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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Unit 7

7 Fantastic Food(七单元)

1 Words

1 Match.

2 Listen and circle the food or drink each person likes.

1 mango juice

2 beans

3 cheese

4 sausage / chicken

3 What do you like? Write six foods in order from to .

Sample answer:

2 Grammar

1 Listen and write.

What do we have for breakfast today? There’s some bread, an egg, some orange juice, too. But there isn’t any milk! Oh, what can we do? What do we have for lunch today? There’s some rice, some grapes, a mango, too. But there isn’t any chicken! Oh, what can we do? What do we have for dinner today? There are some fries, some beans, some carrots, too. But there aren’t any sausages! Oh, what can we do?

2 Read and circle.

This is my breakfast. There / There’s an egg. There’s a / some bread and there’s / there are some sausages. There is / isn’t any juice, but there’s some milk. There aren’t any / some oranges but there’s some / a pear. It’s a big breakfast

3 Look and write.

2 some beans

3 some chicken

4 any carrots

5 isn’t any cheese

3 Reading

1 Circle the food.


2 Read and write.

You’re feeling hungry and you want a snack . You can find one in a vending machine. Just put your money in, and there it is! People usually buy candy and drinks from vending machines, but you can get much more. What do you like to eat for breakfast? Some vending machines have bread and eggs. Do you eat fruit? You can get oranges or bananas, too. Is there any food for lunch and dinner in a vending machine? Yes, there is! You can get a burger, or you can get chicken and rice. A vending machine can even make a pizza for you! Vending machines have other things, too: socks, jeans, books…even cars. Imagine that!

3 Circle the things you can’t find in a vending machine.

a house

a tree

4 Draw your favorite things. Then write.

Sample answers:

there’s a basketball,

there’s some candy,

and there are some dolls.

4 Grammar

1 Read and write.

1 any;is

2 a;isn't

3 Are;aren't

2 Listen and write Diego or Luis.

1Diego 2 Luis

3 Look at the pictures in Activity 2. Write. 

2 Is there a pear;No, there isn’t.

3 Are there any carrots;Yes, there are.

4 Is there a mango;No, there isn’t.

5 Is there a burger;Yes, there is.

6 Are there any beans;Yes, there are.

5 Phonics

1 Listen and circle.

present great crayon drink train friend brother

2 Where is the treasure? Follow the path. Complete the words. Then say

6 Value

1 Look and check (✓).

1A 2B 3A

2 Read and draw. Look at me! I can give and share.


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