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Personal Information

Exercise 1

1e 2a 3f 4b 5c 6d

Nationalities and be

Exercise 3 

Colombia, Australia, Mexico, Italy,

Belgium, Argentina, Russia, Brazil, China,


Exercise 4

1're/ are 2'm not/ am not 3 Is 4 Are

5 aren't/'re not/ are not 6's / is

7 isn't/ 's not / is not

Exercise 5

0 f 1 b 2 g 3h 4e 5a 6c 7d

Exercise 6 

1 Mexican 2 British 3 Spanish 4 Turkish

5 Belgian 6 Chinese 7 Russian

8 Argentinian

Names and addresses

Exercise 7


Exercise 8

5 0796353291

Exercise 9

9, 11, 5, 1, 13, 3, 7, 6, 8, 12, 10, 2,4


Exercise 10

1're/ are 2're/ are 3 Brazilian 4's / is

5's I is 6 Spanish 7's / is 8 Belgian 9's / is

10 are 11 British 12's / is 13's / is 14 are

15 American 16're/ are


Things in the classroom and prepositions of place

Exercise 1

door - board - ruler - floor - cd -

notebook - window - pen - book -

chair - pencil - desk

Exercise 2

1 pen 2 chair 3 notebook 4 teacher

5 board 6 ruler

Classroom language

Exercise 3

1 Can I ask a question?

2 Can you say that again?

3 Open your books at page 10.

4 I don't know.

5 I don't understand.

6 What does this word mean?

7 How do you spell that word?

8 How do you say amanha in English?

9 If you know the answer, put your hand up.

Object pronouns

Exercise 4

1 you 2 him 3 her 4 it 5 us 6 them

Exercise 5

1 They, them 2 I, me 3 We 4 I, him 5 us

Exercise 6

1 him 2 her 3 you 4 us 5 them

this, that, these, those 

Exercise 7

1 This 2 Those 3 That 4 These

Exercise 8

1 those 2 that 3 This 4 These


Exercise 9

1 say 2 know 3 Put 4 spell

5 notebook 6 this 7 pen 8 that


Days and dates 

Exercise 1

Group 1: Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Friday

Group 2: July, March, October, September

Group 3: fourteenth, third, second, tenth (order of groups may vary)

Exercise 2

1 August 2 Tuesday 3 tenth 4 28th 5 April

6 16th 7 Sunday 8 September

Exercise 3

1 first 2 fourth 3 eighth 4 eleventh

5 twelfth 6 fifteenth 7 twentieth

8 twenty-second 9 twenty-fifth

10 twenty-ninth 11 thirtieth 12 thirty-first

My day

Exercise 5

1 three fifteen I quarter past three I 3: 15

2 nine twenty-five / twenty-five past nine / 9:25

3 eleven thirty/ half past eleven/ 11 :30

4 eight forty-five/ quarter to nine/ 8 :45

5 one fifty/ ten to two / 1 :50

Exercise 6



Exercise 8

1 half past six/ 6:30

2 ten to eight/ 7:50

3 ten to two/ 1 :50 

4 nine o'clock/ 9:00

5 six o'clock/ 6:00

Exercise 9

1 b 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 c


My possessions

Exercise 1

1 backpack 2 laptop 3 guitar 4 bike

5 phone 6 tennis racket

The name of Joe's pet is Parker.

have got

Exercise 2

1 hasn't 2 hasn't 3 has

4 has 5 hasn't 6 has

Exercise 3 

1 b  2f 3a 4c  5e  6d

Exercise 4

1 have 2 haven't 3 has 4 haven't

5 hasn't 6 haven't, Have

Exercise 5

1 Have 2 haven't 3 Has 4 has 5 has

6 hasn't 7 Have 8 have

I like and I'd like 

Exercise 7 

1 like 2'd like 3'd like 4'd like 5 like

6 like 7'd like 8 like


Exercise 8 

1 Would you like a pet?

2 Do you like football?

3 Are you hungry?

4 Do you like fruit?

5 Have you got brothers and sisters?

6 Has Rosie got a bird?

7 Would you like a drink?

8 Have you got a car?

9 Do you like cats? 10 Have you got a tablet?



Exercise 1

1 thinks 2 looks 3 washes 4 don't

5 doesn't 6 don't

Exercise 2

1 I don't like dancing.

2 Ken doesn't play the guitar in a band.

3 Kelly misses her family a lot.

4 My parents don't work at the weekend.

Exercise 3

1 Do you speak French?

2 When does school start in the morning?

3 Does teacher give you lots your of homework?

4 What music do you like?

5 Do you play an instrument?

Exercise 4

a2 5b  c0  d3  e1  f4

Exercise 6

1 doesn't play 2 sees 3 stands 4 tries

5 phones 6 tells 7 turn 8 doesn't do

9 writes 10 says 11 don't think

Exercise 7

1 helping 2 going 3 reading 4 chatting

5 doing 6 tidying 7 getting

Exercise 9

(always) usually often sometimes

occasionally rarely never

Exercise 10

1 You are always happy.

2 My best friend often stays with us in the holidays.

3 My mum and dad occasionally go out for a meal.

4 My sister is rarely nice to me.

5 My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema on a Saturday morning.

6 You are never sad.


1 writing 2 coming 3 studying 4 waiting

5 chatting 6 using 7 listening 8 planning

9 raining 10 getting


Exercise 1

1 play an instrument 2 be in a club

3 collect things 4 keep a pet 5 take photos

Exercise 2 

Suggested answers

collect: stamps, teddy bears, autographs, cards

write: a blog, stories, poems, in my diary

play: the piano, the guitar, games, football

Exercise 4

1 problem 2 rest 3 dinner 4 time 5 fun


Exercise 1

1 pictures 2 videos 3 books 4 cinema 5 exercise


Exercise 1

1 Dan (Baker) 2 Adam (Roberts) 3 Gina (Jones)

Exercise 2 

1 Adam 2 Dan 3 Gina 4 Adam 5 Dan 6 Gina

Exercise 3

1 Dan 2 Adam 3 Gina


Exercise 1

Photo 3

Exercise 2

1 and 2 so 3 to 4 but

Exercise 3 

1 ✓2✓4✓5✓


Exercise 1

1 B 2 A 3 B



Exercise 2

1 OK, but look out!

2 Don't do that near those plates!

3 Be careful of the pictures on the wall!

4 What are you up to, Tom?


Exercise 4

1 b 2d 3e 4a 5f 6c

Exercise 5

1That's right 2 Cool 3 Hurry up

4 Come on 5 Look out


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1C 2B 3A 4B 5C 6C


Exercise 1

1 Dylan 2 Mason 3 Josh

Exercise 2  

1're/ are taking, aren't/ are not walking

2 aren't/ are not having,'re/ are working

3'm I am trying,'m / am not taking

4're I are playing, aren't/ are not listening

5 isn't/ is not having,'s / is helping

Exercise 3

1a 2f 3b 4c 5e

Exercise 4

1's / is trying 2's / is sitting 3 Is, crying

4's I is getting 5's / is trying 6's / is running

7 isn't sitting /'s not sitting

8're/ are laughing 9're/ are laughing

Exercise 5

1 looks 2 doesn't look 3 smells 4 tastes 5 looks

Exercise 7

1c 2b 3a

Exercise 8

1 like 2's / is walking 3's / is running

4's I is trying 5's / is running 6's / is shouting

7 isn't /'s not coming 8 are you doing

9 play 10 are you doing


1 am selling 2 looks 3 like 4 want 5 come

6 am studying


Exercise 1

1 supermarket 2 clothes shop 3 sports

shop 4 bookshop 5 coffee shop

Exercise 2

1 sports shop 2 clothes shop 3 bookshop 4 coffee shop

Exercise 4

1 boots 2 dress 3 jacket 4 jumper

5 trousers 6 shoes 7 shorts 8 shirt

9 trainers

Exercise 5 

1 shoes 2 belt 3 jumper 4 jacket

Exercise 7

1a 2b 3f 4c 5d


Exercise 1 

1 hat 2 cap 3 gloves 4 ring 5 sunglasses

Exercise 2

1 jeans - you don't wear them on your head.

2 shorts - you don't wear them in cold weather. They are not accessories.

3 trousers - you wear them on your legs, not your upper body.

4 sunglasses - you don't wear them on your feet.


Exercise 1

1 Jay 2 Rosalie 3 Kari

Exercise 2

1 To second-hand shops in the recycling shopping mall.

2 Some new things for her room.

3 He's helping at a repair centre for old technology.

4 Because he enjoys working on the machines and he's helping people.

5 Things they don't want anymore, e.g. sports equipment, toys.

6 They are posting photos of their old toys on the website.

Exercise 3

Text: 2 ✓ 6✓


Exercise 1

1 He's in hospital. 2 She's in London.

Exercise 2

1F 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T

Exercise 3 

Text 1

Underlined: (you)'re having; (l)'m typing;

(What)'s going on?;'s (the team) doing?

Circled: Are (you); (I) hope; (I) am; (things)

are not; (it)'s (a bit boring); (the doctors

and nurses) are; (there) are; (I) like; (we)

have;(This) is; it isn't; (How) are (you);

(doctors) say;(That)'s not

Text 2

Underlined: (everything)'s going; (we)'re

studying; (Leah and Zoe) are giving;

(We)'re not studying; (Leah and Zoe) are

playing; (l)'m writing; Are (you) having;

(You)'re (probably) walking; (you're)

window shopping; (you)'re buying;

(l)'m kidding

Circled: are (things); Hope; (l)'m (with);

(Maths) isn't; (l)'m in; (show) is; (I) hope;

(Mum and Dad) send


Exercise 1

1 black 2 try 3 T-shirt 4 £24.50

5 expensive / too much 6 a book/ books

on photos 7 art 8 (right ) behind

Exercise 2

Conversation 1 

1 Have you got these jeans in black?

2 Usually an 8. 3 Can I try them on, please?

Conversation 2

1 This T-shirt, how much is it?

2 That's too much. 3 OK, thanks.

Conversation 3

1 Is there anything I can do

2 Yes, of course.

3 Oh, sorry. I think you need

4 Right behind you.


Exercise 4


A2 Key for Schools 

Exercise 1

1 C 2 C 3 B

Exercise 2

1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B


UNITS 1 & 2

Exercise 1

The shoes aren't in her collection.

Exercise 2

1 Annie's mum buys the clothes that she wears every day.

2 She buys them in shops in London.

3 Her collection is small because the clothes are often quite expensive.

4 She keeps her collection in a wardrobe in her bedroom.

5 She doesn't wear them because they're too special.

Exercise 3

1 jumper 2 mobile phone shop 3 trainers

4 department store 5 shorts 6 gloves

7 hospital

Exercise 4

1 Dad's singing in the bath again.

2 That sounds like a great idea.

3 My dog always runs after birds in the park.

4 Polly doesn't like hot food, but she's eating your curry.

5 Mum usually cooks at the weekend.

6 Why are you drinking the coffee? It tastes awful.

7 I like music, but I'm not enjoying listening to this!

8 I sometimes go swimming on Sunday mornings.

9 My mum likes most fruit, but she doesn't like apples.

10 James loves this band, but he isn't enjoying the concert.

Exercise 5

1'm sitting 2 'm writing 3're eating 4 tastes

5're watching 6 are wearing 7 sounds 8 look 

Exercise 6

1 many 2 many 3 much 4 many 5 much

6 many 7 much

Exercise 7

1 too many clothes 2 a lot of clothes

3 a lot of traffic 4 too many people

5 a lot of people

Exercise 8

1 There isn't enough

2 there isn't enough

3 there aren't enough

4 there are too many

Exercise 9

1 not old enough 2 too tired 3 not warm enough 

4 too warm 


1 We have a lot of sandwiches and lots/ a lot of fruit.

2 We don't have much / a lot of I lots of milk.

3 There aren't a lot of places to park the car.

4 Jo buys lots of cakes and a lot of/ lots of ice cream.


Exercise 1

1 mushroom 2 onion 3 carrot 4 tomato

5 salad 6 pear 7 pasta 8 omelette

The mystery word is chocolate.

