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LOOK 1 课本答案

1 Things for School(一单元)

3 Reading

3 Read again and circle.

2. black 3. red

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle

2 No, it isn't. 3 No, it isn't. 4 Yes, it is.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle. 

3 Listen and find. Write the letter.

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers. 

2 Toys(二单元)

3 Reading

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle.

2 Olga: No, it isn't. 3 Olga: Yes, it is. 4 Olga: No, it isn't.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the letter.

2 e 3 h 4 f

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers. 

Function 1: Classroom language 1 (teacher to student)

1 Listen and complete.

Knock! Knock!

Teacher: Come in. Hello, Sandra. Sit down.

OK, boys and girls. Open your books. Let’s read.

Sandra: Oh, no! This isn’t my English book!

Teacher: Raise your hand, Sandra.

Sandra: Can I look at your book, please?

Teacher: Yes, OK. Now be quiet, Sandra.

Teacher: Close your books now. Time to go home!

Stand up, boys and girls. Goodbye!

Sandra: Here’s your book.

Teacher: Thank you, Sandra.

3 Read and match.

School Trip 1

1 BEFORE YOU WATCH Look at the photo. Circle.

2 WHILE YOU WATCH What toys are in the video? Check (√).

3 AFTER YOU WATCH Read and circle.

Review 1: Units 1–2

1 Look and color.

2 red 3 blue 4 yellow

2 Look and write.

2 kite 3 doll 4 game

3 Read and circle.

1 No, it isn’t. 2 It’s a bag. 3 Yes, it is. 4 No, it isn’t.

4 Listen and number.

3 People(三单元)

2 Grammar

3 Read and circle.

2  She’s

3 Reading

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle.

1 Yes, she is. 2 No, he isn’t. 3 No, she isn’t.4 Yes, he is.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the letter.

1 l 2 i 3 j 4 k


1 Watch and match. Write the numbers. 


4 My Family(四单元)

2 Grammar

3 Read and match.

3 Reading

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

1.F 2.T 3.F4.T5.T

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle.

1 His 2 Her 3 Her

3 Listen and match.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the letter.

1 p 2 o 3 n 4 m

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

Reading Extra 1

1 What’s in the photo? Is it day or night?


3 Complete the chart. 

4 Look. Write d for day or n for night.

2 d 3 d 4 n 5 n 6 d

Review 2: Units 3–4

1 Look and read. Write a (√) or an (×).

1√ 2✗3✗4√

2 Match.

3 Read and match.

4 Read and circle.

1His 2Her 3His 4Her 5His

5 My Body(五单元)

2 Grammar

3 Listen and number.

3 Reading

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle.

1. He has 2 He doesn't have 3 She doesn't have 4 She has

3 Listen and draw lines. 

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle. 

3 Listen and find. Write the letter. 

1u 2s 3q 4t 5r

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers. 

6 Homes(六单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write. 

1's  in  2 Where's  in

3 Reading

3 Read again and circle. 

1 bedroom 2 white 3 small

4 Grammar

2 Read and circle

1 on 2 under 3 next to

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the letter.

1 w 2 y 3 x 4 z 5 v

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

Function 2: Classroom language 2 (student to student)

1 Listen and complete.

Gil: Hi, Sandra. Let’s work together . Where’s the activity?

Sandra: It’s on page 20. It’s Activity 3.

Gil: OK. Let’s take turns. Me first. Number 1. This is a cat.

Sandra: Yes. It’s my turn. Number 2. This is a monkey.

Gil: Can we write the answers in the book?

Sandra: Yes. Look!

Gil: Can I borrow a pencil?

Sandra: Yes, here.

Gil: Thank you. Oh no! This isn’t correct. Please pass the eraser.

Read and circle.

1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B

School Trip 2

1 BEFORE YOU WATCH Look at the photo. Answer.

1 big 2 yes 3 a dad

WHILE YOU WATCH Watch and circle.

3 AFTER YOU WATCH Read and circle.

1 mom 2 in a tree 3 dad 4 Five

Review 3: Units 5–6

1 Read and number.

2 Complete the chart. Use the words in the box.

3 Write has or doesn't have.

1 has 2 doesn't have 3 has 4 has

4 Listen and circle.

1B 2A 3B 4A

7 My Town(七单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write

1 There 2 There 3 There's 4 There's

3 Reading

3 Read again. Complete the sentences.

1 model 2 houses 3 boy 4 flowers 5 trees

4 Grammar

2 Write There’s or There are.

1 There's 2 There are 3 There's 4 There are

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word.

1man 2bat 3map 4jam 5bag

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

8 On the Farm(八单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write can or can’t. 

1can 2can 3can't 4can 5can 6can't

3 Reading

3 Read again. Complete the sentences.

1animals 2friends 3pen 4sheep 5food

4 Grammar

2 Read and answer.

2Yes, it can. 3No, it can't. 4Yes, it can. 5No, it can't.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word.

1bed 2pen 3pet 4leg 5yes

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

Reading Extra 2

2 Listen and read. Can the frog jump from the milk? Can he jump from the butter?

No, he can’t. Yes, he can.

3 Read, look, and write. 

1bucket 2swim 3can't 4butter jump

4 Read and write.

1can 2can't 3can 4can't 5can't

Review 4: Units 7–8

1 Look and read. Write (√) or (×).

1× 2√ 3× 4√

2 Listen and write the numbers.

1 nine 2 three 3 eight 4 four

3 Write There's or There are.

1 There are  There's

2 There's  There are

4 Write.

1 a bird walk  can

2 a donkey sing  can't

3 Can a cow talk?  No, it can't

4 Can a dog run?  Yes, it can.

9 My Clothes(九单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write.

1Are are

2Are these aren't

3Are these your  Yes they

4Are these your socks  they aren't

3 Reading

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

2 Read and answer. 

2 It's blue. 3 They're green. 4It's white. 5They're brown.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word.

1lip 2six 3sit 4bin 5big

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers. 

10 Eat and Drink(十单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write like or don’t like.

1 like 2 don't like 3 don't like 4 like

3 Reading

3 Read again. Complete the sentences.

1 two 2 lunch 3 trays 4 table 5 rice

4 Grammar 

2 Write.

2 Do  No, I don't.

3 Do you  It's OK.

4 Do you like  Yes, I do.

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word.

1dot 2dog 3fox 4nod 5mop

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

Function 3: Classroom language 3 (student to teacher)

1 Listen and complete.

Teacher: Now look at the picture of the farm.

Sandra: What page?

Teacher: Page fifteen, Sandra.

Sandra: Thank you.

Sandra: How do you say “pato” in English?

Teacher: It’s duck, Sandra. Duck.

Sandra: How do you spell duck?

Teacher: It’s d-u-c-k.

Sandra: I don't understand. What does huge mean?

Teacher: It means “very big,” Sandra. Anything else?

Sandra: Yes! Can I go to the bathroom ?

3 Read and match.

School Trip 3

1 BEFORE YOU WATCH Look at the photo. Answer.

1 bags 2 outside 3 a market

2 WHILE YOU WATCH What things are in the video? Check (√)

3 AFTER YOU WATCH Read and circle.

1 woman 2 bird 3 head 4 toys

Review 5: Units 9–10

1 Look and write.

1 j e a n s 2 s h i r t 3 s o c k s 4 d r e s s

2 Look and read. Write (√) or (×).

1√ 2√ 3× 4×

4 Write like or don’t like.

1 like 2 don’t like 3 like 4 don’t like

11 Beach Vacations(十一单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write There isn’t or There aren’t.

1There aren't 2There isn't 3There aren't 4There isn't

3 Reading

3 Read again. Answer the questions.

1 two 2 in the water 3 masks 4 yes 5 fish

4 Grammar

2 Write is, isn't, are, or aren't.

A: Is there a beach in your town?

B: Yes, there is.

A: Great! And is there an ice cream shop?

B: No, there isn't.

A:Are there candy shops?

B: No, there aren't!

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word

1 bus 2 bug 3 run 4 cup 4 jug

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

12Free Time(十二单元)

2 Grammar

3 Write.

1. A: Let's sing a song!

B: No!

2. A:Let's fly a kite!

B: Great idea!

3 Reading

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

1T 2F 3F 4T 5F

4 Grammar

2 Write We’re or We aren’t

1 We aren't 2 We're 3 We aren't 4 We aren't

6 Phonics

2 Listen, chant, and circle.

3 Listen and find. Write the word

1 red 2 hot 3 hat 4 kid 5 sun

7 Video

1 Watch and match. Write the numbers.

Reading Extra 3

2 Listen and read. How many colors are in the text?


3 Answer the questions.

1 A color wheel shows us how to make new colors.

2 Three

3 Three

4 We can add white.

5 We can add black.

4 Think and write a color.

1 orange 2 green 3 purple 4 pink 5 dark blue

5 Work in groups. Answer these questions. 

1 brown 2 gray

Review 6: Units 11–12

1 Read and match.

2 Read and complete. Use four words.

A: Let’s go outside. Let’s fly a kite!

B: No. Let’s play a game in the living room! That’s fun.

A: No. Let’s go in the kitchen. Let’s make a cake!

B: Mom is in the kitchen, and there aren’t eggs.

A: You’re right! Let’s paint a picture!

B: No. Let’s go in the yard. Let’s read a book!

A: Great idea! We can sit under a tree. Come on!

3 Write is, isn’t, are, or aren’t.

1. Is there a beach ball in the store? Yes, there is.

2.Are there shells in the ocean? No, there aren't.

3.Is there an apple in the bag? No, there isn't .

4.Are there boys in the park? Yes, there are .

4 Write.

1.We're in the living room. Let’s sing a song!

2.We're in the classroom. Let’s write a story!

3. We're in the yard. Let’s play a game!

4. We're on the beach. Let’s fly a kite!

BONUS School Trip

2 WHILE YOU WATCH What animal kites are in the video? Check (√).

3 AFTER YOU WATCH Read and circle.

1 at the beach

2 animals

3 purple

4 brown

BONUS Reading Extra

1 Look at the picture. Match.

2 Listen and read. What’s an elephant?

3 Write. Then match.


1 What can you remember about the texts in this book?

1 Unit 1 c

2 Unit 2 a

3 Unit 3 b

4 Unit 4 a

5 Reading Extra 1 b

6 Unit 5 a

7 Unit 6 a

8 Unit 7 c

9 Unit 8 c

10 Reading Extra 2 a

11 Unit 9 a

12 Unit 10 b

13 Unit 11 b

14 Unit 12 c

15 Reading Extra 3 a

16 BONUS Reading Extra c

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