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Unit 1

Page 15

Answer will vary.

Exercise 1 page 16

1ltaly 2-3 Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 16

Answers will vary

Exercise 3page16

1T 2F Most of the islands between the canals are little

3F:Today Venice is important for tourists.4T 5F The Grand Canal is the biggest canal in Venice 6T 7F; Another name for Venice is The city of bridges

Exercise 4page17

1a lot of canals 2cars 3gondola 4stilts 5gold6 stone

Exercise 5page 17

1117,400 2two 3300 430 515


 Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page17

1no 2no 3at the Ca’d’Oro 4 20 per person 5 Possible answer:It is warmer during those months 6Possible answer: They want to keep people safe.

Exercise 1page18

a strange b bridge c rocks d recognize e cave f ancient g apartment h capital

Exercise 2page 19

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3page 19

Photo a:cave rock strange ancient

Photo b:strange rock ancient

Photo c:bridge

Photo d:bridge,strange

Exercises 4-5 page 20

/e1/:cave,strange, ancient, say/D/:rock,long/1/:bridge,built


Exercise 7 page 21

1c 2b

Exercise 8 page 21

1Tunisia 2700 3355 4 Turkey 5 8000 6 Florence Italy 7 1345 

8 Azerbaijan 9 48 10 2000

Exercise 9 page 21

Possible answer: The notes are useful because they help you remember the important information and key facts from the podcast.

Exercise 10 page 21

 Answers will vary

Exercise 1page22

1changed 2went 3made 4wasdestroyed5 decided needebuilt 6put 7formed

Exercise 2page23

regular: destroyed,decided needed,formed

irregular:made, was, built put


Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 23

1did you live 2did you start 3Did you know 4did you move 5Did you like

Exercises 5-6page23

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7page 24

a cheap b rural c ancient d expensive e crowded f moderg urban h popular

Exercise 8 page 24

1urban 2 popular 3 rural 4 expensive

Exercise 9 page 24 

Answers will vary.


a field b area c modern d lake e traffic f urban g woods h is located

Exercise 2page 25

 Possible answers.

The photo shows an urban area.There are lakes and woods. It is a modern city.The woods are located next to a city.

Exercise 3 page 26


Exercise 4 page 26

Advantages: lots of trees help clean the city air,parks give people places to walk so they are healthier; it's near mountains and the ocean so people can enjoy the outdoors easily during warm weather you can enjoy ancient trees and walk near the ocean;you can have fun by Beaver Lake:the park helps make Vancouver one of the healthiest and cleanest cities in the world

Disadvantages: not much room for new buildings and homes; makes Vancouver expensive crowded;very bad traffic; wild animals can be a problem.

Exercise 5page 26

2 In fact F 3Aswe know:F 4lthink;O 5 I personally feel;O 6 In my opinion;O

Exercise 6 page 26

You know that a sentence is fact because the signal word or phrase he uses tells us it is something that everybody knows or that it is officially recognized.

You know that a sentence is opinion because the signal word or phrase he uses tells us it is what he personally thinks.

Exercise 7 page 27

The tense often used to give facts is the present simple.

Exercise 8page 27

Fact: In fact;As we know Opinion: I personally feel; In my opinion

Exercise 9 page 28

10 2F 3F 4O

Exercise 10 page 28

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1-7 pages 29-30

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 31

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 31

1d 2a 3b 4c

Exercise 3 page 32

I I'd like to talk about2 First of all3 I'd also like to talk about 4 Finally

Exercise 4 page 33

First of all, let's look at some of the positives.

Exercise 6 page 33

1 I'd like to give you some information about...

2 Now let's talk about ...

3 The next topic_is ...

4 Finally, let's look at ...

Exercise 1-6 page 33-34

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1Did,live 2 saw 3were 4 didn't go did not go5 built 6 made 7weren'twere not 8put

Exercise 3

1ancient 2crowded 3cheap 4expensive 5 popular 6 rural

Exercise 4

1woods 2a lake 3bridges 4 recognize5 trafhc6strange 7located 8rock

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6A

1fact 2 negative opinion 3fact4fact5positive opinion 6negative opinion

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary.