Exercise 2 

1a 2c 3a 4c 5b

Exercise 3

1 disgusting 2 fatty 3 fresh 4 horrible

5 salty 6 spicy 7 sweet 8 tasty

Exercise 4

1 disgusting, horrible 2 fatty 3 sweet

4 spicy 5 fresh 6 salty

Exercise 6

1c 2b 3a

Exercise 7

1b 2d 3c


Exercise 1

1 butter 2 honey 3 oil 4 rice 5 sandwich


Exercise 1 

1a 2c 3b

Exercise 2

1H 2C 3M 4C 5M 6 H


Exercise 1 

1 20 minutes 2 1 /One

Exercise 2

1 About 10 minutes

2 milk, salt and pepper

3 After you cook the vegetables / When the oil is hot

Exercise 3

1 stir 2 heat 3 slice 4 beat

Exercise 4

the imperative


Exercise 1

beans ✓ garlic ✓ mushrooms✓

tomatoes✓chilli peppers✓ meat✓

onions✓red peppers✓

Exercise 2

1T 2F 34T 5F 6T 7F


Exercise 3

1 I'm really sorry. 2 I feel really bad.

3 Don't worry about it.

Exercise 4

1 don't worry about it/ it's OK 2 I feel

really bad 3 It's OK/ Don't worry about it


Exercise 5 

5, 2, 3, 4, ( 1), 8, 11, 10, 6, 7, 9

Exercise 6 

as well  2 a couple of  3 What about me

4 So what 5 upset with


A2 Key for Schools 

Exercise 1 

1C 2B 3A 4A 5B 6C 7A



Exercise 1

1 My 2 my 3 we 4 Our 5 Their 

6 their 7 Her 8 Our 9 His 10 Your

Exercise 2 

1 Is that car his?

2 Are these jeans yours?

3 Is this sandwich mine?

4 Are these seats ours?

5 Is that house hers?

Exercise 3

1 They're my friends'.

2 It's Mrs Miller's.

3 They're my sisters'.

4 It's Tom's.

5 They're Sandra's.

Exercise 4

1 Whose, Taylors'2 Sam's, Polly's

3 teacher's, Smith's 4 Who's, Dragons'

5 Whose, James's

Exercise 5 

1 you 2 It 3 mine 4 me 5 him 6 They 7 their

8 hers 9 he 10 his 11 his 12 you 13 my

14 yours 15 116 you 17 me 18 Whose

19 his 20 hers

Exercise 6

1 was, were 2 weren't, were 3 was,

weren't 4 was, weren't 5 were, weren't

Exercise 7 

1 Were 2 Was 3 Were 4 Was 5 Were

Exercise 8

1 were 2 were 3 was 4 wasn't 5 was

6 wasn't 7 was 8 was 9 was 10 was 11 was

12 Were 13 weren't 14 were 15 were

16 was 17 wasn't 18 was 19 was 20 were


I love my new phone. I love the colour.

It's red. It's my favourite colour.

The screen is big, and the camera takes

good pictures. My sister loves her phone

because of its modern design and its

apps, and because it's small. Her friends

gave it to her for her birthday. It's really

nice, but I think mine is the best.


Exercise 1

1 son 2 daughter 3 sister 4 wife 5 aunt

6 husband The mystery word is cousins.

Exercise 3

1 surprised 2 scared 3 proud 4 upset

5 worried 6 confused 7 relieved


Exercise 1

1 grandson 2 granddaughter 3 nephew

4 niece 5 stepbrother


Exercise 1 

1 brother 2 grandfather / grandpa

Exercise 2

1 B 2A 3B 4A 5C 6C 7C

Exercise 3

1 cooking programmes

2 She wants a quiet house without TV.

3 Paul's

4 He wants to watch the film.

Exercise 4

1 c2 b3d4a


Exercise 1

2 The concert 3 The film 4 The party

Exercise 2 

1A 2C 3B


Exercise 1

Conversation 1✓

Conversation 2✓

Exercise 2 

1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A

Exercise 3

1 B OK, but be very careful with it.

2 A Can I go out now, please?

   B You can go, but come home early

3 A Can I invite some friends round on Saturday?

   B No, I'm sorry, you can't.


