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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Grammar practice

Teaching notes for communication activities and grammar practice


Grammar practice key 

1.2 saw 3 said 4 have often disagreed 5 didn't like 6 thought 7 was 8 preferred 9 've never read 10 haven't decided

2.2 When did you move here? 3 Have we met before? 4 Where did we meet? 5 When did he learn to read? 6 How long has he been at this school? 7 Have you ever driven a Ferrari?8 Where have you been? 9 When did you join it?

3.2 've just finished work. 3 a year ago.4 told him to go away. 5 say sorry. 6 told a lie.

4.2 've told 3 tell 4 says 5 Tell 6 say 7 tell 8 say 9 say

Unit 2(二单元)

Communication activity Areas practised

Possible answers

A baby was crying when we were walking in the park We played tennis then I went to sleep.I broke my leg while I was playing tennis. While we were watching TV someone knocked on the door. While I was talking the dog for a walk,my phone rang We walked in the park then went for a swim. When the team scored a goal I started cheering.

Grammar practice key

1.2 was having...told  3 were singing...were playing  4 opened …. jumped
5 was riding...ralised... didn't have  6 were you dreaming ... oke

2.2 When I had done my homework, I went out. 3 When she had found a parking space,she went to the supermarket. 4 When I had opened all my birthday presents, my parents came downstairs. 5 Our team had scored five goals when the referee blew the half-time whistle. 6 When he had put the children to bed,he sat down and turned on the television.

3.2 as soon as we 3 while she was watching 4 was sleeping when 5 then he went 6 he had taken the photograph

4.2(X)She realised that she had already seen the film. 3 (X)loved that old TV show. 4(X) Daniel always sticks up for his friends. 5(X) Sam and Tim weren't speaking because they had fallen out. 6 (√)


Grammar practice key

1.2 's been playing 3 haven't been studying 4 Have you washed 5 hasn't finished 6 have we been waiting 7 hasn't been sleeping 8 has stolen 9 's got

2.2 How long have you been learning to drive? 3 Have you tried the new restaurant in town? 4 Where's Tim been staying? 5 How long have you been able to play the guitar? 6 Have they been married for long?

3.2 'd better not 3 've been travelling since 4 ought to 5 should eat 6 have you known

4.2(X)You had better phone for an ambulance. 3(X)John ought to watch less television. 4 (X)He's been arguing with his brother all day. 5 (√) 6(X) You should get a part-time job. 7(X)How long have you had blonde hair?8(√)


Grammar practice key

1.3 c 4 a5 C 6 a7 b 2a

2.2 You won't lose any weight unless you eat less chocolate. 3 Unless you come and eat your dinner,I'll eat it all. 4 I never take this road home unless the traffic is really bad. 5 You can't park here unless you work here. 6 He never goes to bed before one in the morning, unless he's really tired. 

3.2 is' likely that 3 stood up as soon as 4 unless you want 5 my exercises until 6 might not be

4.2(X)John will probably help you. 3(√) 4(X) You'll break that if you aren't careful. 5 (√) 6(X)How long does it take you to get ready for school? 7(X)Unless you ask/If you don't ask,you won't know the answer.


Grammar practice key

1.2 make ... at 3 let ...use 4 make...go 5 allowed to play 6 Let ...explain

2.√ 4 very 5 √ 6 √ 7 to 8 are 3√ 9 √10 to 11 √12 being

3.2 don't have to book 3 are allowed to use 4 let you kiss 5 mustn't forget 6 I had to

4.2(X)Jeremy had to go to hospital last week. 3 (√) 4 (X)That was a (very)bad/an absolutely awful film. 5 (X)Sorry,you can't go in there yet. 6(X)Danny will have to/must find somewhere to live soon.7() 8 (X) What an amazing goal!


Grammar practice key 

1.2 was murdered 3 are produced 4 was published 5 was announced 6 is watched 7 was installed 8 was followed 9 is situated

2.2 When was Martin Luther King murdered? 3 Where are Toyota cars produced? 4 When was this novel published? 5 What was announced on the radio? 6 What is watched by people all over the world? 7 Who was this computer installed by?8 Who was followed home last night? 9 Where is the library situated?

3.2 I'm going to have that tree removed because it makes the garden so dark. 3 We had a new phone installed in our bedroom yesterday. 4 That man is having a tiger tattooed on his arm. That must hurt! 5 She's going to have her ears pierced tomorrow. 6 Tim has had his head shaved,and now he looks a bit frightening. 7 Every Friday we have a pizza delivered to our house. 8 She had her novel published at her own expense.

4.2 will be driven 3 won't be disappointed 4 will be told 5 won't be opened 6 will be finished 7 will be announced 8 won't be reduced

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