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Smart Phonics 2级别课本答案+练习册答案

Smart Phonics 2级别课本答案(Student Book答案)

Unit 1第一单元

p. 10

Read and color.

 2  3  1  2  1  3

p. 11

Circle and write.

 ap  am  ap  ap  am

p. 12

Listen and circle.

 lap  ram  dam  ham  cap  map


Read and check.

 1  2  1  2

Unit 2第二单元

p. 18

Read and color.

 2  1  2  1  3  2

p. 19

Circle and write.

 at  an  an  at  an  at

p. 20

Listen and circle.

 fan  mat  hat  man  fan  cat

p. 21

Read and check.

 2  1  1  2  1

Unit 3第三单元

p. 26

Read and color.

 2  1  3  1  3  1

p. 27

Circle and write.

 ed  et  et  ed  en  et

p. 28

Listen and circle.

 pen  hen  net  bed  red  jet

p. 29

Read and check.

 2  1  1  2  2

Unit 4第四单元

p. 34

Find and circle.

 lid  bib  wig  pin  pig

p. 35

Choose and write.

 wig  bib  fin  pig  kid  rib

p. 36

Listen, circle and write.

 r  p  l  p  b  f

p. 37

Read, trace and match.

 2  3  1  5  4

Unit 5第五单元

p. 42

Find and circle.

① mix  lip  hit  rip  six  sit

p. 43 

Choose and write.

 rip  hit  sit  lip  six  hip

p. 44

Listen, circle and write.

 l  m  h  s  r  s

p. 45

Read, trace and match.

 2  4  1  5  3

Review(复习) 1

p. 48

Listen and color.

 fan - ham - jet -bed - lip - hen  red - cap - vet - net - pan - rib - fin

p. 49

Listen and circle.

 1  2  1  2  2  1  1

p. 53

Do the puzzle and find out.

 a  r  e  d  h  a  t

p. 54

Choose, write and match.

 nap - 3  map - 1  sit - 2

Unit 6第六单元

p. 58

Look, choose and write.

① og  ot  ot  ox  og  op

p. 59

Find and circle.

p. 60

Listen, match and circle.

 pot - 2  dog - 1  hop - 2  log - 2  box - 1

p. 61

Look, circle and write.

 dog  cop  log  hot  pot

Unit 7第七单元

p. 66

Look, choose and write.

 ug  ub  ug  up  ug  ug

p. 67

Find and circle.

p. 68

Listen, match and circle.

 bug -1  mug - 1  rub - 2  cup - 1  pup - 2  tub - 2

p. 69

Look, circle and write.

 pup  bug  rug  hug  tub

Unit 8第八单元

p. 74 

Look, choose and write.

 un  un  ut  ud  ut  un

p. 75

Find and circle.

p. 76

Listen, match and circle.

 mud - 2  gun - 2  bud - 1  nut - 1  cut - 2  sun - 1

p. 77

Look, circle and write.

 sun  run  bun  cut  mud

Review(复习) 2

p. 80

Listen and color.

 cup - mug - box - bun - hug - cut - hot  cop - bug - mud - log - nut - bun

p. 81

Listen and circle.

 1  2  1  1  2  1  2

p. 85

Do the puzzle and find out.

 a  h  o  t  d  o  g

p. 86

Choose, write and match.

 hug - 3  bug - 2  tub - 1


p. 88

Listen and trace.

 hat  fin  net  bug  cup  nut  mud  log  box  rip  pan  lid

p. 89

Listen and circle.

 2  2  2  1  2  2  2

p. 93

Look, circle and write.

 net  gun  wet  pan  box  fin  hop  bib

p. 94

Look, choose and write.

 sun  hot  fan  cop  pan  rib

Progress Test(阶段测试)

p. 97~104

 c  b  c  a  b  c  a  b  c  ub  ix  id  b  a  c  b  a  c

19. bed - red 20. man - pan 21. nut - cut 22. jet 23. wig 24. map 25. hen 26. bat 27. box 28. hip 29. rib 30. rug

Smart Phonics 2级别练习册答案(Work Book答案)

Unit 1第一单元

p. 6

Circle and write.

 ram  dam  cap  lap  map

P. 7

Number and write.

 nap  ham  cap  ram  map  dam  lap

p. 8

Match and write.

 jam - ram  nap - lap

Write the missing letters.

 am  ap  am  ap  am

p. 9

Choose and write.