Exercise 5 

1 Anna 2 Lucy 3 Mike 4 Anna 5 Paul

6 Mike 7 John 8 Joe 9 Georgia


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1 

1 with 2 was 3 and 4 a 5 to 6 you

Exercise 1

1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C

Exercise 2 

1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C


UNITS 3 &4

Exercise 1

1 C 2 B 3 A

Exercise 2

1 A cup of tea. 2 The woman's

3 Because the cafe hasn't got any tuna / there isn't any tuna.

4 He doesn't think it's very good.

5 At the Chinese place.

Exercise 3 

1 hers 2 his 3 its 4 it's 5 Whose

Exercise 4

1 was 2 was 3 were 4 were 5 some

6 a lot of 7 any 8 enough 9 any 10 lots of

Exercise 5

1 spicy 2 disgusting 3 salty; tasty

4 delicious 5 roast, yummy 6 fresh

7 sweet, boring

Exercise 6 

1 grandfather I grandpa, proud 2 aunt, relieved

3 cousin, scared 4 wife, upset

Exercise 7

1 Of course 2 what about 3 Can I, please

4 a couple of 5 That's OK 6 upset with

7 feel really bad 8 I'm so sorry 9 don't worry

Exercise 8

1 F 2T 3T 4F 5F



Exercise 1

1 like 2 arrive 3 plan 4 dry 5 study 6 want

7 visit 8 stop 9 use 

Exercise 2 

1 wanted 2 studied 3 liked 4 visited

5 stayed 6 stopped 7 planned 8 dried

Exercise 3

1 started 2 tried 3 seemed 4 watched

5 enjoyed 6 loved 7 asked 8 finished

9 looked 10 showed 11 decided

Exercise 4 

1 played 2 asked 3 arrived 4 opened

5 looked 6 dreamed 7 decided 8 worked

9 used 10 finished 11 needed 12 picked

13 carried 14 opened 15 jumped

16 knocked 17 smashed 18 tried

19 looked 20 realised

Exercise 5 

1 Your grandmother is really young.

2 Hurry up. We're very late.

3 Can I have a sandwich? I'm quite hungry.

4 I'm quite tired. I want to go to bed.

Exercise 6 

1 quite 2 very 3 very 4 really

Exercise 7 

1e 2a 3d 4b

Exercise 8 

1 We didn't enjoy the film.

2 They didn't go to France for their holidays.

3 She didn't want to go to the party.

4 He didn't win 1st prize in the photography competition.

5 You didn't meet Danielle at my party.

Exercise 9

1 promised 2 didn't know 3 asked

4 didn't understand 5 stopped 6 ordered

7 didn't work


1 played 2 stayed 3 studied 4 tried

5 enjoyed 6 tidied


Exercise 1 

ACROSS 3 mirror 5 cooker 8 wardrobe

10 lamp 11 shower 12 desk

DOWN 2 armchair 4 sofa 6 curtains 7 shelves 9 toilet

Exercise 3

1 annoyed 2 relaxing 3 amazed

4 interested 5 amazing 6 annoying

7 relaxing 8 interesting 9 boring

Exercise 4 

1 boring 2 relaxing 3 annoyed 4 amazed

5 interesting

Exercise 5

1 a 2e 3b 4 c

Exercise 6

1 up 2 at 3 for 4 after


Exercise 1

1 sink 2 washing machine 3 microwave

4 cupboard 5 clock


Exercise 1 

1 South Korea 2 USA 3 Poland

Exercise 2

1 2,000 years old. 2 $24,000 .

3 Danish artists and scientists.

4 The spaceship house in Chattanooga has four legs.

The walking house in Denmark has six legs.

5 Five.

Exercise 3 



Exercise 1 

bed✓ shelves✓

Exercise 2 

1 blue 2 comfortable 3 wooden 4 quiet

Exercise 3 

a Paragraph 2 b Paragraph 3 c Paragraph 1


Exercise 1 

Picture 2✓

Exercise 2

1 didn't know 2 a lot of/ lots of

3 prizes 4 make things 5 can play music

6 talent contest


Exercise 3 

1 Why don't we organise a second-hand sale?

2 I 'm not so sure.

3 What about having a raffle?

4 We could ask our friends and family/ family and friends to buy tickets.

5 Let's tell everyone tomorrow.


Exercise 4

7, 1, 9, 5, 3, 4, 2,10 , 6, 8

Exercise 5

1 though 2 honest, mean 3 Hang, problem


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1 

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6C



Exercise 1

1 bought 2 brought 3 took 4 ate 5 left

6 drank 7 had 8 said 9 told 10 got 11 cost

Exercise 2 

ACROSS 4 thought 8 became 9 gave 10 did

DOWN 1 sang 2 went 3 chose 5 made

6 heard 7 stood 8 began

Exercise 3 

1 phoned 2 didn't believe 3 got 4 wanted

5 heard 6 didn't have 7 gave 8 bought

9 didn't talk 10 arrived 11 came 12 got

13 took 14 had 15 played 16 performed

17 sang 18 knew 19 didn't sing 20 want

21 ate 22 told 23 said 24 thought

Exercise 4

1B 2A 3B 4C 5A

Exercise 5 

1 Did he buy; No, he didn't.

2 Did you take; No, I/we didn't.

3 Did your friends go; Yes, they did.

4 did you see; I/We saw Jenny.

5 did they go; They went to Corfu.

6 did you eat; I/We ate fish and chips.

Exercise 6 

1 did you buy last week 2 did they go

3 did you hear 4 did I say 5 did she tell you

6 did you meet 7 did you find it/ the answer

8 did you phone last night


1 Why didn't you come to my party?

2 What did you do at the weekend?

3 correct

4 Who did you go to the cinema with?

5 What did he see at the cinema?


Exercise 1

1 yesterday 2 last 3 ago 4 ago 5 yesterday 6 last

Exercise 2

1 Fifteen 2 Yesterday 3 weeks 4 morning

5 night 6 ago 7 Two 8 evening

The mystery word is afternoon.

Exercise 4

1 helpful - h 2 intelligent - i 3 cheerful - b

4 easy-going - a 5 generous - d

6 confident - g 7 jealous - c 8 boring - e

Exercise 5

Positive: cheerful, confident, easy-going,

funny, generous, helpful, intelligent

Negative: horrible, jealous, boring


Exercise 1

1 lazy 2 patient 3 sensible 4 friendly 5 kind


Exercise 1

An unexpected friendship

Exercise 2

1 Amelia 2 Amelia 3 Mary 4 Amelia 5 Amelia

Exercise 3

Friends can help each other learn new things.


Exercise 1

a3 c2  d1

Exercise 2

1 Thank you so much; Thanks again

2 I want to thank you

3 Thanks very much


Exercise 1

1 primary 2 science 3 different

Exercise 2

1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B


Exercise 3

1 did 2 ate 3 had 4 tried 5 was 6 bought

7 saw 8 got 9 was 10 bought 11 forgot


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1 H 2 F 3 D 4 E 5 B

Exercise 2

1 D 2 A 3 H 4 F 5 G


UNITS 5 & 6

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 Because it's a nice, cheerful colour.

