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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Game 3+Reading Extra 3

Game 3

1 Find and circle the following things in the museum. There are four words that aren’t in the picture.

a bus stop a ride a tent a person climbing

2 Cover the picture. List as many things as you can remember from the museum.


Reading Extra 3

1 Put the events (A–F) in the correct order (1–6). Listen to the story and check.

A. The people poured their gourds into the pot. 5

B. Akin decided to take water to pour into the pot. 3

C. The people went to the chief’s house. 4

D. The chief invited people to a feast. He asked them all to bring mango juice. 1

E. Akin decided not to buy juice because it was the chief’s feast. 2

F. They all drank water from their glasses, not mango juice. 6

2 Write T (true) or F (false).

1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7F 8F

3 Read. Check (✓) the sentences that you agree with.


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