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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 6

6.Eat for Life(六单元)

1.2 healthy 3 green 4 different 5 bad 6 stress-free

2.a:Across:1 cheese 2 oranges 3 tea 9 potatoes

Down:1 carrots 2 eggs 3 butter 5 sugar 7 apples 8 water

b:2 Potatoes/carrots 3 Cheese/butter 4 water or tea 5 eggs 6 Sugar

c:2 coffee 3 milk 4 tomatoes 5 onions 6 grapes

3.a:Countable: tomatoes, onions, oranges, potatoes, carrots, eggs, apples

Uncountable:milk,bread, cheese,tea, butter, Sugar, water

b:2 is 3 are 4 is 5 is 6 are 7 is 8 are

c:2 an/some 3 a/an 4 an/some 5 some/ some 6 some/ some 7 a /an 8 a/some

d:Students' own answers

e:1 many calories 2 much sugar 3 much weight 4 much exercise 5 many hours 6 many emails

f:1 much 2 many 3 much 4 many 5 much 6 much

4.a:cup spoon fork straw knife plate glass bowl saucer

b:1 plate 2 knife 3 fork 4 spoon 5 glass 6 straw 7 cup 8 saucer 9 bowl



6.1 as well 2 and stuff 3 know what you mean 4 no problem 5 couple of

7.Positive adjectives delicious successful interesting healthy brilliant beautiful

Negative adjectives unhealthy difficult sick boring crazy unhappy

8.a:2 Max 3 Maria 4 Diana


9.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 some 2 breakfast 3 beef 4 fish 5 doesn't 6 vegetables 7 eats 8 apple 9 oranges

2.2c 3b 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9b

3.3T 4O 5F 6O 7T 8F 9D 10T 11D 12O 13D 14F 15F 16T 17O 18T

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX