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English in Mind 1 课本答案 Unit 2

2.Helping other people(第二单元)

1.b:Mike is 19;he is helping sick people in Namibia, Africa.

c:1 T 2 F-He wants to become a teacher. 3 F-Money is not the reason he is there. 4T 5 F-He wants to travel.

2.a:1 continuous 2 to be

Positive: are Negative: isn't Questions: Am; Are; Is Short answers: are; aren't; is; isn't

b:2 're watching/are watching 3 aren't listening/are not listening 4'm doing /am doing 5 Are; watching 6 ls; having

c:2's watching/is watching the television 3 are listening to music 4 'm not enjoying/am not enjoying this programme 5 're winning / are winning 6's not doing/is not doing her homework

4.a:2 's wearing 3 It's raining 4 It rains 5's cooking 6 cooks 7 He never listens

b:Present simple:usually, every weekend, never, every evening, twice a year

Present continuous: at the moment, this afternoon, right now, today, this week

c:1 walks;'s going /is going 2 have; re learning/ are learning 3 's surfing /is surfing; wants 4 know; don't remember 5 aren't dancing/are not dancing; don't like/do not like 6 does... mean; don't understand


b:1 T 2 T 3 F(They do their own washing as they don't have a washing machine.)4 T 5 F (He is working with wonderful people.)

8.a:Jess, Joel and Pete help the man push his car. Debbie doesn't help because she thinks the man should push his own car.

b:2a 3f 4e 5b 6d

9.a:1 Debbie 2 Pete 3 Joel 4 Pete 5 Debbie 6 Jess

b:2 Come on! 3 See 4 though 5 So what?6 it's not my problem

11.a:Students' own answers

b:2f 3e 4b 5c 6a

12.a:1 The event is Maggie's sister's 18th birthday party. It is happening that evening. 2 There are about 50 people coming. 3 Maggie's mother and father are preparing
food in the kitchen.Her sister Gill and brother Alex are putting up a big tent and some lights in the garden.Some of her sister's friends are putting out the tables and chairs.

1 doing 2 helping 3 tidying 4 thinking 5 studying

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a:2 lives 3 Do; like 4 play 5 doesn't like 6 gives 7 Does; work;does 8 Do;write;don't 9 don't get up e

b:2 works; is working 3 am reading; don't read 4 don't watch; are watching 5 Do; swim; are swimming 6 ls; helping; isn't; is having


a:2 Drama 3 Maths 4 English 5 Science 6 History 7 French 8 Geography 9 Technology 10 Chemistry e

b:Hobbies and interests: dancing,playing the guitar Housework:doing the ironing, cleaning the windows, tidying up and students' own answers

How did you do?

Check that students are marking their scores. Collect these in and check them as necessary and discuss any further work needed with specific students.

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