九单元)

1.Read and Listen

B:take in lots of oxygen;tell a friend what you want to remember then think about your conversation later; go to sleep immediately after learning something; break big things down into smaller chunks to remember;relax; make pictures in your mind.

C:1 F(it needs about 20 per cent of the oxygen that our body takes in) 

2T 3T 

4 F(it's easier to remember things you break down into smaller sections) 

5 F(it works better when we are relaxed)



A:no one  everything  everyone  something  something  anyone  someone everywhere

B:Column I:all of them

Column 2:someone

Column 3: no one; none of them

C:2 no one 3 everyone 4 none of them 5 everything 6 everywhere 7 all of them


B:2 recognise 3 believe in 4 suppose 5 guess 6 concentrate 7 imagine 8 wonder 9 think 10 realised


A:They are/were both left-handed dyslexics.

B:1 Leonardo da Vinci,a man, lived about 500 years ago;Keira Knightley is a woman and is alive today.Leonardo was a great painter, designer, scientist and thinker.Keira Knightley is an actress who has acted in a lot of popular films.Leonardo was Italian; Knightley is British.

2 He wrote in mirror writing.

3 Learning her lines.

4 She had very good teachers,and she really wanted to overcome her problems,and her mother helped her a lot too.

C:2 body intelligence 3 visual intelligence 4 interpersonal intelligence 5 musical intelligence 6 verbal intelligence 7 intrapersonal intelligence 8 naturalistic intelligence


B:Letter:I have to work; doesn't have to; mustn't waste your time; you must work harder

First reply: You mustn't think; you must listen to

Second reply: You don't have to do; you mustn't worry; you don't have to be

Rule: must; don't/doesn't have to

C:2 don't have to 3 don't have to 4 mustn't

D:2 must 3 don't have to 4 doesn't have to 5 mustn't

Culture in mind

9.Read and Listen

C:A4 B2 C1 D5 E3

D:1 Because she was accepted into an American university at the age of 15.

2 She didn't speak until she was 22 months old, then she started using perfect speech.

3 That being under the pressure of a deadline pushes her to work well.

4 Because it helped her to be more like a normal teenager.

E:1 I think it's great. 2 I don't organise my thoughts very well. 3 It helped when she couldn't do something easily and had to try hard to get it right. 4 If you do something wrong, you learn more than if you get it right.


A:Write a composition of 120-150 words in English.

B:1 Swimming, dancing, Maths,Art.

2 Languages.

3 Swimming and dancing: good body intelligence; Maths and Art: good visual and logical intelligence; languages: difficult for her to memorise new words and understand grammar.

4 Architect because she's good at Maths and likes drawing things and she doesn't have to speak a foreign language.

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