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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Welcome section

Welcome section A

1. Read and listen

A:(He is worried about his future).

B:1 It's almost midnight

2 Because he has to think about his future

3 Because he has to study for a long,long time

4 Because he hates flying.

5 Because you don't have to be very clever and He likes listening to music

6 Because he's getting tired and his fingers are hurting.

2. Present simple

2 gives 3 don't know 4 doesn't like 5 Do.go 6 does,live

3. Present continuous

2 're staying 3 'm having 4's shining 

5 are playing 6 'm sitting 7 'm not doing

8 are,doing

4.Present simple vs. Present continuous

2 go 3 have 4 is cooking 5 is listening 6 plays

5.Hobbies and interests

1 dancing 2 going 3 swimming 4 playing 5 running 6 painting 7 listening 8 reading 9 computer

6. Have to/don't have to

3 You have to study for the test tomorrow. 4 My older sister doesn't have to go to bed before ll o'clock. 5 My brother has to go to school on Saturday. 6 I don't have to get up early on Sunday.


2 architect 3 lawyer 4 vet 5 flight attendant 6 teacher

7 dentist 8 firefighter9 pilot 10 shop assistant


Welcome section B


1. Read and Listen

A:(It was the most awful meal he'd ever had).

B:1 F-there was a waiter 2 T 3 F-the ham4 T

5 F-he asked her if came with salad she wasn't hungry

6 T

2.Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

1 wanted 2 called 3 went 4 Was 5 were 6 fell 7 woke 8 saw 9 didn't stay 10 did,enjoy 11 started 12 lost 13 missed 14 did,get 15 did,phone 16 took 17 paid

3.Food (countable and uncountable nouns)

A:Vegetables:potatoes,cabbage,cucumber, lettuce, courgettes

Fruit:oranges,lemons,bananas,pineapples, grapefruits

Starters:prawn cocktail,salad,smoked salmon

Main meals: fish and chips, spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne, steak pie, pork chops

Desserts: apple pie, cheesecake, profiteroles, caramel pudding



2 much 3 many 4 much 5 many


2 some 3 some, any 4 some, any 5 some, any 6 any, some

6.Comparative and superlative adjectives

2 biggest, bigger 3 best, better 4 most interesting, more interesting 5 worst, worse

7.Multi-word verbs

2 tell off 3 given up 4 look up 5 work out 6 check out

Welcome section C

1.Read and listen

a:Their mums won't let them play volleyball.

b:1 Tony and Jane 2 Tony and Jane 3 Tony 4 Jane 5 Saturday


2 'll know 3 won't win 4 'll send 5 won't be 6 'll go


2 too big 3 too cold 4 too fast 5 too expensive 6 too late


2 played, loud 3 ran, fast 4 cooks well

5.Expressions to talk about the future

2 hope 3 doubt 4 probably

6.be going to

2 are going to 3 're going to 4's going to

7.Future time expressions

2 the day after tomorrow 3 next month 4 in two weeks' time 5 in four years' time

8.The weather

2 lightning 3 sun 4 weather 5 thunder 

6 shower 7 hot 8 wind 9 warm

Welcome section D


1. Read and Listen

a:He's going to start diving lessons because Emily Jones said he was boring.

b:1 He thinks he is really boring.

2 He thinks she is attractive,but unkind.

3 He thinks you shouldn't do things just to impress other people.

4 Because he has never taken a risk before.

5 Because he can't swim.

6 Be himself.

2.First conditional

2 don't finish, won't give 3 don't give, will be 4 'll be, don't come 5 come, will, help

3.Adjectives for feelings and opinions

2 dull 4 cool 5 excited 6 interested


2 should eat more breakfast 3 should be more relaxed 4 shouldn't go this evening

5 shouldn't go to school 6 should be more polite

5.Present perfect with ever/never

2 Have, ever tried;'ve never swum 3 Have,ever stayed;‘ve never slept

4 've never eaten; 've never tried

6.Personality adjectives

A:disorganised unkind honest hardworking impolite happy stressed

B:2 relaxed 3 lazy 4 polite 5 miserable 6 dishonest 7 disorganised 8 friendly

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