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English in Mind 5 课本答案 Unit 9

9.Survival instincts(九单元)

1.b:The situations mentioned are: a man getting his arm stuck in some machinery; babies spitting out bitter-tasting food; parents lifting cars off trapped children; people surviving in the jungle after a plane crash; annoying people picking on you.

c:Points 5 and 7 are not raised.


1 fear of books 2 fear of fire 3 fear of animals 4 fear of change 5 fear of vegetables 6 fear of putting on weight 7 fear of foreign people 8 fear of everything

2.a:2b 3d 4g 5f 6a 7e

3.a:1 no specific time 2 often true 3 no specific time at all

b:present continuous; will; tend

c:2 to 3 will/'ll 4 doing 5 not 6 will/'ll 7 tends

4.b:tiredness; insomnia; skin problems; colds and flu; headaches

c:1 It can make you alert and focused and stimulate you to work even harder.

2 He would often work long hours a few days before an exam or sit up all night to get an essay in.

3 because he wasn't eating properly and he was going out more than he used to

4 She told him to take a short break and try to get back into a routine of eating and sleeping well. She also told him to take plenty of exercise and try to set realistic goals.

5.a:2a 1f 4e 5h 6g 7c 8d

b:1 Take a break 2 put your feet up 3 don't overdo it 4 Do some exercise 5 Don't be

too hard on yourself. 6 Don't let things get on top of you. 7 chill out 8 take a deep breath

7.a:1 March 29

2 January 17

3 March 16

b:1 He was extremely disappointed and he felt sorry for his team.

2 He knew it would be very difficult and tiring.

3 and 4 students' own answers

8.a:1 A report and a proposal

2 The aim of the report is to show the principal of your college the activities that tend to cause the most anxiety and the signs of pressure that students most commonly show. The aim of the proposal is to suggest things that the college can do to help students who suffer from stress.

3 Possible questions: When do you feel stressed? Do you find exams stressful? How

do you know that you are stressed?

4 In the report, statistics are useful. In the proposal, there should be recommendations

and suggestions.

5 Language should be formal and factual.

b:1 proposal 2 report 3 report 4 proposal 5 report 6 proposal 7 report 8 proposal 9 proposal

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