Unit 2

page 37

1This festival is in India. It is also held in many other countries around the world.2-3 Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 38 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 38

1F 2F 3T 4T5F

Exercise 4 page 39

1 Ice City 2 7,000 3 clear 4 competitions 5 16.8 6 a million/1,000.000 75January

Exercise 5 page 39

1c 2b 3b 4a

Exercise 6 page 39

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 40

1b 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a

Exercise 2 page 41

a culture, traditional,enjoy(ed).entertainment

activity traditional culture enjoy(ed),entertainment

c lecture,enjoy(ed)

Exercise 3 page 41

1c 2b 3a

Exercise 4page41

Answers will vary

Exercises 5-6 pare 41

1 Date: The festival is in April and May

2 Activities: You Can see art and you can try cooking

Exercise 7 page 42

1UK 2 October 3history 4gravity 5talk 6April 7stalls 8lake 9museums 10January11 February12 sports 13 dance 14 fashion

Exercise 8 page 42

1F; The Festival of Ideas is for anybody interested in arts and science 2T 3T 4FThey can have picnics under trees, go to food stalls, hire boats on the lake and go to museums.5T6T

Exercises 9-10 page 43 

Answers will vary.

Exercise11page 43

Interesting event come

Exercise 12 page 43

The important words are stressed:Well it's an interesting event to come to.

Exercise 13 page 43

So,what kinds of things do people learn? (Note:The speaker also stresses So as a way of getting the listeners attention,but this is not one of the important words)

2 Are there any things you don't like about it?

3 Do you have many people here from other countries?

Exercise 15 page43

1what activities do people do at festivals in their free time?

2 which festival is good for people with lots of hobbies!

3 What did you do at the Cherry Blossom Festival last weekend?

Exercise 16 page 43

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 44

1 learn 2 concentrate 3 Are

Exercises 2-3 page 44

Are Do you like your job?2 Do Are you a chef?

3 what time is does the festival start?4 What kinds of food are 

do you have?5 Does Is it all good? 6 Where are do people eat their lunch?7 Is Do you like the food?8 Do ls the work interesting?

Exercise 4 page45

1 Do you like festivals? 2When do you go home?

3 Are you a good cook? 4When do you feel hungry?5 What do you do for fun?6 Do you like your school?

Exercise 5 page45 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6 page 46

1 I'm/am studying 2 's/is enjoying 3re/are attending 4's/is giving 5're/are having 6's/is doing 7are watching 8Are parking

Exercise 7 page 46

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page 47

go to: a celebration, university an event a lecture a party

take: part place, your time 

have: a celebration, an event,fun,a lecture. a party. a problem

Exercise 9 page 47

1take 2go to 3take 4Have 5have

Exercise 10 page 47

1event 2your time 3concerts 4party/celebration

Exercise 11 page 47

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 48

a dish b fireworks c parade d celebrate e gift(s) f costume g decorate(d)

Exercise 2page 48

a fireworks,celebrate b parade celebrate costume c decorate/decorated dish celebrate

Exercise 3 page 48

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 49

1Thanksgiving 2 Family 3 Traditional 4 Food5 Canada 6US 7Pumpkinpie 8Stuffing 9Decorations 10Autumn colours 11Activities12 Canada 13US 14reasons

Exercise 5 page 50

1F: He likes it because everyone can celebrate it

2 F:Potatoes,corn and cranberries are from the Americas

3 F; In the eastern US, sometimes oysters are used in the stuffing.4T 5T

Exercise 6page 50

1 like 2 such as 3For example 4 for instance

Exercise 7 page 50

1 like;such as 2 for example;for instance

Exercise 8 page 50

 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1-6 pages 51-53

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 55

1Shall 2How about/Can we think about 3could 4 how about/can we think about 5coud/shall

Exercise 6 page 55

No: (Oh,)I am not sure that's a good idea;(Hmm)I might want to see some other things.

Yes: OK. Good idea:Yeah that sounds good:Yeah I'd love to! That's a great ideal Sure That sounds good.

Exercises 1-8 pages 55-57

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

Answers will vary

Exercise 3

1 Do you like to cook a big meal for holidays like 


2 This photo of traditional Japanese New Year's food looks delicious.How does it taste?

3 lam shopping for a birthday gift for my sister.Do you think she would like this scarf?

4 What music are we listening to now? I don't know this song

5 Are you coming to the fireworks festival soon?I'm waiting for you by the park entrance.

6 Does your sister enjoy events like the Festival of Ideas?7 What do people eat at the winter festival?

8 My parents aren't home right now.They are having a picnic at the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Exercise 4

1a nice time 2photos 3a problem 4part 5university 6events 7place 8care

Exercise 5

1traditional 2enjoyed 3decorated 4dish 5costumes 6gift 7 entertainment 8activities

Exercise 6A

1 Shall we try going to the art fair?

2 You could try studying at the library.

3 How about taking a cooking class?

4 Can we think about going in the morning?

5 Why not eat out at that good restaurant near your house?

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary.

Unit 3

page 59

1-3 Answers will vary

4Possible answers:It reduces face-to-face communication We can become too reliant on it.It can harm eyesight and posture: People can become addicted to social media sites or online gaming: It can be abused to manipulate people and opinions.

Exercises 1-2 page 60 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 60

1changes 2 Most 3bottom 4suddenly 5Engineers 6 broken 7weeks 8ship

Exercise 4 page 61

a2 b5 c3 d1 e4

Exercise 5 page 61

1violent volcanic activity 2 ten years ago 3 Between Taiwan and the Philippines 4 heavy rocks 5 A special ship called the Wave Sentinel

Exercises 6-8 page 61

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 62

1a 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b 7b 8b

Exercises 2-3 page 63 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 63

a fish b disabled c suit d pollution e kitchen

Exercise 6 page 63

/s/:suit disabled//:fish pollution/t[/: kitchen

Exercise 7 page 64

/s/:sort,robots,accident ///:station,short,wish ocean /t/:which match cheap

Exercise 8 page 64

1sorts 2cheap 3wash 4sea 5shave

Exercise 9 page 64

Answers will vary.

Exercise 10 page 64

1robots 2 cheaper 3 disabled 4accidents 5suit6 in their own homes 7luxury 8information collection 9pollution(in the water)

Exercise 11page 65

Answers will vary.

Exercise12 page65

1always really expensive 2 accident 3 new types of robots 4 robotic fish

Exercise 13 page 65

1Thanks to 2dueto/because of 3Since 4 Due to/Because of

Exercise 14 page 65

Answers will vary.


1am able 2was able to 3wasn't able to 4couldn't5 wasn't able to 6 Are you able to 7Were you able to

Exercises 2-3 page 67

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 67

1turn;on 2mouse/keyboard 3login 4Wi-Fi: go online/log in 5 the cloud 6 shut down/tun off

Exercise 5 page 68

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6 page 68

verbs: charge surf text

nouns: apps, battery charger, keys text

Exercise 7page 68

1keys 2apps 3surf 4text 5battery 6charger;charge

Exercise 8 page 68

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 69

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2page70

a research b stupid c file d location e memory

Exercise 3page70

1You will hear the main ideas and additional information 2You will hear the main ideas as well as additional information.

Exercise 5 page 71

1d 2weak 3weak

Exercise 6 page71

1memory 2 difficult 3websites 4 information 5lazy

Exercise 7 page71

6 information 7answer 8how 9put 10facts 11location 12find

Exercises 8-10 page72

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page73

Possible answers:


Exercises 2-5 pages 73-74

Answers will vary

Exercises 1-2 page 75

1However 2but 3Ontheother hand/However 4but/however

Exercise 3 page 75

 different information

Exercise 4 page 76

additional information

Exercise 5 page 76

1a and b but;2a but b and also;3a as well as b However.

Exercise 6 page 76

1b 2b

Exercise 7 page 77

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page 77


Exercise 1-7 page 77-78 

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1couldn't 2can 3couldn't 4Were 5could 6 couldn't 7wasn'table to 8 Are you able to

Exercise 4

1you need to go online. 2lneed to charge it. 3log on to my work PC 4turn off my smartphone 5an app 6keyboard 7thecloud8charger

Exercise 5

1disabled 2luxury 3collected 4location 5memory 6research 7 stupid 8developed

Exercise 6A

1but 2on the other hand 3too 4However 5and 6too 7and 8but

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary.

Unit 4

Page 81

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 82

1There are five oceans:Arctic Atlantic Indian Pacific Southern

2Almost 70% 3Answers will vary

Exercise 2 page 82

1b,c,d 2a,e 3c 4 Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 83

1c 2a b 3d,e 4mainly e

Exercise 4 page 83

1False 2True 3False 4False 5False 6True 7False

Exercise 5 page 83

1b 2d 3c 4e 5a

Exercises 6-7 page 83 

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 84

1N 23N 4I 5N

Exercise 2 page 84

1Possible answer.Intonation helps you understand others moods and interest.

2Possible answer:If you use the wrong intonation, people might misunderstand your mood or interest.

Exercise 3 page 85

1humid 2 dry 3upset 4cool 5energy 6angry 7 prefer

Exercise 4 page 85

Answers will vary.

 Exercise 5 page 86

1more upset/worse 2tired 3energy 4to work 5angry/angrier

Exercise 6 page 86

1c 2a 3d 4b

Exercise 7 page 86

1Fourteen 2 Thirteen 3 light 4more

Exercise 8 page 87

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 87

1c and e 2b and d 3a 4c 5b and d

Exercise 2page 87

1prevent 2 cut down 3save 4do 5cause

Exercise 3 page 88

1learning 2to think 3to visit/visiting 4to watch 5to go 6listening 7to study 8to tell/telling

Exercises 4-5pages 88-89

1to learn/learning 2to go 3to read/reading to attend/attending 4to study5talking 6walking 7to visit 8towatch/watching 9to invite/inviting

Exercise 6 page 90

1am leaving 2am going to do 3am going:will come 4is talking/is going to talk 5are going to drop 6will be/are going to be

Exercises 7-8page90 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 91

Group A:1Group B:2

Exercise 2 page 91

1don't 2want 3stop 4known 5cost

Exercises 3-4 page 91

Answers will vary.