2 Because she can see the garden.

3 Two weeks ago.

4 Her grandparents.

5 Because it was too small for all her clothes.

6 She's cool about it.

Exercise 3 

1 liked 2 danced 3 had 4 took 5 saw

6 didn't go 7 didn't invite 8 had 9 invited

10 didn't know 11 said

Exercise 4

1 confident 2 bored 3 jealous 4 relaxing

5 annoyed 6 cheerful 7 amazing 8 helpful

Exercise 5

1 How 2 mine 3 went 4 paid 5 bored

6 amazing 7 interesting 8 sofa 9 curtains

10 took 11 annoyed

Exercise 6

1 about 2 went 3 Let's 4 Why

5 didn't 6 thought 7 enjoy 8 ago 9 don't

10 sure 11 boring

Exercise 7 

1B 2B 3A



Exercise 1

1f 2c 3a 4b 5e

Exercise 2

1 You have to be creative to find the answer.

2 On Sundays he has to make breakfast.

3 Do they have to get up early?

4 Lucas doesn't have to go to school tomorrow.

5 Do I have to phone you?

6 You don't have to help me.

Exercise 3

1c 2a 3b   4f 5e

Exercise 5 

1 shouldn't 2 shouldn't 3 should

4 shouldn't 5 should 

Exercise 6

1 should leave home earlier

2 should talk to her 3 shouldn't worry so much

4 shouldn't stay much longer

Exercise 8

1 mustn't 2 mustn't 3 mustn't

4 don't have to 5 don't have to

Exercise 9

1 a - don't have to 2 f - mustn't

3 c - mustn't 4 d - doesn't have to

5 b- mustn't


1 to make 2 use 3 be 4 worry 5 forget 6to do


Exercise 1

1 MP3 player 2 satnav 3 hair dryer 4 torch

5 calculator 6 games console 7 remote

control 8 docking station

The mystery word is headphones.

Exercise 2

1 a 2h 3c 4b 5i 6e 7g 8d

Exercise 4

1d 2b 3a


Exercise 1

1 screen 2 mouse 3 keyboard

4 smartwatch 5 printer


Exercise 1 

1 Kenneth Shinozuka 2 Joshua Silver

Exercise 2

1 T 2 F He wants to provide a billion pairs in the future.

3 F Kenneth spends a lot of time/ lives with his grandfather.

4 F Kenneth's grandfather got lost during the night.

5 T


Exercise 1

1 ✓3✓4✓

Exercise 2 

Suggested answers

1 Alexander Graham Bell was 29 - invention - the telephone

2 A year later he started the Bell Telephone Company- it became very successful

3 He became a businessman and earned lots of money

Exercise 3

• he opened laboratories

• was interested in inventions

• experimented with propellers and kites

• formed the Aerial Experiments Association,

• developed a plane (the Silver Dart)

which had its first flight in 1909


Exercise 1 

1 B 2 A 3 B

Exercise 2 

1 see 2 have 3 to 4 your 5 camera 6 Got

7 have 8 tidy 9 too 10 mustn't 11 my 12 things 

13 asking


Exercise 3 

1 Sorry 2 do you mean 3 Like what


Exercise 5 

1 No chance 2 and stuff 3 never mind

4 Absolutely 5 All right


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1 

1C 2C 3B 4B 5C 6B 



Exercise 1

1 were 2 were 3 were 4 were 5 were

6 were 7 was 8 was

Exercise 2

1 were clapping 2 was holding 3 was taking 

4 were sitting 5 were crying

6 weren't enjoying 7 was talking

8 weren't feeling

Exercise 3

1 wasn't playing, was watching

2 weren't speaking, were speaking

3 wasn't losing, were winning

4 wasn't swimming, was sitting

Exercise 4

1f 2a 3b 4c 5e

Exercise 6

1a 2b 3f 4c 5d

Exercise 7

1 was watching; came 2 were walking; happened  

3 was talking; phoned 4 fell; was skiing

5 was studying; remembered

6 lost; was running

Exercise 8 

1 when 2 when 3 While 4 when 5 While

Exercise 9

1 While George was rock climbing, he dropped his bag.

George was rock climbing when he dropped his bag.

2 While Megan was windsurfing, she fell into the sea.

Megan was windsurfing when she fell into the sea.

3 While Sasha and Eve were walking in the mountains, they got lost.

Sasha and Eve were walking in the mountains when they got lost.


1 were 2 were 3 was 4 Were


Exercise 1 

athletics, snowboarding, diving,

gymnastics, sailing, tennis, skiing, golf, football.

Sports that don't fit: windsurfing,

volleyball, rock climbing, rugby

Exercise 2

1 swimming, because the other sports are on snow.

2 rock climbing, because the other sports are in water.

3 tennis, because the other sports are team games. It is the only racquet sport.

Exercise 3

1 Then the instructor showed me what to

do. 2 After half an hour, I could stand up.

3 Finally, I skied down the hill.


Exercise 1

1 surfing 2 inline skating 3 badminton

4 baseball 5 table tennis.

Exercise 2

Suggested answers

1 windsurfing, surfing, diving 2 skiing,

snowboarding, ice-skating 3 hockey,

rugby, volleyball 4 gymnastics, athletics, rock climbing


Exercise 1

1 The Fosbury flop 2 The straddle

3 The scissors

Exercise 2

1 1. 78 m.

2 They were confused.

3 He was number 61 in the world.

4 No, he wasn't. He was lucky to get into the USA Olympic

team and not many people knew his name.

5 He is famous for changing the way that high jumpers jump.

Exercise 3 


Exercise 1 

B a school magazine

Exercise 2 

1D 2B 3C 4A


Exercise 1 

1 G 2 B 3 G 4 B 5 G 6 G 7 G 8 B

Exercise 2

1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F


Exercise 3

1 I think it's brilliant.

2 How do you feel about the new sports centre?

3 I think it's a waste of money.

Exercise 4 

7, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 4, 8


Exercise 5

1 A - before child

2 E - between yesterday and tomorrow

3 B - after Friday

4 D - before go to school

Exercise 6 

1 second, third, fourth, (fifth)

2 go to the sports centre, go to the pool, get into the

water, (start swimming/ swim/ get out of the water)

3 rarely, sometimes, often, (usually/always) OR often,

sometimes, rarely (never)


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1 Thursdays 2 blue 3 £8.50

4 Longton 5 0799 6321 887

Exercise 2

1 8 2 June 3 Uruguay 4 2016 5 concerts

Exercise 3 

1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A


UNITS 7 & 8

Exercise 1 

1 B 2 C 3 B

Exercise 2

1 Because she wants to do some exercise at the gym first.

2 He wants her to tidy up.

3 He was brushing his teeth.

4 It's on the stairs.

5 In the garden.

6 Because it's good exercise, so she doesn't need to go to the gym.

Exercise 3

1 headphones 2 calculator 3 golf 4 torch

Exercise 4

1 was tidying; found 2 was using; burned

3 told; were playing 4 was listening; stopped

Exercise 5 

1 don't always 2 should 3 must 4 should

5 should 6 don't have to 7 shouldn't

8 should 9 shouldn't

Exercise 6 

1 what 2 sport 3 mean 4 windsurfing

5 Sorry 6 fear 7 Skiing 8 tell 9 doing

Exercise 7

1A 2D 3B 



Exercise 1

1 worse 2 more beautiful 3 easier 4 more

expensive 5 better 6 happier 7 more

interesting 8 nicer 9 younger

Exercise 2 

1 more expensive 2 younger 3 more interesting

4 better 5 worse

Exercise 3 

1 taller than 2 more hard-working than

3 better, than

Exercise 5

1 can't swim 2 can't sing

3 can play (the guitar)

