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English in Mind S 练习册答案 Unit 5

5.They've got brown eyes(五单元)

1.2 brown 3 She hasn't got 4 likes 5 forest 6 stupid

2.a:2d 3b 4a

b:2 have got 3 's got 4 've got 5 've got 6 's got 7 's got 8 have got

c:2 Tom hasn't got a mobile phone.

3 Jessie and Tom haven't got a big family.

4 Tom's got a CD player.

5 Jessie's got brown hair.

6 Jessie and Tom have got brown eyes.

7 Tom hasn't got a computer.

8 Jessie's got a computer.

d:2 Has, got; Yes, he has. 3 Have, got; No , I haven't. 4 Has, got; No , she hasn't. 5 Have, got; Yes, they have. 6 Has, got; No , he hasn't.

e:Example answers

2 I've got long fingers. 3 My sister's got a nice smile. 4 My parents haven't got an old car.

3.a:1 ear 2 eye 3 face 4 hair 5 mouth 6 nose 8 hand 9 finger 10 thumb 11 leg 12 foot

b:2 cheek 3 eyelash 4 earlobe 5 lips

c:2 eyes 3 nose 4 smile 5 good-looking 6 green 7 wavy

d:2a 3f 4с 5g 6e 7b

e:Now , I just need to get some details from you .

What's your first name ?

Right, and your surname?

Ah ... how do you spell that, please?

Thanks . Now , how old are you?

And what's your address ?

Sorry, can you repeat that, please?

OK , fine. And what's your phone number ?

And your mobile number ?

Right, that's it, then . We'll send you your

membership card in the next day or two.

4.1 They've got wavy hair.

2 We've got twelve TVs .

3 Steve lives near the river.

4 He gives five interviews every day.

5 Vivien drives to the university.

5.2 cat 3 budgie 4 hamster 5 guinea pig 6 rabbit 7 snake 8 spider 9 lizard

6:Adjectives for hair: curly, straight, dark, fair

Other adjectives : interesting, boring, cheap, expensive, intelligent, stupid

7.Sarah: Who's this? In the photo ?

Joe: What photo ? Oh - that's my sister's new boyfriend .

Sarah: Oh yeah? What's his name?

Joe: Gilles .

Sarah: What was that ?

Joe: Gilles - G-l-double L-E-S. He's Swiss, but his family lives over here now.

Sarah: Swiss, right. So he speaks German .

Joe: No , he doesn't - he speaks French. He comes from Geneva . They speak French in that part of Switzerland.

Sarah: How old is he?

Joe: He's 21.

Sarah: He's got nice eyes. Are they green? It's a small photo .

Joe: No , they're blue. Look - you can see.

Sarah: Oh yeah, they're blue. He's quit e good - looking, isn't he?

Joe: Oh , he's all right, I guess. Nothing special.

Sarah: Yes, he is! He's got really nice fair hair.

Joe: Yeah, well my sister thinks he's fantastic . She never stops talking about...

2 Swiss 4 French 5 21 6 blue 7 fair

8.a:Picture 3

b:2 No , he hasn't. He's got short black hair.

3 No , they aren't. They're from Hong Kong.

4 Yes, she has. She works in a restaurant.

5 No , she doesn't. She works in a library.

6 No , he doesn't. He studies Computer Science.

Unit check

1.1 isn't 2 he's 3 wavy 4 clothes 5 good-looking 6 haven't 7 fair 8 eyes 9 wears

2.2a 3c 4b 5b 6a 7b 8b 9c

3.2 wrist 3 cheek 4 lips 5 earlobe 6 neck 7 elbow 8 eyebrow 9 back

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