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Great writing三级别答案(7单元)

UNIT 7 Problem-Solution Essays


Activity 1, page 159

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2. not using social media, unfriending people

3. doing yoga, meditating, getting enough sleep

4. protecting wildlife, raising awareness

5. giving young adults technical training, providing

counseling, providing internships

6. using secure passwords, not sharing your computer

Activity 2, page 161

1. as though  2. unless  3. Because  4. Since

5. When  6. so that  7. Although  8. even though

Activity 3, page 161

1. Teenagers often feel as though they are alone.

2. Sea levels will continue to rise unless climate change is

slowed down.

3. Because children do not get enough exercise, they are

becoming unhealthier.

4. Since unemployment has increased in the past year,

consumer spending has dropped significantly.

5. When athletes train too hard, they often sustain injuries.

6. One should always prepare for a job interview so that it can

go as smoothly as possible.

7. Although the Internet allows people to get information

quickly, the information is not always reliable.

8. People sometimes continue bad habits even though these

habits have a negative effect on their lives.

Activity 4, pages 162–164

Answers will vary for connecting the paragraph and essay.

1. The purpose of this essay is to present solutions to the fear

of public speaking.

2. a multiple-solution approach

3. Hook: According to several recent surveys, the biggest fear

for most people is the fear of making a speech in public.; a


4. The thesis is restated in the last sentence of the conclusion

(Whether giving the commencement speech at a

graduation or a simple toast at a wedding, with proper

practice and audience empathy, it is possible to overcome

the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful


5. jobs, classes, and social events require public speaking

6. sufficient practice and using positive energy from the


7. restate the thesis

Activity 5, page 165

I. A. Hook  II. A. Stay busy  II. A. 2. no time

II. B. people II. B. 2. friendships  III. communication

III. A. Reach out  III. B. 1. sad  III. B. 2. support  IV. B. action

Activity 6, page 167

1. S  2. CX  3. S  4. CX  5. CX  6. S  7. S

8. C  9. C  10. CX

Activity 7, page 168

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Preventing Head Injuries in Sports

Many sports such as football, hockey, soccer, and rugby, involve

physical contact. Kids who play these sports often hit their

heads and get concussions. Too many concussions cause brain

damage. There are two solutions to this problem. First, sporting

authorities can change the rules to reduce physical contact. For

example, a rule could forbid tackling. Second, athletes can use

better safety equipment. For example, rugby players could be

required to wear headgear.

Activity 8, pages 169–170

1. The purpose of this essay is to present solutions to the

problem of students’ poor time management.

2. Students struggle because they are ill-equipped to handle

their time wisely. This can impact grades, happiness, and

health, and it can be a barrier to success.

3. planning their schedule and limiting distractions

4. break studying up into chunks; plan out the week in

advance/budget time each day; do important things first

5. limit the number of hours spent on social media and

on watching TV each day; avoid social media until after

important tasks are done

6. Answers will vary. Possible answer: the second solution

because it provides more facts

Activity 9, page 171

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

It seems that every day, the number of distractions is

increasing and the amount of time is decreasing. There is

no question that social media has greatly enriched people’s

lives. When too much time is spent on distractions, however,

accomplishing tasks becomes more and more difficult,

especially for students. In addition, students need to realize

that time is a limited resource and plan their time wisely. In

sum, poor time management prevents students from being

successful, both in school and in their lives. Luckily, this barrier

can be overcome rather easily by following these simple



Activity 10, page 172

1. appear  2. subject  3. give  4. part  5. attention

6. responsibility  7. keep  8. small  9. questions  10. job

Activity 11, pages 172–173

1. prioritize  2. deliver  3. ill-equipped  4. overcome  5. barriers

6. surveys  7. aspects 8. distraction  9. exposure  10. obligations

Activity 12, page 173

1. delivery  2. deliver  3. diversify  4. diversity  5. exposure

6. expose  7. obligation  8. obligatory  9. terror  10. terrify

Activity 13, page 174

Answers will vary.


Activity 14, page 174

The night skies are so bright in the United States that most

people under the age of 40 has have never experienced true

darkness. Astronomers have the a scale for rating darkness,

with 1 being the darkest and 9 the brightest. Because of light

pollution, most people live in levels 5 through 8. Not only does

too much light at night waste electricity, it can also cause sleep

problem problems, obesity, and even cancer. One solution

to this problem will be is to use motion detectors to turn the

lights on and off around the home. These lights come on when

people leave or enter a home. But home, but the lights turn off

after a few minutes. This automatic system saves money and

electric electricity, and it will also reduce the amount of light

that pollutes neighborhoods around the United States. If we

each do our part to limit the use of light at night. The night, the

beautiful night sky will be appreciated by a greater number of

people, especially in urban areas.

Activity 15, page 175

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Every two weeks a language dies with its last speaker,

so by the next century, 50–90 percent of languages will


2. Made from soy and peas, the meat substitute is so tasty

that some customers may not taste the difference.

3. Some coral reefs that were endangered by development in

Jordan were moved to a new location where they are now

doing well.

Activity 16, page 176

Answers will vary.


Activity 17, pages 176–177

Answers will vary.


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