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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 11

11.Promises, promises(十一单元)

1.4 midnight  5 December  12 strike  7 cheer  6 world  2 goodbye  11 old  1 resolutions  13 easy  9 break

2.a:2 e 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 c

b:2 check out 3 take up 4 work out 5 give up 6 tell;off

c:Students' own answers

3.a:2F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6T

b:2's 3 Are 4 aren't 5 isn't 6 are 7 'm 8 Is

c:2 A: Is; going to learn B: she is 3 A: Is; going to move B: he isn't 4 A: Are; going to wear B: I'm not 5 A: Are;going to do B: they are 6 A: Are;going to hire a houseboat? B: we are

d:2 I'm not going to enjoy 3 are going to have 4 are not going to see 5 are going to miss

e:Students' own answers

f:2 must do 3 mustn't use 4 must wear 5 mustn't bring 6 must be

4.1 You mustn't do that. 2 You mustn't sit here. 3 She must speak to him. 4 We must give her the letter. 5 I mustn't stay here. 6 You mustn't forget me.

5.2 rock 3 heart beat4 Jamaica 5 equal 6 charts 7 Wailers 8 style 9 lyrics Mystery name: Bob Marley

6.Students' own answers

7.2B 3A 4C 5C

Denise: Hi Robbie! Happy New Year! Robbie: Denise! Happy New Year! Good to hear from you! How are you? What's happening in your life? Denise: Oh, big news. My father's got a new job and that's going to mean a huge change for my family. It means were going to move from London to Newcastle. Robbie: Newcastle-is that close to London?Denise: No, it's miles away, in the north of England. We're moving out in five weeks' time. Robbie: Wow! Have you got anew place to live?Denise: Yes, were going to move into a house in Newcastle.My parents say it's a nice house and it's bigger than our flat here in London-it's got four bedrooms and a garden.I'm going up there next weekend to check it out. Robbie: So what's happening with the flat in London? Denise: Were going to sell it. That's OK with me, it isn't a very nice flat and it's too small. But still,it's going to be very hard to leave London. I'm really going to miss my friends here and it's going to be difficult starting in a new school.I'm not looking forward to it, really. Robbie: What about your mother? Denise: Mum? She can't wait. She's going to give up her job and she's really happy about that.And she wants to take up painting again-she was a good artist, you know, before she got married. Robbie: Well,I'm sure it'll be a big change.I hope it all goes well...

8.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 resolutions 2 must 3 going 4 isn't 5 to 6 tell 7 give 8 take 9 healthy

2.2 a 3 a 4 a 5b 6 b 7 c 8b 9 a

3.2 Check 3 charts 4 from 5 hit 6 up 7 lyrics 8 work 9 equal

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