Exercise 7 

1 the most difficult 2 the best 3 the most

expensive 4 the worst 5 the oldest

6 the most interesting

Exercise 8

1 the strongest 2 the most boring 3 the

most delicious 4 the fastest 5 the highest

6 the most important

Exercise 9

1 taller 2 the coldest 3 younger

4 the richest 5 the easiest


1 the most exciting 2 the most beautiful

3 the tallest 4 lower 5 wetter 6 warmer

7 the hottest


Exercise 1

1e 2b 3c 4h 5j 6i 7g 8f 9d

Exercise 2

1 island 2 beach 3 river 4 mountain 5 hill

6 forest 7 lake 8 jungle 9 ocean

Exercise 3

1 freezing, windy 2 warm, sunny, hot, dry

3 cloudy, rainy, wet 4 foggy

Exercise 4

1 hot 2 warm 3 dry 4 rainy 5 cloudy

6 sunny 7 freezing

Exercise 5

1 with you 2 with tomato sauce

3 good with 4 to do with 5 busy with


Exercise 1

1 cave 2 countryside 3 pond

4 grass 5 trees


Exercise 1

1 The Arctic 2 The Arctic 3 Antarctica

4 Antarctica

Exercise 2

1 F Scientists are interested in the Arctic and Antarctica.

2 T

3 F Polar bears and penguins live in different places.

4 F They live in Antarctica.

5 T

Exercise 3

1 Antarctica 2 Antarctica, the Arctic

3 the Arctic, Antarctica 4 Antarctica, the Arctic

5 Antarctica, the Arctic 6 the Arctic, Antarctica

7 the Arctic, Antarctica.

Exercise 4

Answer: A


Exercise 1

1 South Korea 2 The Gyeongbokgung

Palace and Jeju Island

Exercise 2

Underline: lucky, great, different, fabulous,

wonderful, beautiful, the best

1 Positive 

Exercise 3

1 have to 2 Make sure 3 Don't forget

Exercise 4


Exercise 1

1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 T

Exercise 2

1 is 2 like 3 great idea

4 what a 5 sunny 6 go out 7 look 8 great


Exercise 3

1 can't 2 let's 3 maybe / perhaps

4 perhaps / maybe 5 idea


Exercise 5

5, 7, 1, 3, 4, 6, 2

Exercise 6 

1 No problem 2 then 3 Not really 4 either


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1A 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B

Exercise 2

1C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6B 



Exercise 1 

1'm 2're 3're 4's

Exercise 2 

1 Are; to stay - a 2 Are; to visit - f 3 Is; to

take - b 4 Is; to enter - c 5 Is; to cook - d

Exercise 3 

1'm going to study 2're going to go

3're going to find 4's going to travel

5'm not going to do 6 'm not going to go

Exercise 5 

1 is flying 2 is going 3 is going 4 are having

5 is playing 6 are going 7 are having

Exercise 6

Suggested answers 

1 Are Claire and Tom having lunch/dinner on Tuesday?

2 Is Claire flying (to Rome) in the afternoon?

3 Are Claire and her children/kids going to the cinema on Monday (evening)?

4 Are Claire and Sue playing tennis on Monday?

Exercise 7

1P 2F 3P 4F 5F 6F

Exercise 9

1 Bella 2 Tom 3 Sam

Exercise 10

1 slow, slowly 2 quick, quickly

3 dangerous, dangerously 4 nervous, nervously

5 quiet, quietly 6 bad, badly

7 careful, carefully 8 good, well

Exercise 11

1 easy; quickly 2 careful; dangerously

3 quiet; loudly 4 well; bad 5 nervous; quietly


1 You should drive slowly when it's raining.

2 Hold the baby carefully.

3 We were walking fast because we were late for school.

4 They did the homework easily because they worked together.


Exercise 1

1 bus station 2 football stadium 3 car park

4 police station 5 post office 6 sports

centre 7 shopping mall

Exercise 2 

1 concert 2 stadium 3 mall 4 station

Exercise 3

1 post office 2 football stadium 3 bus

station 4 shopping mall 5 concert hall

6 car park 7 police station

Exercise 4

1 billboard 2 graffiti wall 3 litter bin

4 speed camera 5 youth club 6 zebra crossing

Exercise 5

1 cycle lane 2 billboard 3 zebra crossing

4 graffiti wall 5 youth club 6 litter bin


Exercise 1

1 airport 2 motorway 3 city centre

4 underground 5 railway station


Exercise 1

1 Sheffield 2 Thames Town

Exercise 2

1 Sheffield 2 Monowi 3 Thames Town

4 Monowi 5Thames Town 6 Roswell 7 Sheffield

Exercise 3

1O 2F 3F 4O 5F 6O 


Exercise 1

1 On 25 July.

2 Because she's going to have her own bedroom.

3 They're going to paint the walls (and get some new furniture).

4 She's nervous and excited.

5 Lauren's family are going to have a party.

Exercise 2

1 So sorry to hear about 2 I can't wait!

3 You must 4 Send my love to 


Exercise 1

1 not accepted 2 accepted 3 accepted

Exercise 2

1 music practice 2 next week

3 concert 4 Wednesday 5 £25

6 concert hall 7 plans 8 weekend

9 stadium 10 festival 


Exercise 3

1 G 2 A 3 F 4 C 5 H 6 B 7 E


Exercise 5

1 Disadvantage: noisy at night

2 Advantage: creates lots of jobs

Disadvantage: bad for shops on high street

3 Advantage: stops people parking on street

Disadvantage: more cars in town


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1 his 2 in 3 for 4 the 5 while 6 watch

Exercise 2

1 from 2 without 3 to 4 were 5 by 6 with


UNITS 9 & 10

Exercise 1

1 B 2 C 3 A

Exercise 2 

1 She's not sure - if it rains it's worse than the hotel.

2 He thinks it's an excellent idea, but too late to arrange.

3 She's going to suggest that they go to the hotel and take

the rooms Mum and Dad booked.

4 She says the grandparents are going to

spend two weeks on a houseboat.

5 In two weeks' time.

Exercise 3

1 freezing 2 windy 3 dry 4 beach 5 humid

6 hotter 7 spend 8 lake 9 leaving

Exercise 4

1 post office 2 speed camera 3 litter bin

4 zebra crossing 5 cycle lane 6 billboard

Exercise 5 

1 hotter 2 colder 3 more 4 than 5 most

6 more 7 safe 8 dangerous 9 well

10 quickly

Exercise 6 

1 like 2 can't go 3 busy with

4 like to 5 are going to 6 I'd

7 going to come 8 No problem 9 can't

Exercise 7 

1A 2B 3A 



Exercise 1

1 On Sunday we'll stay at home and relax.

2 Will you finish your homework soon?

3 Will I know where to find you?

4 Sebastian won't come to the party.

Exercise 2 

1 will be - a will (probably) take

2 - c 'II/ will ...start

3'II/ will go - b 'II/ will stay

4 will be - d 'II/ will have

5 - f 'II/ will be

Exercise 3

1 Will … live 2Will … have 3 will … have

4'II/ will get married 5 Will … go

Exercise 4

1'II do-5 2 won't get 4 3 I'll take - 0

4 'll … drive -2 5 'll live -1

Exercise 6

1a 2c 3b 4a 5 c

Exercise 7 

1B  2A 3A 4B  5B 

Exercise 8

1 don't feed;'II be 2 will stop; doesn't slow down

3 don't use; won't find

4 will talk; aren't 5 doesn't help;'II be

Exercise 10

1'll look;'s 2'll watch; comes 3 get;'ll pay

4'll take; come 5 will return; is


if I don't go to school tomorrow

If I miss the test,

if I have to do the test in the holidays.

But if I go to school tomorrow,


Exercise 1

1 stomach 2 elbow 3 muscle 4 neck 5 lip 6 throat

Exercise 2 

1 muscles, neck, shoulders 2 fingers, hand,

elbow 3 lips, mouth, eyes, ears 4 stomach

Exercise 3 

Suggested answers

foot - stand, jump, hop

mouth - smile, talk

ear - hear

arm - carry, wave, throw

eye - see, read, watch, notice

fingers - play an instrument, touch, point

tongue - taste, talk, speak

Exercise 4 

1 if 2 when 3 when 4 if 5 when

Exercise 5 

1b 2a 3d 4e 5f

Exercise 6

1 well 2 cooking 3 ice cream 4 homework


Exercise 1

1 hair 2 head 3 teeth 4 heart 6 skin

Exercise 2

1 hair 2 heart 3 skin 4 cheeks 5 head


Exercise 1

1B 2C 3A

Exercise 2 

A3 B2 C1


Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 Gavin will arrive at 4 pm.

2 He doesn't have any strawberries.

Exercise 3

1 Mum 2 Dylan 3 Dylan 4 Mum

Exercise 4 

Suggested answer 

Julia phoned. She said the yoga class is at

6 tomorrow and asked if you need a lift.

She can pick you up at 5.30 . She'll ring

you again later.

I'm going to Fran's (house) now. I'll be

back at about 7. I'll see you then.

Exercise 5 

Suggested answer

Thomas called. Wants to know about

French homework - finding it hard to

understand. Also going to see new film

at cinema tonight - interested? Call as

soon as possible. New phone number:

06 79 645 036.

Exercise 6

Call from: Max

Message for: Harry

Information: Max called. Danny in hospital.

Nothing serious - hurt back. Max and James going to see him tomorrow at 5.


Call from: person repairing her car

Message for: Mrs Brown

Information: The garage called to say that the repair work on your car won't be finished until tomorrow. They'll call you when it's ready. You can contact them on 0657 847 86 75.


Exercise 1

1 B 2 C 3 A

Exercise 2 

1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T


Exercise 3

 1 sorry to hear 2 Poor 3 What a shame


Exercise 5

1 Whatever. 2 Tell you what. 3 I mean

4 I can't wait. 5 Wait and see.


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1 

Suggested answer

Hi Morgan,

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.

Do you need anything? I can come to see you tomorrow.

Why don't I bring your homework?

Let me know! 

[your name]



Exercise 1

1 done 2 flown 3 gone 4 met 5 seen

6 slept 7 spoken 8 swum 9 taken 10 won

11 written

Exercise 2

1 gone 2 seen 3 taken 4 written 5 bought

6won 7 done

Exercise 3 

1 She's seen the Himalaya mountains.

2 She hasn't flown in a hot air balloon.

3 She hasn't met the president.

4 She's slept under the stars.

5 She hasn't swum to France.

6 She hasn't won a tennis tournament.

7 She's walked over the Golden Gate Bridge

Exercise 4

1 c 2a 3d

Exercise 5

1 Has she ever been to New York?

No, she's never been to the US.

2 Have you ever eaten Japanese food?

 No, I've never been to a Japanese restaurant.

3 Have they ever flown in a helicopter?

No, they've never flown in a helicopter or a plane.

4 Have your parents ever been angry with you?

Yes, they've been angry with me lots of times.

Exercise 6 

1 ate 2 made 3 have travelled 4 Have they visited

5 went 6 loved 7've always wanted 8've never had

Exercise 7

1 was 2 have happened 3 went 4 met

5 talked 6 got 7 asked 8 said 

9've never tried 10 have found 11 Have you heard

12's always wanted 13've lived


1 never 2 never 3 ever 4 never


Exercise 1

1 scooter 2 train 3 helicopter

4 underground 5 boat 6 minibus 7 bike 8 plane

The mystery word is motorbike.

Exercise 2

1 e 2a 3f 4 i 5h 6c 7b 8d

Exercise 3 

1 take / catch 2 drive 3 misses 4 ride 5 catch

Exercise 4

1 miss 2 drives 3 ride 4 catch 5 took


Exercise 1

1 in 2 off 3 on 4 on 5 on

Exercise 2 

1 He's getting out of the/a taxi.

2 She's getting off the train.

3 They're getting off the plane

4 They're getting on the bus.


Exercise 1

1 What are the people like in that town?

2 horrible and wonderful

Exercise 2 

1 He said they were awful / horrible and they didn't like him.

2 He decided not to go to the town.

3 He said they were wonderful and they liked him.

4 He went to the town in the valley.

Exercise 3 



Exercise 1 

1 travellers 2 travelling/travels/holidays

3 a digital camera

Exercise 2

Places you've been to: the countryside

and the mountains; The best trip you've

made: when we travelled to the south of

France; A places you want to visit; China,

because it is so exciting

Exercise 3 

1 1  2 2  3 1  4 3  5 2


Exercise 1

1 swimming 2 Scotland 3 with a team

4 sometimes

Exercise 2 

1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A


Exercise 3

1 f 2 h 3 d 4 a 5 c 6 e


Exercise 4 

spend a long time on your feet - waiters

have to carry things - waiters

can work in any weather - both

have to remember things - both

wear special clothes - waiters


A2 Key for Schools

Exercise 1

1 C 2A 3B 4B 5C


UNITS 11 & 12

Exercise 1 

1 C2 B 3 C

Exercise 2 

1 To travel to his new job.

2 Because he hates it.

3 As soon as his shoulder is better.

4 Sometimes he can talk to people, or he can

read a book or listen to music.

Exercise 3

1 been  2 been

3 gone  4 been

Exercise 4 

1 've gone  2's eaten

3 Have you written

4 've met 5've done

6 haven't read 7 have given

Exercise 5 

1 helicopter 2 ankle 3 trams 4 elbows

5 flown 6 catch 7 tongue

Exercise 6 

1 bought 2 shoulders 3 I'll wear

4 She's invited 5 was 6 hear 7 doing

8 stomach 9 ate 10 poor 11 see

Exercise 7 

1 knee 2 hear 3 if 4 Poor 5 doing

6 gone 7 won't 8 shame 9 as soon as

Exercise 8 

1 The children.

2 Because he gets water for his family in the morning.

3 Because she gets up at 4.30 to get water.

4 Because they can't live without the water.




Plurals and third person verb endings: 

/s/, /z/ or /ɪz/

Exercises 1 and 2

/s/ sound: sleeps, takes, wants,

writes /z/ sound: enjoys, gives, needs,

plays, swims /ɪz/ sound: dances, finishes,

relaxes, washes, watches

Exercises 3 and 4 

1 puzzles /z/ 2 cats /s/

3 players /z/ 4 quizzes /ɪz/

5 bikes /s/ 6 buses /ɪz/

7 stamps /s/



Exercises 1 and 2

1 d 2 c 3 e 4 a

Exercises 3 and 4 

1 e 2 d 3 a 4 b


Vowel sounds: /r/ and /i:/

Exercise 1 and 2

1 Jim 2 Jill 3 Dean 4 Bill 5 Jean


-er /ə/ at the end of words

Exercises 1 and 2

1 writer 2 answer 3 other 4 paper

5 daughter 6 father 7 after


Regular past tense endings

Exercises 1 and 2

one syllable: closed, missed, played, tried

two syllables: rested, shouted, started, wanted

Exercise 3 

1 pronounced as a separate syllable

2 not pronounced as a separate syllable

Exercises 4 and 5

/t/ endings: finished, helped, worked,

washed /d/ endings: enjoyed, loved,

stayed, tried


Stressed syllables in words

Exercises 1 and 2

1 good, nice 2 friendly, helpful

3 interesting, confident 4 intelligent

Exercises 3 and 4

1 interesting 2 important, relaxing

3 adventurous, intelligent 4 disappointed, easy-going 


Vowel sounds: /u/ and /u:/

Exercises 1 and 2

1 fruit 2 books 3 soup 4 shoes 5 cookers

Exercise 3 

/u/: cook, good, stood /u:/: choose, cool, food, school

Exercises 4 and 5  

a good, stood b choose


Strong and weak forms of was and were

Exercises 1 and 2

1 was 2 Were, weren't, were

3 was, wasn't, was, wasn't

4 weren't, were

5 Were, wasn't, was, Were

Exercises 3 and 4 

1 Yes, she was.

2 No, they weren't.

3 B: No, she wasn't!

A: Yes, she was! She's a good swimmer.

B: She wasn't.

4 none

5 B: No, I wasn't.

A: Were you?


Vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and /aɪ/

Exercises 1 and 2

/ɪ/: gym, list, sing, spring, thin, wish

/aɪ/find, fine, nice, night, smile style, wild

Exercises 3 and 4

1 a 2 e 3 b 4 c

Exercises 5 and 6 

1 I'm 2 like, driving, night 3 lions, tigers, wild

4 Mike, exercises, lifestyle 5 nice, ride, bikes 


Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/


Exercises 1 and 2

1 clothes 2 third 3 Thursday 4 then

5 think 6 Earth 7 months 8 Maths 9 youth

Exercise 3 

/ð/: there, clothes, these, father, then, the

/θ/ : things, three, third, birthday, Thursday,

theatre, think, Earth, months, Maths, youth 


The /h/ consonant sound

Exercises 1 and 2

1 healthy 2 hospital 3 help 4 hair

5 hear 6 happy 7 humans 8 hurt 9 here


Sentence stress

Exercises 1 and 2

1 farmer 2 English 3 cooker

4 taxi 5 eggs 6 laptop 7 island

Exercises 3 and 4 

2 artist, doctor, teacher, farmer

3 maths, art, history, English

4 desk, lamp, sofa, cooker

5 plane, train, bus, taxi

6 flour, sugar, butter, eggs

7 camera, pen drive, microphone, laptop

8 lake, river, jungle, island

Exercise 5 

1 nouns 2 articles 

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