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English in Mind 1 课本答案 Unit 3

3.Who's your hero?(第三单元)

1.b:1 Her job was to organise papers. 2 Because she realised there were lots of papers about very sick people in Hinkley. 3 They lived near a big Pacific Gas and Electric factory. 4 That they were sick because of the chromium in their drinking water. 5 $333 million (S500,000 each) 6 She has her own company and she gives talks all over the world.

2.a:was thirty/was in a car accident/was to organise papers/there were lots of papers/there was a chemical /people were sick/people were ill/there were 600/that was $333million/there was a film/the film was very successful

b:Negative: wasn't; weren't Question: Was; Were Short answer: was; wasn't; were; weren't

c:2 were 3 wasn't 4 was 5 weren't

d:2 Was 3 Were 4 Was 5 Were 6 Was

e:2 No, it wasn't.Her job was to organise papers. 3 Yes, there were.Erin started to look for more information about Hinkley. 4 No,it wasn't. There was chromium in the water. 5 Yes, they were. They were sick because of the chromium. 6 Yes, it was. The film was very successful.

4.Students' own answers

6.a:married,helped,started,realised, visited,lived, believed, planned, ordered

b:-ed;-d; consonant;i;-ed

c:2 ordered 3 wanted;agreed 4 tried; answered 5 visited 6 stopped;helped


e:2 stayed; didn't like 3 rained; didn't play 4 didn't watch;studied 5 tidied; didn't clean 6 talked; didn't say.

7.b:1 1931 2 1966 3 north 4 2004 5 12th February 6 prison

8.a:Verbs with up: put up (e.g.a picture), sit up,get/stand up, move up,look up, turn up (volume)Verbs with down: sit down, walk/drive/go down (e.g. the street/hill/road),put down, count down,look down, turn down (volume), stand down, set down (e.g. bus, train,etc.)

c:pick up-put down put on-take off get in-get out

9.b:Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris,France; Diana,Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in London,UK; statue of Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela;Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, USA;the Monument of the People's heroes in Beijing, China.

c:1 politicians, soldiers, film stars,sport stars and musicians 2 The statues of Bolivar in South America; Mount Rushmore 3 In January 4 The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain;John Lennon Airport;Tom Jobim Airport 5 An area in Hollywood where you can see the handprints, footprints and autographs of film stars in the concrete.

10.2 remember 3 memory 4 forget 5 memorial 6 forgetful 7 unforgettable

11.a:a2 b3 c1

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