 D - ram, F - dam, H - jam  B - lap, C - map, E - cap, G - nap

Unit 2第二单元

p. 11

Circle and write.

 fan  man  bat  cat  hat

p. 12

Circle the correct word.

 mat  pan  ram  hat  lap

p. 13

Circle the correct picture.

 2  2  2  2  1  1  2

p. 14

Find and circle.

 can  man  mat  pan  map

Unit 3第三单元

p. 16

Circle and write.

 red  hen  pen  jet  wet

p. 17

Choose and write.

 H - red  A - hen, D - pen  C - jet, F - wet, E - vet, G - net

Circle the correct picture.

 1  2  1  2

p. 18

Find and circle.

 cap  can  hat  red  vet  hen  net

p. 19

Write the missing letters.

 ed  et  en  et  et  et  ed  en

Unit 4第四单元

p. 21

Write the missing letters.

 ib  in  id  ib  ig  id  ig  in

p. 22

Circle the correct word.

 bib  hen  jet  pig  lid  fin

Find and circle.

 rib  kid  wig  pin

p. 23

Match and write.

 lid - kid  bib - rib  fin - pin  pig - wig

p. 24

Circle the correct picture.

 2  1  2  2

Unit 5第五单元

p. 26

Choose and write.

 D - sit  A - six  C - fin

Circle the correct picture.

 1  2  1  1

p. 27

Circle the pictures with the matching sound.

 hen - net  lip - hit

P. 28

Number and write.

 sit  six  mix

Write the missing letters.

 ip  et  ip  et  it  ip  en  it

p. 29

Match and write.

 lip - hip  hit - sit  six - mix

Review(复习) 1

p. 31


 cap - lap  can - fan  cat - bat  bed - red  net - wet  hip - dip  hit - sit

p. 32

Write the words.

 bib  hit  six  wig  rip

Circle the correct pictures with the matching sound.

 ram - pan  jet - pen  lip - mix

p. 33

Circle and write.

 et  ed  ap  in  at  et  it  ap  id  id  en

p. 34

Write the missing letters.

 e  a  i  a  e  a  i  e  i  e  i  e  a  i e

p. 35

Do the puzzle.

 l - p  bib  rip  cat  fan  bed  vet

Unit 6第六单元

p. 36

Choose and write.

 C - hop  A - pot  D - box

p. 37

Find and circle.

 log  cop  hot  fox

Circle the picture with the same ending sound.

 B  A  C  B

p. 38

Write the words.

 red  fox  fin  log  jet  cop  pen  box  mix  hot  lid

p. 39

Write the missing letters.

 op  ot  og  op  ox  og  ot  ox

Unit 7第七单元

p. 41

Circle the correct picture.

 bug  rug  cup  hug  tub  pup

p. 42

Match and write.

 sit - mix  fox - hot  bug - cup

Circle the pictures with the matching sound.

 rub - cup  fox - pot

p. 43

Circle the correct picture.

 2  2  2  1  1  2  2  1

p. 44

Write the missing letters.

 ix  ug  og  og  op  up  in  ot

Unit 8第八单元

p. 46

Match and write.

 sun  hug  nut  bud  rug  bun  mud  cut

p. 47

Find and circle.

 run  hop  bug  tub  mud  gun  cop  cut

p. 48

Do the puzzle.

 bud  nut  bun  rug  gun  run  hug

p. 49

Write the words.

 log  cut  pot  tub  run

Review(复习) 2

p. 51

Number and write.

 dog  nut  pup  mud  fox  bug  log

p. 52

Circle the pictures with the matching sound.

 pot - hop  gun - cut

Circle the correct letters.

 ug  op  up  og  un

p. 53

Do the puzzle.

 pup  log  dog  hot  hop  gun  rub

p. 54

Write the missing letter.

 u  o  u  u  o  u  u  o  u  o  u  u  o  u  o

p. 55

Match and write.

 dog  fox  pot  bug  nut  sun  cup


p. 56

Write the missing letters.

 an  id  en  og  et  un  ox  ib  at  ip  ud  ed  am  ug  op  ap

p. 57

Write the words.

 map  bib  cop  jet  gun  hit  hug  can  cut  pen  log

p. 58

Circle the correct word.

 jam  pin  pig  lap  fan  vet  pen  tub  rug  hot  mix  nut

p. 59

Find and circle.

 up  hat  ram  hen  dog  pot  net  lid  hot

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