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English in Mind 1 课本答案 Unit 7

7.Learning languages(第七单元)

1.a:An Italian man who spoke many languages.

b:1 T 2 F(He never left Italy.)3 F(Chinese was the hardest language to learn.4 T 5 T


2.b:1 Spanish 2 German 3 Spanish 4 German 5 Italian 6 Portuguese 7 English

3.a:easier, more difficult, better

b:2 longer than 3 smaller than 4 more difficult than 5 farther from; than

1 Latin is older than Italian. 2 The Nile is shorter than the Amazon River. 3 India is bigger than Iceland. 4 For most Europeans, learning Italian is easier than learning Chinese. 5 My country is closer to Paris than Sydney.

6.a:1. English 2. 25,000 3. more than1million 4. e 5. 10

b:1. about 500,000-600,000 2. 50,000 3. by saying nothing 4. by saying nothing and running away

7.b:2 imitate 3 means 4 guess 5 lookup 6 translate 7 make mistakes 8 corrects 9 communicate

8.a:The longest word in the English language is not dispercombobulation and the easiest language is not Portoni.

b:1 South Africa 2 e 3 Somalia 4 D

c:(short)-(shorter)-shortest  (small)- smaller -smallest  big -bigger -biggest (easy)-(easier)-easiest  happy -happier-happiest
difficult-more difficult-most difficult  fantastic-more fantastic-most fantastic  important-more important -most important  (bad)-(worse)- worst (good) -(better)-best (many)- (more)-most

d:2 happiest 3 most important 4 smallest 5 worst 6 longest

9.e:2a 3d 4b 5c 6e

f:2 inventing 3 hang around 4 expression 5 complained 6 gates

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