Exercise 5 page 92

1believe 2look after 3disappear 4carefully 5discover 6become 7unusual 8save

Exercise 6 page 92

 Possible answers:

1climate or weather of forest 2damage to the forest and its animals 3research about the forest

Exercise 7 page 92 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8page 93


Exercise 9page 93

Answers will vary.

Exercise 10 page 93

1 problems 2 Cut 3 Damages 4 rain 5 45 6 disappear

Exercise 11 page 94

1a 2b 3a 4a 5b

Exercise 12 page94

North America:water shortages/drought Brazil:damage to(rain)forests/forest fires Pakistan:floods

Exercises 13-14 page 94 

Possible answers:

1Wildlife won't find water to drink and plants won't grow well, if at all, so there will be food shortages.

2Damage to rainforests will cause wildlife to die or to move to new areas.

3Wildlife will need to move to new areas to find dry land

Exercise 15 page94

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 95

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 96

2 sea levels rise

3 polar bears and other animals lose sea ice to hunt from

4 local people lose food sources

For the arrows: Melting polar ice could cause

temperatures to rise sea levels rising could cause polarice to melt.

Exercise 4 page 96

Possible answers:

The cause-effect chain is a clear visual representation of how separate events are connected.It is easy to look at and refer to in a presentation.

Exercise 5 page 97

Answers will vary Possible answers:

Africa: Temperatures rise.→By 2050,up to 600million people won't be able to get drinking water.→Shortage of clean water will help diseases spread Drought will stop farmers from growing food.→Some land areas will be under the sea.→Some areas may lose up to60%of animal species.

California: Temperatures rise.→Heat waves occur.

→Less water is on the land Drought occurs.→Trees die.→Wildfires occur.→ People lose homes and jobs. Low-level lands:Temperatures rise→Ice on land melts around the world Sea levels rise Low-level and around the world floods.→Land areas go under water→Some people lose their home or country→People have to find new homes or countries to live in.

Exercise 6 page 97

Answers will vary

Exercise 1page 98

1a cause b effect 2 a cause b effect 3 a effect b cause

Exercise 2 page 98

1so 2Therefore 3 As a result

Exercise 3 page 98 Possible answers:

2 As a result, more people hadjobs.

3 So governments feel they need to take more action.4 Therefore we need to find ways to protect them.5 So Ineed to apply for a new one.

6 As a result. we keep in touch with our friends more often.

Exercises 4-5 page 98

Answers will vary.

Possible answers:

1 The village flooded because of the heavy rainfall

2 More people had jobs because of the new factory

3Governments may feel they need to take more action or global warming because more people are interested in it.

4 We need to find ways to protect rainforests because

they are getting smaller.

5 I need to apply for a new passport because I've lost my old one.

6 We keep in touch with our friends more often due to

easier communication

Exercise 7 page 99

Possible answer

Homes, factories,cars and planes all burn fossil fuels.→gases 

and smoke rise into the sky

→ heat is trapped in the Earths atmosphere. temperatures rise

→ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic melt

→global warming occurs/temperatures rise more

Exercise 8 page 99 Possible answer:

Homes, factories.cars and planes all burn fossil fuels.As a result, gases and smoke rise into the sky.Consequently heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere.Therefore temperatures rise. As a result ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic melt and so global warming occurs


Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1cut down trees 2 do research 3 prevent global warming 4cause forest fires 5 save wildlife6 prevent forest fires

Exercise 3

1'm taking 2will probably 3are going 4'm going to 5 'll 6'm going to 7will probably 8are going to

Exercise 4

1look after 2 humid 3upset 4unusual 5becoming6save 7cool 8energy

Exercise 5

Answers will vary

Exercise 6A

1consequently 2so 3As a result 4 Because5 Because 6therefore

Exercise 6B

[5]I had nowhere else to live,so I'm staying with my parents again.

[2]Without a car, I wasn't able to travel to work. Consequently, I lost my job.

[4]I didn't pay my rent;therefore, I lost my flat.

[1]I was late for work and driving too fast. As a result,I crashed my car.

[3] Because I didn't have a job I had no money to pay the rent on my flat.

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX