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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Function1 +School Trip1

Function 1: Talking about feelings

1 Read and circle. Then listen and check.

Enrico: Hi, Lee. How are you / they today?

Lee: I don’t have a drink, so I’m thirsty / hungry.

Enrico: Oh, no! Here, have some water.

Lee: Thanks. And you? How are / Where are you?

Enrico: Not good. I’m angry / tired.

Lee: Oh, no! What’s the matter / the homework?

Enrico: I can’t find my pencil.

Lee: Here. You can borrow my pencil.

Enrico: Great, thanks. Now I’m sad / happy!

2 Look and write.

2 hungry 3 fine 4 are you 5 the matter 6 you OK

School Trip 1: The Miraikan

1 Remember the video. Circle the robots from the video.

2 Read and write. ASIMO the Robot

It’s the science class school trip at the Miraikan Museum. Today, the students can see a real robot named ASIMO. ASIMO is a “humanoid” robot— it looks a bit like a man.

It has a head but it doesn’t have eyes. ASIMO’s “eyes” are a camera. It has a body,two arms, and two legs. It can walk and run. It can even jump! But it isn’t happy or sad like you or me. It doesn’t have feelings.

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX